Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 689: Esprit slows down

Ancestor sacrifice is a very important part of the ancient ethics and beliefs. It is not just a matter of emotional sustenance, but also related to the composition of social structure and basic operating order.

Filial piety is not just a matter of personal moral integrity. It often determines whether a person is qualified to participate in broader social activities and division of labor. An unfilial person will not only be cast aside by society, but will also lose room for political advancement.

In the early years of Datong, the Western Wei Dynasty had just breathed a sigh of relief with its victory in the Battle of Shayuan and recovered Heluo. Then Yuwentai accompanied Emperor Yuan Baoju to Luoyang to worship his ancestors, which triggered the Battle of Heqiao. .

This is of course not because of personal preferences, but to create the legitimacy of his regime. Whether it is a large political power or a small family, sacrifice is a fundamental issue that constructs the rationality of its existence. For example, when Hou Jing usurped the Liang Dynasty, not to mention the Seven Temples, and even the name of his grandfather was not known, the so-called founding of the Han Dynasty and proclaiming himself emperor was like a farce.

The famous calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy "Sangluan Calligraphy" by the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi was written out of grief after hearing that the tombs of his ancestors had been destroyed.

If Li Tai uses other reasons to attract people from Jiangling to come north, it may not work, but if he uses this reason, it will be difficult for those people whose ancestral home is Nanyang to refuse. This also provides an excuse for some people who are interested in moving north, allowing them to travel between the two places and complete the transfer of people and property.

When Liu Guangde heard this, he completely understood what Li Tai meant. He immediately stood up and bowed to Li Tai deeply: "Thank you, General, for your guidance. No, thank you, General, for your acceptance! People who are not talented are not good at things. I only hope to be able to do it." Help the ancestors return to their hometown for burial, so that my father and ancestors will not be wandering ghosts in foreign lands..."

"Liu Lang has this ambition to tell the story of his ancestors. He is indeed a pure and good man. He is worthy of being a descendant of a famous family. His upbringing is very admirable."

Seeing that Liu Guangde was so successful, Li Tai said with a smile, but based on his current status, if it is just to attract a Nanyang Liu family to return to his hometown, it is not worthy of his personal appearance.

So after a brief compliment, Li Tai sighed again: "Liu Lang has a distinguished family background, and his father and ancestors are all prominent people who are admired by the times, so it is clear to trace the ancestral traces. However, there are still many people in the world who live in other places but lack family heritage. The guide, because of his ignorance, is stigmatized as unfilial and corrupts the morality and customs of a village and a place."

"What the general said makes sense. Some of the ancestors' biographies also know that troubled times are difficult and making a living is not easy. Fortunately, our ancestors have devoted themselves to learning the Tao and passing it on for many generations, so that we can still follow the legacy and recount the virtues of our ancestors. But it is true that there are People did not respect learning and Taoism, so that the family learning was passed down from generation to generation and the inheritance was out of order. Even though the descendants wanted to tell the story of their ancestors, the genealogy was lost and there was no way to trace it. "

When Liu Guangde said this, his expression and tone were quite proud. There are many families like the Nanyang Liu family who fled to Jiangling, but not many can pass it on from generation to generation in an orderly manner and have not declined to this day. This is the heritage of a family.

After hearing this, Li Tai smiled and nodded to express his agreement, and then said: "The Liu family in Nanyang, Nanyang County, has great scholarship and benevolent governance. He is an example of southern people. Liu Lang must also have a deep knowledge of his family. I would like to ask Mr. Lang Review and correct family biographies, and if there are any stories about Nanyang people, compile them and compile them into volumes. If there are any missing family biographies and genealogies, they will be compiled into a volume. As a result, Liu Lang can be said to be a man of great virtue and virtue as his name suggests."

The Nanyang Liu family alone is not worthy of Li Tai's personal appearance, but if it extends to the entire Jiangling Shiliu, his face can be wiped off.

In order to prevent some Shiliu people from returning to Nanyang to worship their ancestors for various reasons, he simply compiled a book "Where Are the Ancestors" as an index reference book for those Jiangling Shiliu people who went to the graves to burn paper. Who will come and who will not come when the time comes? Just follow what this reference book summarizes clearly for you, and reject all forms of cheating, cheating, and cyber clocking.

However, there are currently no talents in this field in Jingzhou, and his contacts with people in Jiangling are relatively limited. Even if there are some respected masters and elders, they may not be willing to listen to his mercy.

The Liu Guangde in front of him is a very suitable candidate. He has repeatedly expressed his eagerness to leave Jiangling, and Li Tai is also happy to accept him, but the surrender letter also affects his future after coming to Mianbei. How is the treatment?

Although Liu Guangde himself is a young man with a relatively low reputation, his uncle and father are famous people in Jiangling. Presumably, he compiled a list of Nanyang's old clans in the name of his ancestors, which will also cause some stir among Jianghan.

The Jingzhou General Office can use this to vigorously promote the tourism project of returning to hometowns to visit graves, and force those who gather in Jiangling to come to Miobei through moral kidnapping and inciting public opinion. If we can make friends with Southern Dynasty writers like Yu Xin carefully and continue to promote this project, will the day when Nanyang and Jiangling be close be far behind?

"This, this, the general has a grand plan and a far-reaching strategy. It would be a great honor if someone can be used for it. But I am afraid that my talent is shallow and my words are clumsy, and I can't fully show the depth of my knowledge. I can forgive anyone for making mistakes, but if If you delay something important, it will be a big sin!”

When Liu Guangde heard this, he lowered his head and began to ponder. After a while, he spoke with some embarrassment.

Li Tai knew that what he was really worried about was not necessarily his lack of talent, but the fear that something unexpected would happen during the execution of the operation, which would have a bad impact on his family's reputation.

After all, the social and political atmosphere of the Southern Dynasties has not changed for many years, making these so-called descendants of famous families accustomed to enjoying privileges without assuming corresponding obligations, and even the most basic exchanges of equal value are often ignored.

"It is indeed not an easy task to write something and spread it to the world. I originally thought that Liu Lang, a son of a famous family and a well-educated family, should have the youthful vigor and live up to the heroic spirit preached. But now I have many worries, It's not harmful to slow down the pace of Esprit. Although it may not be as powerful as the previous one, it can still be conservative and not make rash mistakes. "

Li Tai did not turn his back directly, but continued to smile and said, I thought you were a person, but you are not. If I give you a chance, you will be useless!

Since he wanted to stick to his laurels, there was no need to continue talking, so Li Tai raised his hand to signal the servants to come in and collect the meals on his desk, and ordered: "Go to Hongbin Tower tomorrow morning to invite Zong Ling into the house. I would like to ask if he has any unique insights into the characters of Jing and Xiang beyond his years of age."

Looking for someone to work with is not about falling in love. Since it's not suitable, there's no need to continue being tired. While the waiters were clearing the table, Li Tai also stood up from the table, smiled at Liu Guangde and nodded before leaving the table.

Liu Guangde did not expect that General Li would fall out so quickly and would interrupt the conversation if he disagreed. Seeing that Li Tai had already stood up and left the table, his mind was suddenly full of thoughts and anxiety. After all, he couldn't hold it back and hurriedly said: "General, please stay for now. Please allow me..."

However, Li Tai had no intention of stopping. He just walked to the door and said with a smile to Liu Guangde: "The person in charge of the army has the most important time. When he enters the sea, he will sleep and urge me at all times. If Liu Lang is still not satisfied, he will stay. Here, a government official will come to accompany you later.”

After saying this, he left the living room, leaving only Liu Guangde with a look of shock and regret.

After waiting for Li Tai's figure to disappear at the door of the living room for a while, Liu Guangde's expression changed. He wanted to run away several times, but his legs could not move like lead. His mind was churning with thoughts, and he finally sat down at the table.

After a while, an official from the General Manager's Office came in. He cupped his fists and smiled at Liu Guangde who was sitting slumped at the table: "I have been ordered to serve distinguished guests in this humble position. Do you want to continue to stay here or transfer to another hall?"

"No, no need. I kindly ask you to lend me some pen and ink for now. Let me leave you a letter addressed to General Li, and then I'll take my leave."

In just a short while, Liu Guangde's voice became hoarse due to the torment of annoyance and anxiety, and he spoke to the subordinate officer in a harsh voice.

After hearing this, the official ordered the servants to bring pen and ink stationery. Seeing Liu Guangde writing at his desk, he also sat at the table on the other side to accompany him.

Liu Guangde's writing skills were smooth at first, but gradually he became slower. He knew that because of his lack of responsibility and sincerity, he had left a bad impression on General Li and missed the good opportunity to give him the opportunity. If he failed to convey his wishes and could not make up for his previous mistakes, what would happen to Mianbei? The door may be closed to him at this point.

Caring about everything leads to chaos. Under such huge psychological pressure, Liu Guangde became more and more worried about gains and losses. He also considered the words of this letter that could determine his future and destiny more and more, and spent more and more time thinking about the words.

Originally he said he was going to say goodbye and leave after writing a letter, but time passed quietly while he was thinking about it. Originally, the government official thought it was a relatively easy task, and he could get off work after seeing off this guest. But gradually he discovered that something was unusual. The man's hand became stiffer and stiffer, and he couldn't even write a word for most of an hour.

He didn't know what the secret of what this person was writing was, and he didn't dare to speak out to urge him, so he could only sit aside with a grimace, just watching the candlelight dying out and ordering the servant to put on more candles, and unknowingly he bent down at his desk. Fall into a deep sleep.

After Li Tai got up early in the morning and had a meal, he went straight to the front office to handle official duties. After taking a short rest after handling the case, it was time to receive guests again. Zong Miao, who had sent someone to summon him, had been waiting in the front hall of the General Manager's Mansion for a while. While he was waiting for people to come in, he went to the living room to wait. After entering the courtyard, he was informed that Liu Guangde had not left since last night. Just sitting at my desk writing.

Hearing this, Li Tai was naturally a little curious, so he walked towards the hall again, and saw Liu Guangde sitting in the seat with a pale and haggard expression, his eyes were distracted and dull, and he softly called out: "Liu Lang, are you there?" inappropriate?"

"I made a mistake in my response, which caused the general to leave in disappointment. I sincerely ask the general to forgive me and return my favor. I will do my job sincerely and live up to my duty!"

Hearing General Li's voice again, Liu Guangde's dull expression suddenly became alarmed, he pushed the case forward and bowed, and said in a trembling voice.

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