Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 732 Wang Dun’s Stick Flower

After leaving the hall, Xiao Yuanzheng was already sweating all over. The autumn wind outside the courtyard blew against his face, and he felt cold all over.

The father and son were rarely together, and their feelings were estranged. They were not very close to each other. Even if Xiao Yuanzheng was always careful to please his father, he would still be scolded or even beaten by his father if he was not satisfied.

On the other hand, the prince had the deepest relationship with his father, and the other brothers were raised by their father because they were not very old and were quite loved. Only Xiao Yuanzheng himself was like an outsider in this family.

He suppressed his depression for the time being, and he did not dare to show his dissatisfaction. He immediately summoned the inner court's trusted guards according to his father's instructions, and prepared to go to Jiange in person to welcome the Wei envoy, hoping that his father would see that he was so diligent and no longer care about the previous things.

Since many armored soldiers were gathered in the military camp outside the city, there were not many soldiers left in the city. In addition, Xiao Ji specifically pointed out that this matter must be carried out in secret and the news must not be leaked, so he could only draw soldiers from the inner garden.

However, when Xiao Yuan was mobilizing soldiers from the inner garden, another accident happened. Originally, he saw a team of 300 people in the military book without the task of guarding the night, so he signed the order to mobilize them, but was directly rejected by the captain of the army.

First, he was severely reprimanded by his father, and then even a mere captain of the army refused his order. Xiao Yuanzheng was furious in his heart, and immediately ordered the servant to lead him to see who was so bold and dared to disobey the order!

Soon the servant led Xiao Yuanzheng to a cypress palace in the inner garden. There were many tents in front of the palace, and there were hundreds of armored soldiers stationed inside and outside. It was the team that Xiao Yuanzheng could not mobilize.

"You wait..." Xiao Yuanzheng took a step forward, and before he finished his scolding words, a man who looked like a captain hurried forward and bowed deeply, saying: "Your subordinate pays respect to the king! We, the soldiers, are ordered by the Supreme to guard the Rui Palace day and night and are not allowed to leave. It is not intentional disobedience. Please forgive me!" "Rui Palace? Is it the palace with flowers around the nodes? You leave first, I will go into the palace to see it." Xiao Yuanzheng was surprised when he heard this. He heard that there were flowers around the nodes of the palace pillars in the inner bedroom cypress palace, which were as beautiful and lovely as lotus flowers. It was also one of the auspicious signs that his father relied on to become emperor and establish a system, but he had only heard of it and had never seen it. He couldn't help but want to go into the palace to see it. But the soldiers stationed here did not retreat a step, saying that without the Supreme's order, no one needed to enter the palace to avoid dispersing the auspicious aura. Xiao Yuanzheng was extremely angry, but he did not dare to violate his father's order and break the palace ban. He could only retreat with an unhappy face. But after walking a distance, he could not help but sneer softly: "Wang Dunyi's staff bloomed, which is not a good sign!"

A few days later, the envoys of the Western Wei Dynasty were secretly introduced into Chengdu by Xiyang King Xiao Yuanzhao and settled down. At the same time, the envoys sent to Badong also returned to Chengdu and brought back the reply from the Crown Prince Xiao Yuanzhao: Hou Jing's rebellion had indeed been quelled, Hou Jing had been killed, and the news conveyed by the Western Wei Dynasty was all true.

"How dare you, how dare you deceive me!"

Xiao Ji was naturally furious when he learned the news. On the one hand, it was because his most trusted son dared to deceive him. On the other hand, after the rebellion was quelled, his subsequent series of calculations and plans, including the fact that he had already proclaimed himself emperor, would lose legitimacy!

"Go quickly, go quickly! Take my sword and take back the head of that rebellious son! How dare he, how dare he cheat his father and hurt me like this..."

In a rage, Xiao Jizhi took off his sword and threw it on the ground, waving his fist and roaring loudly.

In the hall, Xiao Yuanzheng lowered his head in a respectful manner, but watched his father's anger with cold eyes. If he hadn't been scolded before, he would have been unable to help but pick up the sword and happily accepted the order, but now he was much more cautious, just waiting to see if there was anything else.

Soon, the Eastern Palace official Wei Deng, who returned with the envoy, knelt on the ground and said repeatedly: "Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down! The reason why His Royal Highness the Crown Prince refused to tell the truth is that he has other difficulties. Now Jiangling is trapped in the gorge, and it is difficult to get out. It has become an irreconcilable situation with us. Whether the thieves are defeated or not, the two towns will never be safe. Jiangling has a tendency to overlook the south of the Yangtze River, but our Shuzhong is closed on all sides. If we can't take the opportunity to rush out, we will definitely suffer..." Xiao Yuanzheng, who used to be the governor of Xiyang and the King of Xiangdong who obeyed Jiangling, weighed the pros and cons and decided to Putting aside some distracting thoughts in his mind for the time being, he kowtowed and said, "What Mr. Wei said is indeed reasonable. The emperor needs to weigh it carefully. Although the big bandits have been eliminated, the chaos in Jiangnan cannot be settled in the short term. The Jiangling army will inevitably stagnate downstream. After they clear the remaining bandits and return to the town, we will have even less hope of going east!"

After hearing what the counselor and his son said, Xiao Ji's anger on his face was slightly restrained. After a slight change in his expression, he decided to send a confidant to Badong to find out the latest changes in the outside world. He was wary of his eldest son who dared to deceive him.

After confirming that the news was true, Xiao Ji ordered Xiao Yuanzheng to secretly bring the Western Wei envoy to meet him, wanting to see what the Western Wei was planning.

The envoy sent by the Western Wei was named Wang Qing, a steady and alert middle-aged man. He was accompanied by Liu Fan, who was recommended by Li Tai to the Zhongwai Mansion and was familiar with the personnel in Shu.

After being led into the inner courtyard and meeting Xiao Ji, the group behaved fairly politely, and their words were not as aggressive and sharp as in the letter.

Xiao Ji paid no attention to Wang Qingduo, the envoy. His eyes fell directly on Liu Fan and he said in a deep voice: "Liu Lang was an old acquaintance. Now that he has changed his job, it is God's will. It was not me who abandoned you. Last year You have to run around so that the two countries can end the war and reconcile, and you can send your son back home, and now you are here again, what do you want to do?"

After Liu Fan heard this, he couldn't help but look ashamed. He glanced at Wang Qing, who was sitting at the same table, and then stood up to bow to Xiao Ji and respectfully replied: "Your Majesty still remembers the old righteousness, and I am very grateful for my humble position." He has neglected his duties and lost integrity. Fortunately, General Li of Wei did not dislike him because of his ugliness and favored him for his appointment. Now he has been recommended to the country and has been ordered to come to the country with the intention of repairing it. He has no other intention. "

After saying this, he bowed deeply and returned to the table, standing behind Wang Qing.

At this time, Wang Qing also stood up, bowed to Xiao Jizuo and said: "The king must have read the former letter and said something. As Liu Shenjun said, the purpose of this mission is to repair things and have no other intentions. Waiting for the order of Grand Master Wen of Anding Gongyu..."

"I also know what Black Otter is planning. No need to talk nonsense, come quickly!"

Because he had been misled by wrong intelligence before, the situation in the country was now very different from what he knew. When Xiao Ji faced the envoys from the Western Wei Dynasty, he was in a very bad mood. Many of the tougher words he had used before were inconvenient to say out loud, and he just looked down. Lai said in a deep voice, hoping to get rid of this vicious neighbor as soon as possible and then concentrate on resolving the conflict between him and Jiangling.

Seeing that Xiao Ji's attitude was so blunt and direct, Wang Qing immediately stopped talking nonsense and immediately explained all the conditions explained by Daxingtai one by one.

Wang Qing spoke eloquently, but Xiao Ji's face became darker and darker as he listened. He couldn't help but wanted to open his mouth to interrupt his words several times, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it, but his teeth were already clattering. , the knuckles of the clenched fists were also white.

When Wang Qing finished stating the requirements of the Western Wei Dynasty, Xiao Ji did not respond vocally. He just waved his hand with a serious face to take the envoys of the Western Wei Dynasty away from the inner garden and temporarily placed them outside.

After the envoys from the Western Wei Dynasty left, Xiao Ji Dangjie ordered the officials in charge of money, silk and goods to come here quickly. When these financial officials arrived, Dangjie asked in a deep voice: "How many brocades do I have in the near future? How much can you sell?"

The envoy from the Western Wei Dynasty previously told that his country was clearing roads in Longnan and other places. Soon after, he proposed to trade with Shuzhong to exclusively purchase Shu brocade. However, the conditions offered were very low. He also said that if Shuzhong did not agree to this request for mutual trade, Then Cun Jin will not be able to leave Shu!

Although farming and weaving has developed in Shuzhong in recent years, the business is not small. Especially when Xiao Ji knows that Hou Jing's rebellion has been put down, the confrontation with Jiangling may become long-term. Of course, more quantity and variety are needed. Material reserves. Once the export channels for Shu brocade are cut off, it will be greatly detrimental to the subsequent development of the situation.

Among the financial officials, there was an old man named He Xihu who looked like a foreigner from the Western Regions. After hearing this, he hurriedly presented the accounting books and began to report seriously.

"Why are there still so many brocade materials? Didn't we say recently that there is a way to sell tens of thousands of brocade materials?"

After learning about the inventory in the mansion, Xiao Ji's face suddenly darkened and he scolded him. Although Shu brocade is very popular in the outside world and sells well, it is not a rare treasure in Shu. It is just a relatively strong and profitable commodity. The only way is to exchange Shu brocade into different products and transport them back to Shu. Talent reflects its value, but if it is all accumulated in the warehouse, the material reserve will become monotonous.

"Yes, it's the King of Xiyang who stopped the trading of brocade goods..."

He Xihu and other officials saw the emperor's angry face and hurriedly reported the matter tremblingly.

Xiao Ji became even more angry after hearing this. Being stabbed in the back by his son one after another made his anger soar to the extreme. He slapped the case and shouted angrily: "Tie that traitor to me quickly! He is a man who has not been in Shu for a long time. How dare foreigners interfere in my confidential state affairs!”

Xiao Yuanzheng was still busy dealing with matters elsewhere. For some reason, a group of Neiyuan Imperial Guards suddenly rushed in. They grabbed him and dragged him to the front of the Neiyuan Palace. Before he could appeal for mercy, he didn't even know what he had committed. It was a crime, and the stick was smashed down on his head and face.

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