Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 710 The Responsibility of Qingtian

The emperor's granting of the surname Li made Yuwen Tai very surprised and passive.

In recent years, the frequency and scope of his granting of surnames have indeed increased, and this series of actions certainly has its own overall considerations.

Although the Northern Wei Pingcheng era achieved the unification of the north through force, it was not until the Taihe reform that the ideological orthodox concept construction was completed and deeply tied to the northern Han clans. Throughout the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Taihe reform was a very important landmark event.

Yuwen Tai may not be able to summarize the significance of the Taihe reform from a macro perspective, but he also personally experienced the profound changes that the Taihe reform brought to the country and their group of six towns. Many of the children of the six towns, including him, have a negative view of this series of Hanization reforms.

Of course, in Yuwen Tai's position, it is naturally impossible to promote the implementation of a certain decree because of emotional likes and dislikes. He granted surnames and a series of other related measures in the country, with only one purpose, that is, to demolish the old temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty to build his new home.

A very important part of the Taihe Reform was to change Xianbei surnames to Han surnames, or single surnames. As early as the 15th year of Datong, Yuwen Tai made changes to this point, ordering the people who changed their surnames during the Taihe period to return to their old surnames.

The Taihe Reform was essentially a deep bond and union between the upper Hu and Han classes, and the penetration into the middle and lower classes was far from enough. Therefore, most of the Xianbei people who changed their surnames during the Taihe period were also upper-class dignitaries, and then the so-called Lu surnames were formed, which had little to do with the middle and lower classes.

Yuwen Tai and other Wuchuan tyrants who are now in power in the country are the losers of the reform during the Taihe period. Whether in terms of emotions, concepts, or actual political resource plunder, they need to strip off the noble color of these Lu surnames.

For these middle and lower-class Xianbei people, the most memorable time is the time when the Northern Wei Pingcheng era expanded the territory and the national strength was booming, rather than the downhill road after Taihe.

Therefore, reversing history and erasing the various systems since Taihe not only catered to the demands of the middle and lower-class Xianbei people, but also hit the legal status of the Yuan family. The Xianbei people restored their old surnames, and the Han people gave them Hu surnames, all for the purpose of achieving Yuwen Tai's goal.

However, the implementation of restoring the old surnames on behalf of others was not very smooth, because the most critical point was that everyone had changed, would the royal family change?

At present, Yuwen Tai certainly did not want the conflict between him and the court to become white-hot and reach the point of irreconcilable in an instant, so although this decree was announced, it was not strictly enforced.

When it comes to the Taihe reform, there is a family and a person that cannot be avoided, that is, Li Chong of the Longxi Li family. Although the Longxi Li family is a famous surname in Xizhou, it is not considered noble in the north. With a series of political actions by Li Chong during the Taihe period and the favor of Empress Dowager Feng and Emperor Xiaowen, it became the top family in the north.

So when it comes to personnel during the Taihe period, the Longxi Li family cannot be avoided. Yuwen Tai knew that the emperor wanted to win over the Longxi Li family, but he chose to give Li Tai's brother the surname Hu, which was a bit unexpected for Yuwen Tai. Could it be that this son-in-law was a high-level undercover agent lurking in the Yuan Wei court for him?

Due to the existence of Li Tai and his current power in the southeast, the Longxi Li family is not only the legacy of their ancestors in the Western Wei Kingdom, but also a real symbol of the present.

Yuwen Tai had different ideas about Li Tai very early, from the initial desire to take him as a son-in-law to later taking him as an adopted son, etc., but they were all just ideas in his mind. In the end, he didn't have time to implement them and missed them by mistake. He felt quite regretful about this, and this regret became stronger and stronger as the years passed.

Originally, he wanted to find a suitable time to communicate with Li Tai in depth, hoping that Li Tai would understand his intentions and the need for internal harmony, and accept the surname, so as to set an example for the people in the country.

Unexpectedly, the emperor was one step ahead of him and directly wanted to give a surname to Li Tai's younger brother.

At first, Yuwen Tai didn't care much, after all, it was just Li Tai's younger brother, not Li Tai himself. And he also wanted to take this opportunity to show the public that giving a surname does not mean that the whole clan and family will take this surname. Even brothers can be given different surnames. Giving a surname is more of a symbol of honor, etc.

But he was a step late this time. Unexpectedly, Li Tai's father directly linked the change of surname with whether the family line would be extinct or not, and expressed strong opposition, which also caused a big sensation in the country.

Although Li Xiao's clear attitude rejected the emperor's goodwill and solicitation, which made Yuwen Tai feel relieved, his remarks would undoubtedly have a bad impact on his plan to give a surname, and would form ethical disputes in public opinion and even cause political turmoil.

Taking advantage of Li Tai's return to the mansion, Yuwen Tai took the initiative to mention this matter and expressed his apology. In fact, he also hoped that Li Tai could persuade his father to take back his words and not be so decisive. Even if we don't consider other effects, this statement will cause people to attack and harass Li Tai.

But he didn't expect Li Tai's response to be more confident than his father's. It was no longer the level of giving a surname to someone, but he was ready to fight to the death with anyone who provoked him!

After pondering for a while, Yuwen Tai could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​continuing to discuss this topic with Li Tai in depth.

He didn't think that Li Tai was using this to silence him, because Li Tai's marriage to the Duguxin family showed that he was not someone who was proud of his family status and looked down upon the masses. Moreover, the emperor expressed similar thoughts more than once. Tai always refuses this without any pretense. When it comes to having a correct attitude, he is actually much better than many ambiguous military commanders.

This time he expressed so angrily, probably because the power struggle in the country has spread to his family. After all, during the turmoil of the Zhu Kingdom last year, he had once again reiterated his origins as an old vassal of the domineering government and his unwillingness to stand on his own. However, the current country still does not appreciate his hard work of guarding the border and expanding the territory. Frequent nuisance is indeed a bit unjustifiable.

"The current situation in the country is full of stubbornness and evil. I can only express my feelings frankly with a strong and powerful confidant like you, Boshan. I don't talk about the hardships of the past, nor the grand plans of the future. I only talk about the present. Although I uphold the national plan, But without Boshan and other loyal and brave people inside and outside working hard, I’m afraid it would be hard to sleep well for a night!”

Speaking of this, Yu Wentai sighed again and said: "When I was young, I was frivolous and only envied the power to do whatever I wanted. But now that my power is growing, I no longer have the youthful spirit. Every step is like walking on thin ice. Whenever I feel troubled, I secretly "

If you want to change, just say so!

When Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, but he also said in his mouth: "Huang Wa's mending of the sky is derived from all things. If no one holds up the sky, and the minister is only a drop in the ocean, how can there be an inch of land? There is a long way to go. Everyone must perform their duties. If the Lord wants to take over the ministers, who in the world can do it? "

People's true thoughts are often revealed through casual words. Ever since Li Tai returned to his residence, Yu Wentai had repeatedly talked about his affairs in Jingzhou. Although the tone and content were mainly complimentary, it also showed Yu Wentai's unconcealed concern for this matter.

If your boss constantly emphasizes your performance on the job, it's not just a casual comment. You must have a lot to say, but you have deep concerns and it's inconvenient to say it frankly.

Therefore, Li Tai's responses time and time again were full of enthusiasm. While emphasizing the leadership of Dahangtai, he expressed his willingness to continue to shine and create greater glory in this position. In short, if you hold back any thoughts you have, try it on me if you dare!

After Yu Wentai heard Li Tai's answer, he waved his hands and shook his head: "Why do my words become more and more arrogant as the story goes on? If I really have such miraculous powers, how could I... Oh, this can only be said as a joke. In my private room, please don’t speak arrogantly to others to make others laugh at me, I am an arrogant person!”

Although he was scolding lightly, Yu Wentai's eyebrows were relaxed and his smile was full of smiles. He couldn't help but sigh: "There are many people both internal and external, but those who can win my heart are only two or three people like Bo Shan. If it weren't for The troubles in the southeast are serious and there is no good choice to continue. I really want to recall Boshan..."

As if he felt that these words were too serious, Yuwentai suddenly paused, and then chuckled again: "It is already late at night, and the smell of alcohol is rising, so it is inconvenient to discuss military affairs in depth. Boshan comes out now, After returning to the residence, I will rest for a few days and then come back to see you."

After Li Tai heard this, he also stood up and left, and then slowly exited the inner palace. Recalling Yu Wentai's hesitant look, he couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

How can there be any real freedom in this world? Most people are in a state of being unable to get what they want. Yu Wentai wants to limit his power but can't, and Li Tai himself is struggling to suppress his desire. Evil intentions?

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