Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 740 Greedy for power and chaos

In the inner hall of Huazhou Zhongwai Mansion, Taishi Yuwentai was sitting on the main table. On the left and right sides were his nephew Yuwenhu, nephew Yuchi and his brothers, and Yan Qing, who was dismissed from the post of governor of Liangzhou a month ago.

Further down in the seats, Yu Wentai's two older sons, Yu Wenyu and Yu Wenjue, were also able to attend this family banquet.

Yu Wenyu is already a young man, and he already has a somewhat adult look, and his demeanor is calm and polite. At the beginning of the year, under the strong recommendation of his father-in-law, Sima Duguxin, he had just been appointed governor of Beihua Prefecture, but he had not yet had time to take office.

Wenjue, Duke of Lueyang, was only twelve years old this year. He had just finished mourning for his mother, Princess Feng Yi, and had not yet been discharged. He looked a little thin, but his eyes were dripping and moving, making him appear smart, agile, lively and active.

Due to his limited experience and knowledge, a young man of this age is obviously not qualified to discuss important matters, but his father Yuwentai still allows him to attend the family banquet and listen to the discussions of his elders, which shows his affection for this legitimate son.

In addition to the relatives of Huxia's nephews, Yuwentai's sons-in-law were also present, including Li Yuan's second son Li Ji, Li Bi's second son Li Hui, Yu Jin's second son Yu Yi, etc.

In addition to Director Yuwen who is in Longyou and Emperor Yuan Qin who is in Chang'an, there are also some younger disciples. Those currently in the inner hall are the core members and relatives of the Yuwen family in Guanzhong.

Everyone gathered together today not to celebrate any festival, but to celebrate Emperor Yuan Qin's dismissal of Yu Wentai from his position.

Although Yu Wentai is now the well-deserved leader of the Bafu and his status is stable, the original Prime Minister's Palace and Xingtai have also been merged into Zhongwai Palace. The positions of Prime Minister and Daxingtai have become less important, but they were suddenly Such an unexpected cancellation inevitably left Yuwentai somewhat passive.

Especially now, the Chang'an court still has a personnel team. After Yu Wentai was removed from the position of prime minister, it meant that he no longer had the right to intervene in the personnel affairs of the Chang'an court. There was no need to report to him any personnel plans in the court.

Although the Chang'an court no longer has much power, it is still based on legal principles and has many official positions. No one can predict what kind of things these people with nothing to do can do when they gather together.

Moreover, this incident also revealed that Emperor Yuan Qin was extremely dissatisfied with Taishi Yuwentai. It is really unpredictable what kind of personnel waves this attitude would cause. So even Yu Wenhu, who was stationed in Hedong, hurriedly returned and asked his uncle face to face what he needed to do.

Because of this, the atmosphere of today's family banquet was quite dull. Everyone just looked at the food on the table in front of them silently, and occasionally looked up to see if Yu Wentai had any instructions.

Compared to everyone who looked worried and secretive, Yu Wentai seemed very indifferent. He first asked Yu Wenhu and Yan Qing about the specific circumstances of their respective reigns, and then explained a few words to his son Yu Wenyu who was about to leave home to take office.

Seeing him like this, everyone didn't dare to take the initiative to mention their worries. Whenever asked, they quickly and respectfully answered.

Apart from Yu Wentai, only the youngest Yu Wenjue in the hall was not disturbed by his sadness. He opened his mouth to speak but never got the chance.

After finally waiting for the conversation between his father and his cousin Yu Wenhu to come to an end, he suddenly stood up from the table, looked at his father and said loudly: "Everyone in the hall is my family's confidant and loyal, Ayehe." It can’t be said!”

After hearing this, Yu Wentai looked at his son with interest and asked, "Why did you suddenly make such a sound? Do you know what I am thinking?"

As the legitimate son of the family, Yu Wenjue already received more attention from his father. When he heard this question, he was not afraid of the stage. He immediately continued to say loudly: "Aye has taken charge of the power and helped the country. He has made great contributions and has no fault. He should be rewarded generously. As a result, he was dismissed. Isn't this unfair in the imperial court?

Even the servants in the kitchen must carefully teach those who come after them before they go to work. Aye has dismissed such an important minister, and the court has not sent an envoy to ask about his successor. How can the state affairs be in peace? Aye is in charge of all the affairs of the family and the country, but now there is nothing to disturb him. How can Aye not worry about the success or failure of things? "

"Haha, although the boy has a crazy tone, he also means something!"

When Yuwentai heard Yuwenjue's repeated questions, he couldn't help laughing again, with admiration in his eyes. He then looked around at the people present and continued to laugh and said: "I know that all your disciples have their own worries, so it's okay today. Let's go our separate ways. Just like what Dharani said, you are all my confidants, why can't you tell me?"

When everyone heard this, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Yuchigang, who had already been unable to hold himself back for a long time, took the lead and said: "Recently, there are many lucky disciples of the clan in Chang'an who rely on their favor and ignore the palace restrictions, and many of them guard the palace gardens. Weapons are stolen for personal use and no one dares to stop them from coming in and out. Misfortunes are also growing in the court, and evil spirits are spreading. If there are no sanctions, there will be disaster! "

After Yu Wentai heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and the corners of his raised mouth turned into a drooping posture. The original friendly smile when facing his disciples and juniors also turned into a sneer.

Of course he could hear the implication of Yuchigang's words, which was that many people in the clan often gathered in the palace while Emperor Yuan Qin weakened his governing power, and the emperor also rewarded them with many treasures to win people's hearts. When these Yuan and Wei clans gathered around the emperor, the most important thing was naturally to discuss how to deal with themselves.

"The safety of the emperor's residence is the foundation of the country. Even if there are all kinds of prosperity in external affairs, if the root system is damaged, it will be empty after all. This matter must be investigated."

Yu Wentai spoke slowly and said: "Your Majesty is young and strong, and his ambition to rejuvenate is indeed a blessing to the country. However, if he is eager for success and is taken advantage of by evil spirits, it will inevitably become a disaster for the clan. It should be noted that at this time The situation cannot be achieved by me alone. Since the Western Hunt, we have used the full force of civil and military forces at home and abroad, so we can take root in Kansai and not be urged by stubborn thieves. "

At this point, he looked at the sons-in-law present and said: "You and other disciples and fathers are also diligent and diligent. Family education has passed down that we should know that it is not easy to achieve things. Fortunately, the public's praise allows me to hold power, and each of them dedicates his children to this place." Hu, let this hall shine. Now that I have appointed you as a guard, you must not let down the high expectations of your dear elders, and help the king to be upright!"

After hearing this, several sons-in-law stood up and bowed in response, with different expressions on their faces, some looked serious, and some looked secretly happy.

They each have a good family background. Although their father is not a pillar of the country, he is also a general. Because he was appreciated by Yu Wentai, he was recruited as his son-in-law, and each enjoyed honors at a young age. Now, due to the conflict between the imperial court and the Chinese and Foreign Governments, he has gained the attention of his father-in-law Yuwentai. He has been appointed as the General of the Military Guard and the Rigel Guard by the Chinese and Foreign Governments. It can be said that he has a bright future.

But enjoying rights also comes with obligations, and they all know the profound meaning of this appointment. General Wuwei is the most important middle-level general in the imperial guard system. As they assume this position in the current atmosphere, they naturally shoulder the task of coordination and supervision.

If as the situation develops, the contradictions can no longer be reconciled, then close monitoring becomes the only task. Although the current emperor can be regarded as their brother-in-law, only the father-in-law has a brother-in-law. When it comes time to make a decision, they will undoubtedly side with the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office. This is not only their own understanding, but also the instructions given by their fathers.

The palace defense does need to be strengthened, but why the emperor dared to do this is something that needs to be seriously considered. It also needs to be clarified whether the emperor went his own way or whether there were other people behind him who was pushing the situation.

After seeing his uncle giving some encouragement to his sons-in-law, Yu Wenhu spoke again: "Now the government does not want the Chinese and foreign governments to interfere in the current affairs of the court, but it has not appointed anyone else immediately. The suspension of court affairs will not last long. Plan. At the beginning of the year, Wei Xiaokuan was recommended by many officials and returned to serve as the governor of Yongzhou. According to my uncle, is there any involvement in this? "

Yuwentai knew that Yuwenhu was suspicious of Guanzhong's powerful forces. They recalled Wei Xiaokuan as the governor of Yongzhou to gain control of the military power in the countryside. At the same time, they encouraged the emperor to revoke Yuwentai's power to intervene in the court affairs. In this way, they could rely on Yongzhou as their foundation. , carried out a series of integrations in the DPRK, and gained the ability to compete with the Chinese and foreign governments.

This situation is still very possible. When Yuwentai formed the Bafu, the only people he relied on were the old tribes of He Batayue and the annexed tribes of Hou Mo and Chen Yue, plus the call for legal rule brought by Emperor Xiaowu. , thus winning over powerful forces in Guanzhong, Hedong and other places.

Nowadays, the armed forces relied on by the Western Wei Dynasty were originally dominated by the powerful men in Guanzhong. In addition, the emperor was increasingly openly expressing his dissatisfaction with Yuwentai, his father-in-law. At this time, people from Guanzhong united with the Han Dynasty. One side had a deep local foundation, and the other side had political status and righteousness. In theory, they did have the energy to overpower the foreign government.

Before Yu Wentai had time to answer, Yu Chigang next to him spoke again: "The kings in Jinei have been visiting Da Sima's house frequently recently, and there are many rumors in the capital that Da Sima may succeed him as prime minister."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed again, and several people subconsciously looked at Yu Wenyu.

Yu Wenyu soon noticed this. Seeing the subtle looks in the eyes of the people looking at him, he quickly said: "Da Sima Ying has no such intention. Recently, he only taught me about guarding the herd and suppressing the affairs of the party. He never heard of it." He has said that he will be in charge of the government. What's more, Grand Sima has been following orders for a long time and has rewarded the royal family. Although he and Aye are different bodies, they are of the same mind. If there is any evil spirit entering the house and causing trouble, I will definitely stop it!"

Yu Wenjue seemed to have been waiting for Yu Wenyu to speak. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately said with a smile: "Although I am a guest in Da Sima's house, it is a pity that there are more distinguished guests in Da Sima's hall. If we come to visit together, , I’m afraid we won’t treat each other the same?”

Yu Wenyu looked even more embarrassed after hearing this, while Yu Wentai in the hall couldn't help but frowned. He was about to reprimand Yu Wenjue, but after a change of mind, he looked at Yu Chigang and said, "I'll be back tomorrow. After Beijing, you pay a visit to Da Sima's house and ask him to come to Huazhou. I have something to ask you."

The less interests involved in the relationship between people, the simpler and purer it is. It is true that Yuwentai and Duguxin have a close relationship, but with the improvement of their respective positions, they are no longer just old friends and friends. The children are married.

Even if Duguxin himself does not have similar ideas, there are definitely many people who intend to promote it. Just like at Yuwentai's own banquet, his nephews all spoke up to remind him to be wary of Duguxin. During this period of time, the various messages Dugu Xin received would only be more numerous and more complicated than his own.

Therefore, no matter what Dugu Xin's attitude was in this matter, Yu Wentai felt that it was necessary to strengthen communication and contact between each other, so as to avoid causing dissatisfaction between each other and leading to misunderstandings.

Compared with others who focus on the changes in Yuwentai's position, Yuchi Jiong needs to pay more attention to the changes in the surrounding situation, especially things related to Shuzhong.

He had been silent before, but now that he was a little quiet, he spoke again: "Brother Rendu had been in Hanzhong for a long time, and there were few rebellions in that area. But the former Li Boshan replaced Cui Xuanyou, and chaos broke out in Shannan, Hanzhong. . Now that the Southern Dynasties were in rebellion in Xiangzhou and Jiangling was in danger, they sent envoys to ask our country to send troops to attack Shu to help them, but Li Boshan asked Nei to enter Wuguan..."

"Brother, are you saying that Li Boshan may be colluding with Da Sima inside and outside, and wants to raise troops to help Da Sima succeed him as prime minister?"

Yuchigang had deep resentment towards Li Tai. When he heard his brother mention Li Tai, he immediately made malicious assumptions.

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone in the hall became even more exciting, and they were afraid that others would see the change in their expressions, so they hurriedly lowered their heads.

"Boshan would never be so unwise!"

Without waiting for others to speak, Yu Wentai spoke first: "In the current situation, he is an important weapon of the country outside, and he is a source of chaos when he is inside. He knows this far better than you and others. The former is regarded as the pillar of the country, He can live in peace, let alone now. If I don’t allow it, he won’t dare to come!”

After hearing the words, Yu Wenhu nodded in agreement and said: "Li Boshan is shrewd and good at discerning opportunities and taking advantage of them. Although he is greedy for power and chaotic, he will never go against important things. Now that my uncle is in power... In short, he He would not be so unwise. From what I see, the chaos in the country is not what he wants. What he is more interested in is the great achievement of conquering Shu!"

"That's what I'm worried about. He has become more important in the southeast. If he can support the southwest again, the king's destiny beyond the second pass will not be obvious. This is definitely not a good attitude!"

Speaking of this, Yuchijiong looked at Yuwentai with a worried look. He has been keeping an eye on a series of things in Shuzhong since last year. Now he has finally waited until Xiao Ji's army went east and Shuzhong was empty. Xiao Yi from Jiangling took the initiative to ask for troops to help. Yuchi Jiong was really worried that Li Boshan might use his tricks to Seize the position of the general who conquered Shu.

Seeing Yuchi Jiong's appearance, Yu Wentai sighed secretly in his heart, and then spoke to comfort him: "All matters regarding the conquest of Shu have been decided for a long time, and of course they will not be changed rashly. The rebellion in Hanzhong was just an unexpected change, and now everything is in chaos It will not affect the progress of the war."

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