Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 751 The Great Plan of the World

Different from the turmoil and chaos in Sichuan, Guanzhong in the golden autumn can be described as peaceful, with undulating grain waves in the fields, abundant fruits in the gardens, and the joy of harvest everywhere.

The atmosphere in Huazhou City was also joyful. At the beginning of the year, Taishi Yuwentai was suddenly dismissed from his position. Although it brought some disturbing gloom and turbulence to the current situation, he was soon defeated by Taishi Yuwen when he went west to Longguan and subdued Tuyuhun. The heroic deeds were broken up and resolved.

Because Tuyuhun Khan praised Lu Guan for not fighting, but only for submission, Yuwentai did not stay in Longyou any longer, and returned to Guanzhong in June. Emperor Yuan Qin sent envoys to greet the victorious troops in Xianyang. Taishi Yuwentai stayed in Xianyang for a few days, but did not enter the court to see and report his achievements, and then led his army back to Huazhou City.

After the army returned to Huazhou, news came that the army marching south to conquer Shu had broken through Jiange and successfully entered the middle of Shu. This was a double blessing for the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office. And Yu Wentai was also in a good mood and said that there was no need for the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office to arrange any triumphal celebration. It would not be too late to celebrate together after the news of the victory in Shuzhong was sent back.

In this way, time passed from midsummer to this autumn. By September, more accurate news about the troops attacking Shu finally came back, but it was a mixed blessing.

What is gratifying is that the army that conquered Shu has conquered Chengdu. This was a great achievement that the Northern Wei Dynasty was unable to complete during its most powerful period. However, it was actually achieved during the Western Wei Dynasty, which is now in a corner. Naturally, it makes people happy and excited.

But the worry is that due to the excessive killings during the march into Chengdu, resentment among the people in Shu was boiling and turmoil broke out. The army that conquered Shu could only control Chengdu and a small area around it.

After Yu Wentai learned of this situation, he immediately frowned and summoned all the close officials of the Chinese and Foreign Governments to discuss countermeasures.

"The former attacked Shu because Xiao Ji abandoned his people. Shu was empty and lacked governance. God gave it to me and I had to take it. After Bo Juluo entered the country, he also remembered his previous instructions and used his plans carefully. He did not use murder to scare him but used benevolence and righteousness. In response to the call, Yang Qianyun and others are all famous generals in Shu, and their sense of justice shows that people's hearts are submissive. "

When all the ministers were summoned into the hall, Yu Wentai spoke first and said: "After that, we besieged the city for several decades without any mistakes, and finally forced the defender to surrender. Unfortunately, there were still unruly people in the city, so we had no choice but to use our weapons to clear them out. The Shu people Greedy for misfortune, people have gathered together to create chaos. Now that the army has conquered Chengdu, do you have any good ideas? "

Although Yu Wentai deliberately obscured Yu Chijiong's responsibility in this, the real dilemma will not hide the fact that the war against Shu has progressed to this point, and the development of the situation has indeed exceeded the originally expected normal track, or It is said that one of the worst scenarios predicted before sending troops is developing.

In the original plan, the main enemy faced by this expedition to Shu was the Yizhou officers and soldiers led by Wuling King Xiao Ji, and due to Xiao Ji's eastward expedition, the number of these Yizhou officers and soldiers was not too large.

As for the local powerful people in Yizhou, they are not the enemies that need to be faced in the first stage. After the Western Wei Dynasty successfully conquered Shu and established its rule over Shu, they would fight or suppress these powerful forces in the process of rebuilding order. As long as the means are used properly, there will basically be no group confrontation.

But now, because Yu Chijiong caused too many killings in Chengdu, personnel conflicts that could have been postponed broke out in advance.

In particular, Hou Jing's rebellion has just ended. Although central Shu was not affected, the serious damage caused by Hou Jing's rebel army to the Jiangnan area must have made these powerful people in Shu wary. As a result, the Wei army now entered Shu with a The face of a ruthless killer will inevitably make it more difficult for the Western Wei Dynasty to conquer and control Shu.

Take the current situation as an example. Although the army of the Western Wei Dynasty has successfully entered the city of Chengdu, the areas surrounding the Chengdu Plain are experiencing frequent disturbances. Many local powerful factions in Bashu have shown an attitude of being unwilling to cooperate or even directly confronting. This Naturally, we can't talk about conquering Shuzhong.

This is a very complex problem. If you want to solve it properly, all factors need to be taken into consideration.

It's just that the reason why Yuwentai set the tone first was not Yuchi Jiong, but the Shu people's corruption. This greatly limited the scope of discussion, at least on the issue of continuing the united front to win over the Shu people. It’s not easy to act arbitrarily.

While the other members in the hall were still bowing their heads and thinking about how to answer, a young man in attendance, Li Zhi, stood up first and said: "It has been half a year since we conquered Shu. The soldiers are brave but tired. Now there are thieves in Shu." , there are frequent battles, and we don’t know when we will return, so we should send envoys to appease the conquerors. We need to redouble our intimidation and continue to send more elite troops to enhance the military's prestige, so as to avoid future troubles!"

As soon as Li Zhi said this, many of the staff present showed approval, most of them were young people who had been appreciated and cultivated by Grand Master Yuwen in recent years.

In their view, conquering Shu is not something that needs to be taken seriously. The most difficult thing is just that the road to Shu is difficult. Now that the difficulties in the Shu Road have been overcome, even Chengdu has been captured. Even if there are people who have risen up in the four directions, they are just a mob. They can just continue to send more troops to suppress it separately.

However, after Li Zhi finished speaking, Yu Wentai showed a somewhat unnatural look on his face. If the matter was really that simple, why would he need to convene a crowd to discuss it?

All difficulties are ultimately due to lack of strength. Sending additional troops can not only take care of Shuzhong, but also directly take care of Jiangling. Even if there are enough men and horses, it is not a problem to flatten Jinyang and destroy Northern Qi. But the question is how many people and horses are enough? Where did you get these people?

Although young people are more energetic and energetic, when it comes to stability and maturity, it has to be the old people in Taiwan.

Shen Hui, who had just returned to Zhongwai Mansion from Guazhou, pondered for a while before speaking: "The road to Shu is difficult and dangerous, and it is not easy to get in and out. Even if more people are sent there, they will still need to raise supplies for the military. The road to Shu is dangerous and difficult to get in and out of. It takes ten percent of the work to obtain three points. Nowadays, the state's resources are not sufficient, and the manpower and material resources are exhausted in this four-fortress situation. The gains and losses must be carefully weighed. "

Hearing that Shen Hui denied his proposal, Li Zhidang said with some displeasure: "According to Shen Gong's opinion, could it be that he just wanted to defeat the Shu army and be trapped in the isolated city without sending reinforcements? It is a pity for this momentary material resources, but all the previous efforts have been wasted. , is this the way a wise man makes plans?”

What he said was a bit aggressive. Shen Hui had been away from home for a long time, so he was a little unfamiliar with many rising stars in the Chinese and foreign government. With a matter-of-fact attitude, he didn't want to be questioned by Li Zhi about his IQ. He frowned. He frowned, so he asked again: "According to what Li Ji's office saw, where did the soldiers come from? How many should they be sent out? How much materials should be prepared? When will the campaign last?"

"Things require the wisdom of the crowd before we can make a thorough decision. If we need to plan for the end before we can give a single suggestion, then why do we need public consultation? So far, the conquest of Shu has achieved something that no one before us has accomplished. In order to maintain this achievement, we have invested more The role of a character is also what it should be!”

When Li Zhi heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said confidently, and then said in a loud and passionate tone: "Bashu is now settled, we can hope for Jiangling, annihilate Jiangling, and we can also hope for Jiangnan. Three parts of the world are waiting for us. With the two of them, what can the Eastern Thieves do? I don’t know if Duke Shen can carefully weigh the gains and losses of conquering Shu."

After hearing these encouraging words, Shen Huiwen subconsciously opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

At the beginning of the twelfth year of his reign, he went to Guazhou to serve and stayed there for more than five years. At that time, the Western Wei Dynasty had just emerged from the haze of the defeat in the Battle of Mangshan and had accumulated some strength to reopen Longyou and Hexi, but he did not want to return this time. When he arrived at the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office, the topics everyone was talking about had reached the point of looking at the world at every turn, which naturally made him feel quite uncomfortable, and he just felt that he couldn't keep up with the pace.

"Shen Gong has a broad plan and comprehensive plans, while Li Lang has a long-term plan and has a long-term vision. Each has its own specialties and strengths. For now, you just need to offer your wisdom and words, don't argue with your will!"

Yuwentai became a little emotional after hearing the comments from both sides, and frowned again.

After hearing the words, the two of them stood up and nodded in agreement, but Shen Hui was somewhat depressed, while Li Zhi was in high spirits.

Although his tone and attitude were somewhat biased in favor of Li Zhi, when he actually faced the problem, Yu Wentai agreed with Shen Hui's plan and said slowly: "It is not a bad idea to continue to increase troops. But now that autumn is coming to winter, The bandits in the east are getting impatient, so the river defense must not be compromised. It would also be a good idea if we can deal with the human affairs in Shu properly."

What he said was a bit scoundrel. He refused to admit Yuchi Jiong's mistakes and wanted to rely on the existing personnel in Shu to solve the current difficulties. His wishful thinking was so loud that everyone present was helpless for a moment. Be true to your words.

"How about sending Yang Qianyun back to Tongzhou and having him lead his Di soldiers to quell the rebellious people?"

After a while, someone spoke.

But as soon as he said these words, he was immediately opposed by several people: "No, Yang Qianyun is a repeat disciple. He is happy when he hears the benefits. It is easier to leave. He cannot be accepted as a confidant! Once he is sent home, it will only increase the hidden dangers and variables!"

Suggestions were put forward one after another, and then were opposed. Everyone discussed for a long time without reaching a conclusion, which made the atmosphere of the meeting fall into a rather strange situation. It's not that there isn't a smart person among the many members of the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office. Everyone knows the reason, and that is the deadlock caused by Yu Wentai's attitude at the beginning.

At this time, Lu Yan, who returned to the Sino-Foreign Mansion to serve as the reporter, said: "If it is difficult for the people in the government to solve the problem, it is better to ask the border towns. General Li of Jingzhou has far-reaching plans and is familiar with border affairs. He has made specific suggestions before. Now that the matter of Shu has encountered obstacles, it is natural for us to inquire more."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more subtle. The people present either lowered their heads to read the documents on the case silently, or squinted at Grand Master Yuwen's expression in the hall. The last time the government discussed the matter of General Li and the conquest of Shu, it was Yuchi Jiong who reported that he had secretly communicated with Shu and deceived him, the chief general of the conquest of Shu.

When Yu Wentai heard Lu Yan's words, his expression changed slightly. After a moment, he nodded slowly, but said nothing.

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