Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 727 The Return of the Soul

Both parties have this intention, and the efficiency of communication is naturally very high.

Li Tai then asked Lu Guangda carefully about the specific situation Jinxi and other counties were facing now, as well as the condition of his troops, listened carefully to his appeal, and immediately confirmed his assistance to Jinxi. plan.

He dispatched general Li Tun and led 3,000 fine cavalry southward out of the town of Qichang, which geographically corresponded with Jinxi County. Once the Northern Qi troops invaded Jinxi territory again, they could be nearby for support.

At the same time, Li Tai ordered Dou Yi to lead 5,000 infantry and cavalry to be stationed in Yiyang, bringing the size of Yiyang's garrison to more than 10,000. It was the largest garrison in a single city except Zhouzhi Rangcheng.

If Yiyang increases its troops, it will naturally target the entire Huainan, which can directly affect the actions of the Northern Qi army in the entire Huainan. Even if the Northern Qi Dynasty had military operations advancing westward along the river, they would still be afraid of the heavy troops stationed here in Yiyang and would not dare to disturb the areas controlled by the Western Wei Dynasty too much.

The Lu brothers received asylum from the Jingzhou Governor's Office, so of course they had to show their support. On the one hand, Lu Guangda wanted to accompany the envoy from Jingzhou to the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office in Huazhou to report the matter to Daxingtai. On the other hand, Lu Xida also wanted to send his nephew to Jingzhou as a hostage.

In order to obtain assistance from the General Manager's Office of Jingzhou as soon as possible, Lu Guangda did not argue with these requests and agreed to them all. He just hoped that the General Manager's Office could send troops as soon as possible.

Li Tai was also very efficient in his work. After finalizing the matter, he ordered his disciple Zhao Jingzhi to accompany Lu Guangda to Guanzhong the next day. At the same time, Li Tun also selected an elite cavalry unit and prepared to go south.

Previously, Li Tai sent troops to defeat and capture King Shaoling of Nanliang in Qichang County, but he did not station troops there, so today Qichang County still nominally belongs to Jiangling Military Mansion.

But it is only in name. The Jiangling Military Government has very limited management of these places, especially many counties in Jiangbei are autonomous by local large ethnic groups. Just like the Lu brothers who were separatist in Jinxi County, when they encountered a powerful enemy and were unable to protect themselves, they either surrendered directly or sought protection from a powerful force.

In addition to the Lucida brothers, there are more than a dozen similar requests for surrender, and they are basically concentrated in the Huaixi area.

In line with the principle that one sheep is also herded, and two sheep are herded, Li Tai delivered these to Zhao Gang of Yiyang, Quan Jingxuan of Sanguan, and other border town generals according to the different regions where these Huainan powerful men were seeking vassalage. Contact them one by one and collect and help them according to their different attitudes. The principle is to prevent Northern Qi from eating too much in one go. Even if these places cannot be completely controlled, they must be built into a buffer zone with Northern Qi.

As the saying goes, when a whale falls, everything comes to life. With the collapse of the Nanliang regime, local powerful families have separated from the central control, and each of them has been entrenched and developed. However, as foreign forces come closer, these local powerful families have to Choose your position quickly, otherwise you may suffer the fate of being killed and extinguished.

Although Jiangling Military Mansion has won the victory in pacifying the rebellion, it is also full of internal contradictions. In addition, Xiao Yi, the king of eastern Hunan, is not a broad-minded and tolerant British leader. Faced with this chaotic and collapsed situation, a I don’t know where to deal with time.

Not to mention that there are many ambitious and covetous enemies around him, waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to him. Although the King of Xiangdong is not a stupid person who is ignorant of worldly affairs, he is still unable to guard against so many people who are calculating and unintentional.

In addition to accepting some of the local forces in Jiangbei who were unwilling to join the Northern Qi Dynasty, Li Tai also did not forget to take action on Jiangling's core personnel.

When he returned to Guanzhong, Jingzhou was in full swing for people from Jiangling who were originally from Nanyang to find their roots. When he returned, this series of activities did not end, but became even more lively.

Li Tai was too late before, but now he has returned to the government, so after sorting out the affairs accumulated on his desk, he decided to personally receive these Jiangling celebrities. The location was naturally arranged at the Hongbin Building, the officially designated guest house in Jingzhou.

The magnificent Hongbin Tower has been spread in Jiangling by word of mouth by Zong Miao and other Jiangling people who visited before. What is also hotly discussed is the style of the courtesy corporal of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office.

Therefore, after arriving in Mianbei, many people from the south often go up to the tower to admire it and are proud of it. If you can get official hospitality from Jingzhou General Manager's Office, it will be even more worthy of showing off.

When the members of the General Manager's Office obeyed General Li's order and sent invitations to the Jiangling people who were still stranded in Mianbei, these Jiangling people were all deeply honored. They came to Hong Kong early on the day of the banquet. In front of the hotel building.

In the morning, Li Tai, wearing a long robe with a broad collar and wide sleeves, rode an ox cart to Hongbin Tower surrounded by soldiers. He was quickly greeted by many Jiangling people who had been waiting here. Praise and praise.

Li Tai was already handsome and majestic. After dressing up like a southerner, he gave people a sense of free and unrestrained and ecstatic, which greatly satisfied the aesthetic taste of these Jiangling people.

With everyone crowding around him, Li Tai slowly went upstairs, and after being introduced by the government officials, he greeted and greeted the Jiangling people present one by one. By the time everyone arrived at the banquet hall upstairs, everyone had received cordial greetings from General Li.

After everyone was seated in the hall, Li Tai took the lead in raising a toast and said: "All of you gathered here today, regardless of age or age, north or south, are all filial and righteous people! The room is full of fragrance, making people happy. Drink from this cup!"

After hearing this, everyone raised their glasses in response, and thanked the Jingzhou Governor's Office for the help they had received when they returned home to visit their hometown and worship their ancestors.

Because there were so many guests present, Li Tai was not in a hurry to work on the project. He just maintained the atmosphere of the banquet and chatted casually with the guests.

There are more than twenty Jiangling Shiliu invited to this banquet today, and most of them are from Nanyang's Liu family, Yu family, Zong family, Le family and other wealthy families.

The more powerful these families are, the more they have the need to trace their ancestors. They already enjoy a high social reputation and status. If it is known that the tombs of their ancestors are left to be abandoned and dilapidated, and they are not even enthusiastic about ancestor worship, it will be detrimental to the reputation of the entire family. is a serious damage.

In addition to these large clans, there are also representatives of other clans. For example, Jiangling general Hu Senyou, who also performed well in the battle against Hou Jing's rebellious army, also had his ancestral home in Nanyang. This time he sent his son Hu Changyi back to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and he was also invited by the general manager's office to attend the hall.

Leaving aside the children of wealthy families who enjoy a privileged life due to their family's influence, Li Tai is still more interested in Hu Sengyou, a Jiangling general who has gradually gained prominence through his own hard work.

So he also learned about Hu Sengyou's family background, and soon realized that Hu Sengyou was also a relatively legendary figure. He originally served as an official in the Northern Wei Dynasty, but came to Nantou during the Datong period of Nanliang. As a result, the garrison in Xiangcheng was broken by the Northern Wei Dynasty and he was taken captive to the north. It was not until Chen Qingzhi's Northern Expedition that he was able to return to Nanliang.

Hu Sengyou's experience of returning to Liang for the past two times always made Li Tai feel a little familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was similar to Yang Zhong, but Yang Zhong's experience was more colorful than Hu Sengyou's, and his main skill was a north-south horizontal jump.

Hu Changyi, the son of Hu Sengyou, was also full of gratitude for Li Tai's warm hospitality. He was even more excited than the other sons of the rich family. He took advantage of the toast before entering to thank Li Tai and said: "My father once said that Han Su's family may be visited later." It was not easy, so I was worried that I would not be able to find it when I came to the north. Fortunately, with the help of the hardworking people in the General Manager's Office, I was able to visit and repair it. I am really grateful for this great kindness!"

"Hu led the warriors of the Southern Kingdom to guard Jiangling and quell the rebellion, which can be said to be a great merit. Now I can help you a little, and I am very pleased with the beauty of the adult!"

Li Tai accepted Hu Changyi's thanks with a smile and planned to take some time out to deepen the communication with him. Hu Senyou returned to Liang twice, which shows Liang's sincerity. Li Tai does not expect to be able to instigate rebellion against him, but he can still try to use him to spread the message and prevent the king of eastern Hunan from going to Jiankang.

Seeing that the guests in the hall were about to enjoy themselves, Li Tai picked up the wine glass and said with emotion: "A long time ago, Hu and Di were in chaos, and the people were scattered in various places. I sincerely know that people are humble when they leave their hometown. I don't know how many hardships it takes to establish a foothold in a foreign country. , without losing the family legacy, and now I can return to my hometown to worship my ancestors and pay tribute to the ancestors. The blood line is passed on without losing the line of succession. It is a great blessing!

Now that your country has successfully quelled the chaos, the people in the north and south are very happy. I think you will soon follow the king of eastern Hunan to build Kang and continue to build the country. However, Jiankang is dilapidated and has many wastes waiting to be revitalized. You are diligent in the king's affairs and After working hard at ZTE, I don’t know when I will be able to return to my hometown in the coming year. Let’s drink and have fun today as much as we need to, so as to comfort ourselves in the coming year. There will be many separations in the coming year. You may not know where your body is going, but you should know where your soul is going! "

After hearing Li Tai's tea-flavored speech, the originally lively and joyful atmosphere suddenly became depressing and dull. The drinks in everyone's mouths also lost their taste, and some were just bitter. Do they really want to go to Jiankang?

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