Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 716 Sitting back and watching the internal fighting

It's not that the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office doesn't pay attention to personnel inquiries in Shu, but that everything must be a step-by-step process.

To be honest, even Li Tai didn't have a thorough understanding of Shuzhong's internal personnel disputes at the beginning. It all depended on Li Qianzhe's gradual development and penetration by traveling between the two places.

But he gradually understood the core personnel issues in Shuzhong only after he caught Xiao Yuanzheng, the son of Wuling King Xiao Ji, and negotiated with Shuzhong several times.

After all, from the perspective of ordinary people, just Qiu Chidi and the Yang family cannot write two characters of Yang in one stroke. As a result, Yang Fachen led his troops to rebel, and Yang Qianyun led his troops to suppress the rebellion. There seems to be a deep hatred between them.

The Chinese and Foreign Governments are not ignorant of military affairs. They are also well aware of the great value that personnel intelligence can play in war. Not to mention anything else, Yuwentai himself escaped because he understood the internal personnel problems of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and persuaded the Eastern Wei general Peng Le on the battlefield.

It's just that the center of Sichuan is inaccessible, and Qiu Chidi and Yang Fachen, who were the first to contact the Western Wei Dynasty, provided a lot of misleading information to the Chinese and foreign government out of their own interests. At least they did not win over Yang Qianyun. This is revealed.

As a result, when the Chinese and Foreign Governments discuss military issues targeting Shuzhong, they will be biased and incomplete due to the lack of information.

Of course, in addition to the fact that the intelligence work of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office was not accurate and detailed enough, it was also due to Li Tai's deliberate actions here. Previously, he sent envoys to negotiate with Shu, using Xiao Yuanzheng as a bargaining chip to redeem Wang Yue and other defeated troops. By the way, he also used this to get in touch with some important figures in Shu.

Previously, in order to allow Li Tai to negotiate more actively with Shuzhong, Yuwentai transferred the administrative jurisdiction of Hanzhong, Liangzhou and other places to the Jingzhou General Administration Office.

Although it was actually only a nominal division, the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office immediately brought in Yuwen Hu's cousin Yan Qing. In fact, Liangzhou's military and political affairs were still not managed by the Jingzhou General Manager's Office. Instead, a Sima Zuo of the General Manager's Office was occupied. s position.

But there are twists and turns in it that others don’t know! In the eyes of Yang Qianyun and other people in Shu, Shannan and Hanzhong are all under the jurisdiction of the Jingzhou General Administration. Doesn't the Jingzhou General Administration's attitude towards them represent the Western Wei Dynasty? Therefore, for them, communication with the General Manager of Jingzhou was equivalent to communication with the Western Wei Dynasty.

As for the stage of the communication between them, and whether there was any content about instigating the opponent, Li Tai didn't know, at least he had to say he didn't know!

One of the basic ideas he put forward today is that the conquest of Shu cannot be carried out recklessly. Before formal military operations are carried out, various other means must be used to instigate rebellion, win over various forces in Shu, and other operations.

As Li Tai said before, Wuling King Xiao Ji has lived in Shu for more than ten years. Although he is not a great evil, he does not have great virtues. Especially his move to directly proclaim himself emperor has brought great impact to the interior of Shu. No matter how the situation develops next, some people will be proud and others will be disappointed. Those whose interests have not been met in Xiao Ji's regime are worthy targets.

The ideas proposed by Li Tai are not new. What is important is that while proposing the ideas, he can also provide specific implementation goals and steps, pointing out a direction for everyone in the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office who are still somewhat confused.

"What Boshan said is true, detailed and well-founded, and thought-provoking. Soldiers are dangerous and must be used with caution. Only by subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the best strategy. The previous use of troops was due to impatience and lack of consideration."

After listening to what Li Tai said, Yu Wentai spoke. This could be regarded as a positive review of the failure of the last military use, and at the same time he recognized Li Tai's idea of ​​continuing to poach personnel corners in Shu.

But soon, Yu Chijiong, who was also present, spoke up and said: "Mr. Taiyuan knows the personnel in Shu very well, and I think there should be such talents under his command. Now the government is trying to do it, but I don't know if Mr. Taiyuan is willing to send all the people to Shu." Is Cai Liu recommended to the government?"

After Li Tai heard this, he also smiled and said: "Of course, no matter whether in the government or in the town, the duties are different, but when it comes to the desire to work hard and achieve merit, there is no difference between the inside and the outside. If the talented people in the border areas can It is also a great blessing for each of them to be sent by the Lord in the Bifu Mansion. There are indeed talents in Jingzhen who are proficient in Shu affairs. I will recommend them one by one later, and I sincerely ask the Lord to appreciate and select them. ”

Nowadays, the Jingzhou General Manager's Office is still under the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office, so naturally there will be exchanges in personnel matters. Just like before, Bafu summoned He Ruodun and others to return to the government to serve, and then sent Pei Xia and others to Jingzhou to take up posts.

The reason why Li Tai was not self-conscious and reported everything he knew about the people and events in Shu was to increase his sense of presence and voice in the conquest of Shu.

Of course he himself could not lead the army into Shu, but he could send members of the general administration to participate, not to mention that he had previously discussed with his cousins ​​at home and decided that Li Shicao would also join the expedition against Shu.

Hearing Li Tai's straightforward agreement, Yuchi Jiong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Compared with these people who are familiar with affairs in Sichuan, what the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office cares more about is the initiative to contact and communicate with people in Sichuan.

Because they don’t know the specific development stage of the Jingzhou General Manager’s Office, it is difficult for the Chinese and Foreign Governments to directly bypass the General Manager’s Office and contact the other party rashly, so as not to expose the internal estrangements and contradictions within the Western Wei Dynasty.

Yuchi Jiong was about to speak and wanted to confirm whether the talents recommended by Li Tai were closely related to this, but Daxingtai also saw what he meant, raised his hand to signal him not to talk any more, and then smiled at Li Tai again. : "In this way, I will wait for Boshan to recommend virtuous people to me so that great things can happen!"

Li Tai responded humbly and respectfully first, and then continued: "If we only rely on instigating rebellion against the Shu people, we will inevitably be passive because of people's success. Now I have the strength. Although we need to be cautious in using our troops, we can still use other strategies to coordinate our efforts." "

After hearing this, everyone in the hall couldn't help but cheer up again, wanting to hear what other clever ideas Li Tai had.

"Since ancient times, the country has had no two kings. Now that King Wuling has rebelled, it will be difficult for him and eastern Hunan to coexist. Although Shuzhong is less disturbed by military disasters due to its closed terrain and its power is preserved, Jiangling has the ability to quell the chaos. , Zhongxing Sheji is the righteousness of the country. If the two of them fight, one of them will die."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall nodded repeatedly. This topic has also been a focus of recent discussions.

Hearing Li Tai also mention this point, Yuchi Jiong spoke again: "Three points of the Liang Dynasty, Jiangling has obtained two points. There is no great sense of pacifying the thieves and ending the chaos in Shu, and now there is a sudden change of rebellion. In this corner, it is absolutely difficult to compete with Jiang Ling. If Jiang Ling takes advantage of the situation and conquers Shu, it will be difficult for me to do so, so we need to take it as soon as possible!"

Obviously, unlike other people's conservative strategies, Yuchijiong was a radical who advocated a rapid conquest of Shu.

What he said is not unreasonable. Now the King of Xiangdong has taken advantage of the series of battles to put down the Hou Jing Rebellion and brought all the other forces in Nanliang except Shuzhong under his command. His power has skyrocketed. And Shuzhong has never been known for its strong men and horses. It is indeed difficult for its small area to compete with the King of Xiangdong who has the entire power in the south of the Yangtze River. What's more, while others were fighting life and death outside, King Wuling stayed in Shu and proclaimed himself emperor. This in itself was a huge disappointment.

But the more complicated the situation, the more necessary it is to look at and interpret it from different aspects. Although Hou Jing's rebellion was put down, Jiangnan was already in dilapidated condition and could not immediately increase the power of King Xiangdong. Moreover, the large and small military leaders who emerged during Hou Jing's Rebellion were only nominally subordinate to Jiangling, and it was difficult for the King of Xiangdong to make flexible arrangements for them.

More importantly, although the rebellion in the country has been put down, the border defense situation in Nanliang has also undergone tremendous changes. The loss of many important towns in Jiangbei made the pressure on Nanliang's border defenses unprecedentedly huge, and it was already a situation where tens of thousands of people were beating them.

There is no lack of discussion in later generations that the King of Eastern Hunan did not choose to move the capital to Jiankang after quelling the Hou Jing Rebellion, but stayed in Jiangling, which was undefeable. The Western Wei Dynasty launched an attack and conquered Jiangling in one fell swoop, which was the direct cause of the collapse of Nanliang. There is no shortage of words. He accused the king of eastern Hunan of being indecisive and unwise to stand under a dangerous wall.

But is Jiankang safe? The city itself was severely damaged by the war, and the pressure on the entire river defense was also very huge. Not to mention that before this series of changes, Hou Jing's rebellious army easily crossed the river and the natural chasm was transformed into a thoroughfare. What a huge psychological impact.

In short, today's Nanliang is by no means everything will be fine once Hou Jing dies. The military power that King Xiangdong can mobilize is still very limited, otherwise Wang Lin's tribe will not be devastated by the rebellion.

Li Tai did not talk too much about some forward-looking predictions. He just explained the current problems faced by Nanliang. The purpose was just to show that Yuchi Jiong's view was a bit unfounded. As far as the two brothers were concerned, During the fight, they had enough time to sit on the sidelines and reap the benefits.

When it comes to the changes in the situation in Nanliang, everyone present has no doubt that Li Tai is the most professional. So after listening to his analysis, even some people who have the same idea as Yuchi and feel that time is running out and need to act as soon as possible also feel that the situation seems to be the same. It's not that urgent, you can wait and see.

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