Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 734: Happy to hear the battle

In the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion, after Li Tai read the reports from brothers Li Qianzhe and Li Xian, he began to think seriously.

Although he led the troops to recapture Hanzhong before, he was not very clear about the subsequent changes in the situation in Hanzhong.

Including Shannan, although in addition to the Ankang Li family, Yu Wenqiu and Quan Zhongzun were also arranged to sit there, but these people did not belong to the direct lineage of the general manager's office, and Li Tai did not impose strict supervision on them, and gave them the utmost Great autonomy.

After all, his real business focus is still between Jiang and Han. What Shannan and Hanzhong value more is its regional channel function, but the demand for firmly controlling the military power there is not high, and the Chinese and foreign government may not be happy to see him. Stretch your hand so long.

To be honest, Li Tai was quite surprised that Li Qianzhe and his brothers made this report. In particular, Li Tai was even more surprised when he took the initiative to ask the general administration to send officials to the country to reorganize those who were hiding from the people.

At the moment, he is not very urgent to restrict the power of these local powerful people, because the current administrative power of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office is not enough to completely take over local management, and the military and political aspects still need to rely on these local powerful people.

After all, it has only been a few years since Li Tai became bigger than Southeast, and it will take a certain amount of time to accumulate and acquire talents. It cannot be said that just by opening an examination room and arranging a few examinations, all qualified administrative talents will emerge.

The first channel for the Jingzhou General Manager's Office to obtain talents now is through appointments from the imperial court or the Chinese and Foreign Governments. However, due to the special status of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office, appointments from junior high schools are limited to the level of the General Manager's Office and prefectural and county sergeants, and the number The number and frequency are relatively low. Full communication must be carried out with the General Administration before appointment, and direct appointments are rarely made.

The second and most important thing is to conquer through various methods, such as Li Tai's disciples and former officials, as well as old relatives and friends of the Guandong family like Cui Qian, as well as Lu Xida and other places who had previously actively attached themselves to The powerful, of course, also include the wise and brave among the prisoners of war.

The third thing is that they were trained by themselves. Li Tai had trained a group of local children in Shangyuan Township before, and they may not have taught them any advanced knowledge. The main courses were calligraphy and arithmetic, even if they could not train such brilliant talents. , but they are also competent in general affairs such as clerical accounting and accounting.

Nowadays, this group of Shang disciples is the main force in the administrative power of the General Manager's Mansion. Although they do not participate in the discussion and decision-making of various government orders, they are responsible for the specific management and implementation. The Jingzhou General Manager's Office has a large number of industrial and commercial-related document affairs, and it is also because of such a group of mature clerical officials to manage and maintain that it can operate efficiently.

As for the state and county official schools, at the current stage, it is actually just a gap in the nostalgic order. If we want to provide high-quality talents in batches, we still need years of management and patient waiting.

As a geographical term, the Jianghan area has a very large geographical span. Different places have different folk customs, geography and other elements. The actual management is more complicated than that of the Guanzhong area.

In addition, the surrounding situation is also complex and ever-changing. If there is really a one-size-fits-all approach, regional autonomy is not allowed, and all management rights are returned to the general administration, it will be equivalent to integrating all the shortcomings and risks into oneself. Without waiting for the opponent to challenge, oneself It was internal friction first.

Nowadays, Li Tai's idea of ​​​​governing the Jingzhou General Office is to establish the sole authority of the Jingzhou General Office politically, to give full play to the checks and balances and complementarities between regions militarily, and to spare no effort to carry out industrial and commercial construction in Mianbei, thereby promoting A siphon effect was formed, causing the human resources in the entire Jianghan area to flow to the Miobei area at a high speed.

Nowadays, several tasks are going very smoothly, and due to the high degree of centralization of affairs, they are within the capabilities of the Jingzhou General Administration. It is true that local control is somewhat weak, but these places are becoming more and more dependent on the General Administration in terms of military and economics.

For example, in the Handong region, there are many powerful people who followed the mainland and frequently liquidated their local assets and went to Mianbei to build factories.

One is that Mianbei is relatively safer. Not to mention the strong military foundation of the General Manager's Office, General Li himself is an invincible golden body. Secondly, the industrial and commercial atmosphere in Mianbei is really good, and the return on investment cycle is much faster than cultivating land.

Although there is no rush to take back the local management rights at the moment, Li Tai will not refuse the initiative. And if the situation in Shannan is indeed as stated in Li Qianzhe's report, this is indeed a small hidden danger. If not handled properly, it is likely to drag down the subsequent war against Shu.

After thinking for a while, Li Tai summoned the general manager Cui Yansheng and the engineer Cao Zhao Jingzhi, and ordered them to lead a team of government officials to Jinzhou to register the dead people who were stranded in the country as soon as possible and then create a work register. , and then issued a resettlement appointment to Xingzhou Shipbuilding Workshop.

Danjiangkou in Xingzhou is now the naval shipbuilding base of Jingzhou General Administration, and shipbuilding naturally requires a large amount of wood. No matter in the Qinling Mountains, Wudang Mountains or Daba Mountains, there is always no shortage of good timber, but felling and mining it is more labor-intensive. According to Li Tai's shipbuilding plan, the more woodcutter the better.

According to what the Li brothers said, most of the people wandering around Shannan are the barbarians of the Ba people who migrated from the foothills of Daba Mountain. After leaving the mountains, they did not have a fixed living territory or livelihood skills, so it was only a matter of time before they started to rebel. However, there has not yet been a large-scale rebellion, and even if there was a slight disturbance, it did not attract much attention.

Although Li Tai would not force these people to be cannon fodder when he went east like Xiao Ji in Shu, he could not entertain them with good wine and food. Even if he was brought to Mianbei, they would not have the craft skills or farming experience. To support yourself, you can only settle down as a lumberjack nearby. Although it is very hard, two meals and one night are still guaranteed.

According to the current situation of the Western Wei Dynasty gearing up and eyeing Shuzhong, if these barbarian Ba ​​people wandering in the south of Hanzhong Mountain are unwilling to obey Li Tai's arrangements to cut down trees, they will probably be cut down like timber by the Wei army.

Li Tai had previously planned that if the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office accepted his recommendation of Cui You, he would arrange for Guo Yan to lead 3,000 armored soldiers to accompany him to his post to strengthen his strength. Now it seems that three thousand armored soldiers may not be enough, and as Li Qianzhe said, rather than passively waiting for the approval of the Chinese and Foreign Governments, it is better to take advantage of the situation and fight for it.

After all, under the premise of defeating Shu, in order to maintain the stability of the large march base in Shannan, Hanzhong, even if his actions were a bit excessive, it can be forgiven.

People's thoughts and desires will always change as the environment changes. At the beginning, Li Tai just wanted to do some Shu brocade business before Shuzhong was won, and by the way maintain his right to speak on the Longyou Business Road. .

But as the situation developed, he found that he could strive for more, so there was no reason to give up. Although he still has no intention of going to war and staying in Shu, he can gain greater benefits from this war.

So after explaining Cui Yansheng and others, Li Tai thought for a while and then summoned He Ruodun.

"Master Lang has summoned his servants into the mansion. Could it be that he is going to start a war in Jiangling?"

After He Ruodun entered the hall, he bowed to Li Tai with great joy and asked. He is a relatively pure martial artist. When he hears a battle, he is happy because he has accomplished something, but he doesn't have much compassion for others.

Hearing He Ruoden's question, Li Tai frowned slightly. Even in Guanzhong, there is no lack of discussion about whether to conquer Shu or capture Jiangling. Of course, there are more such discussions in the Jingzhou Governor's Office. Many generals regard Jiangling as the next military target.

However, since Li Tai has been strengthening his interaction with the people in Gangneung, in addition to developing internal support, he also hopes that when he really captures Gangneung in the future, in the hearts of the people in Gangneung, he will not be an invader full of evil, but a founder of a new order. , so they did not want to make the atmosphere between them too tense, so they have always prohibited the generals from discussing this topic in public.

The other generals were very obedient. Even if they had any ideas about attacking Jiangling, they would report them to the general in private. But for this guy He Ruoden, it was more difficult to control his mouth than to kill him. Naturally, he ignored the gag order and always talked loudly in public.

"Don't talk nonsense! I have a harmonious relationship with Jiang Lingzheng, so why would I want to start a war without permission! If you cause trouble with your words again, don't blame me for punishing you severely!"

Li Tai also wanted to maintain the image of a courteous corporal and a tolerant and tolerant superior, but after meeting He Ruodun, he couldn't help but break his skills. If this guy's ability is 90%, he must be at least 85% just because he has this mouth. The hind legs are really hard to hold up.

The reason why he can still tolerate this low-energy little scumbag with only a positive five points is naturally because of his son He Ruobi, who has a hundred points of ability and ninety points of bad words.

However, He Ruobi was in a situation where he could still be saved. This kid was born in the 10th year of Datong, and he has now reached the age of enlightenment. Although it is said that genetics cannot be corrected, if you take some serious teaching, you may be able to change your bad mouth from minus ninety to forty or fifty.

Although Li Tai was a little dissatisfied with He Ruoden, he didn't want to send him home to teach his son. He told him early in the morning to send He Ruobi to Longyuan Academy. After all, he was already in the first class of Meng Xue, hanging out with Gao Jiong's classmates. , it’s better than following him and listening to him.

Although He Ruoden spoke freely, he was still quite respectful when facing Master Li Tai. Seeing Li Tai glare and scold him, he hurriedly lowered his head and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. Master Sir, please calm down! No matter what, Sir, No servant dares to disobey whatever the Lord calls upon!”

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