Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 753 It’s only the Spring and Autumn Period

Mr. Taiyuan, who knew how to put the overall situation first, naturally couldn't just make sarcastic remarks, so his attitude became serious next.

"The current difficulties in Shu do not mean that the situation is extremely difficult. They are just taking risks because of the small strength. If you want to relieve the difficulties, you only need to increase your strength. The only concern is where the strength will come from."

After pondering for a while, Li Tai said: "There are two strategies to choose from now. If your Majesty stops at occupying land, it will be easier for your troops to enter Shu, go straight to the mighty road, and wipe out the unconquered ministers. Sichuan will be red, and it is not enough." To cherish..."

When Changsun Jian and Tang Jin heard this, their expressions turned cold. They shook their heads and said: "Everyone in the world has justice. Now in the country, the armor brigade should be cautious in its use of sincerity. The enemy of the East Thieves is becoming more and more arrogant." The river defense is so important that it cannot be taken lightly for a moment. Even if the four fortresses of Bashu are controlled by strong troops, it is difficult to get in and out. In the end, you must have a good plan. "

Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy when he heard these words. Whether these two people were just talking politely or not, it also showed that he was no longer an ordinary person in the Western Wei Dynasty, and the solutions he proposed when encountering problems were also different. You shouldn't just follow the crowd, but put forward your own unique insights.

But just a few beautiful words were not enough to make him reveal his true identity, so he laughed and said: "Since it is not just about occupying the land of Shu, but also all the people in the land, and there is no strong army to do it. It is of course an important task to establish and utilize Shu, so as to relieve the worries of Shu people, make them happy and close to me, and make them happy with the king's rule..."

Tang Jin didn't have much contact with Li Tai, and his understanding was not deep enough. He just felt that listening to Li Tai was just nonsense. He turned to look at Changsun Jian and saw that he was just frowning and silent, so he couldn't help but said: "Preface by Duke Taiyuan" Face the problem squarely and discuss the matter. I deeply feel that what I have said is true, so I am listening with all my heart. But what I have heard so far is mostly speeches and lacks new tunes. If I stop here, I may be doing something wrong!"

The two strategies Li Tai mentioned were to continue to send more troops to Shu regardless of the cost to increase the power of the Western Wei Dynasty in Shu, thereby suppressing all opposing forces.

This method cannot be said to be wrong. After all, even the stupid young men in the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office know that increasing the number of troops to attack is the best strategy. The so-called emperor does this only when his troops are strong and his horses are strong. There is simply no room in their minds for a process that can lead to strong soldiers and horses.

But as Li Tai, a former subordinate of Ba Mansion and now a powerful Fang Bo in the southeast, if he just came up with such a strategy to make a statement, it would be basically like farting.

As for the second item, that is to quell the resentment of the Shu people against the Western Wei Dynasty and strive to absorb and utilize the available power in Bashu. This is even more correct but useless nonsense.

Because Yuchi Jiong, the leader of the expedition against Shu, initially pursued such a strategy. It was precisely because it was unworkable that the massacre in Chengdu took place, which aroused the anger of the Shu people.

Hearing Tang Jin's words, Li Tai smiled instead of being angry. He then looked at the other party and said with a smile: "Then according to Tang Shangshu's opinion, what new words should I write to offer? I have more than one suggestion for the plan to conquer Shu. One or two, the minister may have heard about it, or he may not have heard about it. But what Duke An of Wei is doing now is really not what I need to do.

Now that the people of Shu are rebelling against me, is it possible that those who gave me advice were not careful enough? One person's shortcomings and clumsiness can't be corrected by a hundred people. Tang Shangshu knows, why am I here to see you two today? The atrocities committed against Shu attracted the attention of the southerners. Their resentment was not limited to Bashu. Many people in Jiangling were frightened and far away from me! "

Speaking of this, the smile on Li Tai's face gradually faded away. He pointed at the finished or semi-finished boats parked in the lake and said in a deep voice: "The northerners are better at riding, and the southerners are better at boats. The former is due to the chaos in the southern country, so I am strong." The army was able to occupy the crossings at Hankou, so that the country could fully support the land of Hanmiang.

Although the kings and ministers of Jiangling ceded territory to bribe me, they were actually not very angry. At the beginning of our occupation of the territory, we used our naval commanders to provoke us. The only thing that took advantage of us was that our naval commanders were not strong. The officers and others are sitting in the pass without knowing the dangers in the frontier, let alone the soldiers on the frontier who are waiting for danger and do not dare to sleep deeply!

Now Wei Angong has committed evil in Shu, but it has frightened the lower reaches of the country, especially Jiangling, which has attracted more attention from the people. From now on, there will be many provocations by the river, making it impossible for me to sleep peacefully. Therefore, ships were built urgently to prepare for emergencies. If you ask me this, I don’t know whether there will be a war between the north and the south tomorrow, so how can I measure the safety of Shu! "

When Tang Jin heard Li Tai's anger, Tang Jin fell silent for a moment. For the people like them in the country, the situation in the southeast has been defeated by General Li. The difference is only a small victory or a big victory. As for the reason for victory, they do not know what kind of dangers the situation in the southeast faces. Then I don’t understand even more.

Nowadays, the predicament in Shuzhong alone has made the Chinese and foreign governments extremely worried. The old problems have not been solved, and they dare not listen to the new difficulties.

Changsun Jian has had a lot of dealings with Li Tai, so he would not dare to continue discussing the issue because Li Tai suddenly talked about Jingzhou's border defense difficulties, and he also grasped the meaning of Li Tai's words in his complaints. The key point is the dissatisfaction with Yuchi Jiong.

After all, according to Li Tai's logic, if Yuchi Jiong hadn't massacred the people in Shu, the Guanxi area between Jingzhou and Jiangling would not have become so bad that the Jingzhou General Administration had to repair the boats diligently and make up for the shortcomings. plate. Just looking at the scale of the Danjiangkou boat base, we can see the great pressure from the border defense of the Jingzhou Governor's Office.

"The Duke of Taiyuan has expanded his borders and served far away, and is powerful in the southeast. This matter is known both inside and outside, and everyone admires him. Therefore, now that we are facing a difficult situation in the national and military affairs, the Lord has sent us to the south to inquire. Although the matter is dangerous and difficult to solve, the Duke of Taiyuan is wise and brave. He has both, and he also has a lot of foresight on the situation in Bashu. Now I come to ask for advice, hoping to have both!"

Changsun Jian looked at Li Tai again and said sincerely. Ever since he saw the business conditions of the states in northern Shaanxi, he had admired Li Tai's ability in border crossing. Now every time he visits Jing Town, he sees something new. Although he doesn't want to say it clearly, he still admires Li Tai's talents. It is more and more admiration.

Hearing what Changsun Jian said, Li Tai also put on a sincere expression and said seriously: "Changsun Changshi is really exaggerating. How can I, an old official in my house, not know what the situation in the country is like? Yueyin In this way, the resentment will become more and more difficult to calm down. In the past, those who passed through the border were afraid of being fierce in politics and having the will to stand out from the crowd.

To this day, Jingzhou still remembers the story of Deyi broadcasting here in the past years, but who doesn’t have any danger in their heart? Those who were worried were simply that the country was in dire straits and did not dare to take risks! Who doesn't have the courage of an ordinary man? Today, Duke An of Wei relies on his own bravery and tortures Shu, to the point of exterminating the masses and making enemies everywhere. How can we, the counselors, be guilty?

Nowadays, there is also a border siege in Jing Town, but as long as national affairs require it, who dares to refuse the order of surrender? Winning may be difficult, but sacrificing one's life is easy. I, the young man from Jingzhen, can go to Shu. But when I think that my blood and blood will be in the hands of Wei Angong, a man with great ambition and talent, who does not consider the country's difficulties and dangers, it is better not to use it!

If you don’t dare to express this statement to the Lord, I can also speak out! But if you can help the country, why should you be afraid of honor and disgrace? If you are not aware of the right and wrong in front of you, you will know that you have sinned against me. This is only the Spring and Autumn Period! "

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