Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 708 Thinking of my beloved general

In the south of Huazhou City, Li Tai's cousin Li Pei and his second brother Li Chao had been waiting here with several servants early in the morning. When they saw Li Tai and his entourage approaching on horseback, they all strode forward to greet them.

"Thirteenth Lang."


Li Tai turned over and dismounted, nodded to the two brothers and said to Li Pei: "I encountered some accidents during the trip. I came back two days late. Brother, I have been waiting for you."

Before leaving Jingzhou, Li Tai sent people to inform his family of his approximate return date. However, emergencies would inevitably occur during long-distance travel, and Li Tai encountered heavy rain on the way, which delayed his trip.

"Family, why are you so polite?"

After hearing this, Li Pei waved her hands and said with a smile, and then said: "According to Thirteenth Lang's instruction, we did not inform the public about your return date, but envoys from Daxingtai came to ask this morning. You have returned now, so you should go home and rest first." Or come to the house to see me?"

Li Tai's previous return to Guanzhong was always before the Chinese New Year, and his itinerary was not kept secret, so there was no shortage of people who came to greet him. But this time he returned in the middle of the year, and he also encountered some unharmonious situations at home. He didn't want to make any big announcements to avoid being true, so he told his family to keep a low profile.

"It's better to go to the house to see you first."

Li Tai thought for a while and then said that the situation in the country is changing more subtly now. In addition, as a military and political official in charge of southeastern affairs, Li Tai's every move will inevitably be closely watched and excessively discussed and interpreted. In this situation In this case, your words and deeds should not leave too much room for imagination.

Li Pei nodded after hearing this, and then said to Li Chao: "The Fourteenth Master will go home first to tell the news. If any relatives or friends come to visit, they will be entertained in the middle hall first."

Nowadays, their family is no longer as small as before Li Tai. In addition to their respective responsibilities, they also have different divisions of labor in domestic and foreign affairs and human relations. For example, Li Pei is responsible for the human relations here in Huazhou. Although Li Tai stayed outside all year round, his cousins ​​maintained the relationship between relatives and friends, and they would not be alienated and indifferent.

After hearing this, Li Chao nodded, thanked his brother for his hard work, and then led a few servants and some goods that Li Tai had brought back from Jingzhou to go home first, while Li Pei returned to Zhongwai Mansion with Li Tai.

After some renovations and expansions, the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Palace today is even more majestic, and its scale is no less than that of the Imperial Palace in Chang'an. When it comes to the busy personnel in the palace, it is several times more than that of the Imperial Palace in Chang'an.

The group had just arrived in front of the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office, when someone who recognized Li Tai hurried in to greet them. Li Tai dismounted in front of the mansion and exchanged greetings with some of the government officials. The number of people gathered around him suddenly increased several times. Whether they knew him or not, they all wanted to get in front and say a few words.

In just a short time, the front of the mansion was already overcrowded, and the entire front door of the Chinese and Foreign Mansion was completely blocked by people who came after hearing the news. Several Feng and others accompanying the escort held the hilts of their sabers and followed Li Tai closely as he moved among the crowd. Even if they met other acquaintances saying hello, they all turned a deaf ear.

"Everyone, get out of the way! It's a hard journey on the road in Taiyuan, so don't block the way!"

After a while, a group of sword-wielding guards came out of the mansion to control the noisy situation. Wang Yue, who led these armored soldiers to maintain order and greet Li Tai, stepped forward to disperse the crowd, then walked all the way to Li Tai and bowed deeply. He said: "Mr. Taiyuan returns to the mansion today, and I am sorry for not being able to welcome him from afar. I will remember the kindness I received from you in rescuing people from difficulties in my heart. When I come to worship the Lord, I beg you, Mr. Taiyuan, to come to the mansion so that I can entertain you and express my gratitude!"

Li Tai naturally knew Wang Yue, but they didn't have any close contact with each other, they were just a nodding acquaintance.

The reason why Wang Yue was so respectful and attentive to him was because he entered Shu last year and was trapped in a tight siege. In the end, he relied on Li Tai to capture the son of Wuling King Xiao Ji and then sent people to negotiate with Shu. Wang Yue and others were able to Evacuate Shuzhong and return safely. Putting aside official considerations, from a personal perspective, Li Tai also had a life-saving grace for Wang Yue, so he had such an attitude.

Li Tai's current position of power, even if he didn't do it deliberately, many people would benefit a lot or suffer a lot because of his actions. He accepted Wang Yue's gratitude with a smile and agreed to visit on a certain day.

The Jingzhao Wang family is also a large family in Guanzhong. Even though Li Tai does not need to be cared for and supported in official affairs, the family moved to Guanzhong and settled down, and they also wanted to spread their branches and maintain a good relationship with these famous local families in Guanzhong. Interactive relationships are also beneficial and harmless.

With Wang Yue leading people into the mansion, although there were still people on both sides of the road greeting each other, there were no more people directly blocking the road. In this way, the group of people went straight to the outside of the Zhitang of Zhongwai Mansion.

The original Taifu was renamed as Zhongwaifu. Not only was the name changed, but the personnel structure and various regulations were also adjusted accordingly.

Official positions such as Shangshu Langzuo of the former Taifu are gradually being eliminated and transformed into a series of official positions with more domineering characteristics. To put it more bluntly, the power of Daxingtai has become greater, and the entire Chinese and foreign governments have It operates around one person in Daxingtai. Some matters that needed to be discussed before can now be resolved by Daxingtai in one word, eliminating many intermediate procedures.

Changing the operation of the Bafu to be more authoritarian and efficient, and making the court personnel more complex and bloated, this is a keynote of Yuwentai's reform and adjustment in recent years. Including the later implementation of the six-official system, it was not for the purpose of regularizing the operation of court personnel.

Although the evaluation of the six-official system in the history of institutional reform is not very high, Yuwen's subsequent performance of protecting the emperor and killing the emperor as casually as pinching a chicken also proved that at least from the perspective of the hegemony, this set of gadgets is quite useful. of.

It is difficult for the emperor to accumulate his own political capital through normal government affairs and personnel operations, so as to deal with powerful ministers at the political level. In the end, the transfer of power relies on street gangster fighting methods such as beating sap.

Li Tai was still thinking about what he knew about Bafu's personnel reforms. Several more people came out of the hall, and the first one turned out to be Director Yuwen, the general manager of Qinzhou.

Seeing Director Yuwen striding towards him with fists clasped, Li Tai did not dare to neglect him. He took two steps towards Director Yuwen, clasped his fists and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang Wugong, it's been a long time!"

Since Yuwen Duo was appointed governor of Qinzhou, Li Tai's contact with him has decreased. After that, the two men successively became the general manager and the general. Current public opinion often discusses them together, but in fact they have even fewer interactions. Yu Wentai also seemed to avoid direct contact with the two of them. Even when they returned to court to report on their work or entertain family banquets, they rarely arranged for the two of them to meet.

"Mr. Taiyuan, alas, I'd better call you Boshan. This can alleviate my shame of being a laggard."

As he said this, the smile on Director Yuwen's face was quite friendly and kind.

Compared with his brother Yu Wenhu, Director Yu Wenhu gave people the impression of being a little less shrewd and a little less sinister. Moreover, because Daxingtai admired and relied heavily on his nephew, he was well-known both internally and externally, and was popular. Not too bad either.

In recent years, although there has been some discussion about the relative merits of taking two more people, some people who think that Yu Wen's meritorious service is far less than that of Li Tai often have to add that if Zhang Wu Gong had not been a guard in Guanzhong every time he used troops, his meritorious service would definitely be the same. Be stronger and never stop at the current deeds.

"Those who are good at fighting have no illustrious achievements, and those who do good things are indiscriminate. Who among the people in the matter doesn't know how capable and thorough Zhang Wugong is!"

Naturally, Li Tai would not underestimate Director Yuwen because of current public opinion. His ability to take over Longyou from his father-in-law and manage it smoothly to this day was not just because he was Yuwentai's nephew. And even Yuwentai's name is not as famous as inside the pass after passing Longguan.

In addition to Director Yuwen, they were greeted by Yuchi Jiong and several other Bafu generals. Because Daxingtai was still waiting in the hall, they briefly greeted each other before entering the hall together.

When Li Tai walked into the main hall, Yu Wentai was also walking slowly. They looked at each other and quickened their pace, just like lovers meeting again after a long separation and running in both directions.

Li Taifang bent down to worship, and Yu Wentai rushed up, hugged Li Tai's arms with both hands, and laughed loudly: "I miss my beloved general with hunger and thirst! Although the words in the old message are as clear as words Hello, how can the ink mark be so kind and impressive as that of a real person? Eating poor grains and fine cheese can make people lose weight, but who else can take on the important task in the southeast? Give Boshan plenty of food and drink, and don’t say anything else!”

Li Tai was held up by his arms and couldn't bow down. He immediately indulged in the sweet words and twisted for a long time before taking advantage of Yu Wentai's strength to make a deep and deep bow. At the same time, he replied in his mouth: "I will kiss you, my Lord. How dare I not repay you as a nobleman of the country? The Lord misses me so much, how can I not think of him like crazy? People who are incompetent! Only in this way are they eager to serve, so that our Lord's grace will be felt in Jianghan, so he will not give in and make no progress!"

"Good, very good! Every time Bo Shan has something to say, he always makes people feel happy and refreshed. With such a good minister to pacify Jianghan, I have nothing to worry about!"

Yu Wentai took Li Tai's hand and said with a smile to everyone in the hall, his satisfaction was beyond words.

Although Yu Wentai said that he would not talk about other things until he was satisfied with feeding Li Tai, Hou Jing, the devil, was naturally not an ordinary personnel matter. Wang Sengbian sent his brothers and sisters in such a good manner without even saying a national gift. It’s no exaggeration, of course, it must be presented to the boss for review and appreciation as soon as possible.

So after Yu Wentai returned to his seat and sat down, Li Tai hurriedly started the matter and asked the Daxingtai attendants to come out of the hall to bring Hou Jing's brothers and sisters into the hall for a look. That thing was so scary that he didn’t take it with him!

After Yuwentai heard this, his interest immediately increased, and he quickly waved for someone to get it quickly.

When the wooden box containing Hou Jing's hands and feet was brought out and presented to the case, Yu Wentai took a few glances and burst into laughter: "Although I hate that this stubborn thief could not be killed in my hands, it is a pleasure to see this flesh and blood now!" Order, let the people in the mansion have a banquet on this day, and let the people in the mansion tell the story of this traitor. Even if such an ungrateful person is rampant for a while, he will inevitably be abandoned by heaven!"

When he said this, Yu Wentai was also filled with anger. Although Hou Jing's efforts in recent years have done the most harm to the Eastern Wei Dynasty, especially to Nanliang, the Western Wei Dynasty has benefited from Hou Jing's efforts and has greatly increased its profits and strengthened its national strength.

But Hou Jing, the guy who went back on his word last year, also gave Yu Wentai a hard blow, which made him feel that his face was greatly damaged, and he naturally didn't like Hou Jing very much in his heart. Moreover, these two and five boys have taken betrayal to the extreme, and are a good material for any gang leader to strengthen the ideological construction of the team.

Thanks to Li Tai's achievements in Jianghan and his intimidation of the Jiangling military government, the Western Wei Dynasty finally got a share of Hou Jing's bones. It would be a waste not to use them to disgust the masses, so Yuwen Tai Dang even decided to call everyone together to take care of a meal and criticize Hou Jing, the big bad guy.

There are at least a few hundred people working in the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office, and it will take a certain amount of time to prepare for the banquet. So Li Tai chatted with Daxingtai in the hall for a while, mainly talking about his interactions with the Jiangling military government during this period, and the process of Wang Sengbian and other Jiangling people quelling Hou Jing's rebellion.

"Who is this Chen Baxian? Although I have heard this name occasionally, I don't know everything about him. But from what Boshan said about the military affairs of the Southern Liang Dynasty, this disciple seems to be very courageous and well-organized!"

While listening to Li Tai's story, Yu Wentai couldn't help but ask.

Although Chen Baxian was well-known in later generations, many people only knew him but not his facts. Specifically speaking at the moment, although Chen Baxian gained prestige and fame in suppressing the rebellion in Jiaozhou, he was still a relatively unknown existence in the Northern Dynasties. After all, the Northern Dynasty controlled the world, and the most indispensable thing was the heroic deeds of elite soldiers and generals. A Southern Dynasty general far away in Lingnan didn't take it to heart even if he heard about it.

But one thing is that Chen Baxian's military and political talents, as well as the pattern he displayed in the process of countering the rebellion, were obviously much better than Wang Sengbian. Including the soldiers of the Northern Dynasty, not to mention committing crimes in gangs, each one who was able to make some achievements also won a lottery ticket of his own. But Chen Baxian really built a brilliant career by himself and worked hard, and he is well-deserved to be called the fierce man of Lingnan.

Li Tai only briefly described Chen Baxian, and Yu Wentai noticed his extraordinary character. After getting to know him in more detail, he couldn't help but sigh: "If this disciple really has the style Boshan said, Then don’t underestimate the enemy! In the future, this person may be able to compete with you in the Southern Kingdom!"

Hearing what Yu Wentai said, Li Tai couldn't help but sigh that the old guy was quite accurate in judging people. At the same time, he quickly said: "Chen Baxian is really talented. It's just a pity that the people in power in the south are jealous of talents and talents. Even if he has good talents, it's hard to be good." Use it. Xiangdong is blind and short-sighted, how can I be as comprehensive as the Lord? Although I am an iron man, I am not afraid of fighting with Longquan!"

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