Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 757 The world is vast

When Yu Wengui was in danger, he didn't waste too long and immediately led his two thousand elite cavalry troops to go south.

As a tycoon in Xiazhou, Yu Wengui's headquarters certainly has more than that. However, during the previous period, he first led the army to quell the rebellion of the Qiang people in the Dangchang Kingdom, and then cooperated with Yu Wen to clear up the Di Qiang tribe in Longnan. In the first half of the year, he followed Yu Wentai on the expedition to Tuyuhun, which can be said to be very busy.

The geographical environment in Shu is very special, and it is easy to form a separatist force that is not willing to submit to the territory. Therefore, you need to be very cautious when choosing who to guard.

Yu Wentai's two nephews are located in Longyou and Hedong. The disciples are still immature and difficult to use, and the sons-in-law are also difficult to be useful. Among the relatives, Lieutenant Chi Jiong is already a more suitable candidate, but he cannot do it under Li Tai's strong opposition. If you continue to stay in office, you will have to look for suitable candidates from even more estranged relationships.

Although Yu Wengui and Yu Wentai are not blood relatives of the same clan, they still have the same surname. In addition, their hometown of Xiazhou can be regarded as the place where Yu Wentai rose up, so they also regard Yu Wengui as the same clan. Compared with other generals with similar qualifications, Yu Wengui is undoubtedly more approachable.

Moreover, it is no longer a secret that Li Tai has a deep layout in Shu. Let’s not talk about the previous ones. After the conquest of Shu began, the number of envoys sent before and after reached tens of thousands, almost as much as the troops sent by the Chinese and foreign governments.

Therefore, if a general is not sent to take charge, the entire war against Shu may go astray due to Li Tai's infiltration and influence. Yu Wengui was also one of the few generals in the country who could not fall behind in the interaction with Li Tai, so he was assigned to rescue him.

As a well-known Xiazhou tycoon, Yu Wengui's troops were so brave and powerful that even Li Tai in his early years was envious. The reason why he only led two thousand elite cavalry when he entered Shu this time was because the more people entering Shu, the logistics The pressure will be greater. Secondly, it is necessary to solve the current predicament in Shuzhong, and it is not just military. Moreover, what happened with Li Tai just happened, and Yu Wentai didn't want Yu Wengui to lead too many private songs to Shuzhong.

Although the number of men and horses led by Yu Wengui is not large, there is no need to worry about not having enough men and horses to use. When he passed by Liangzhou, the additional troops sent by the General Manager of Jingzhou were already waiting here to follow Yu Wengui into Shu. The general leading the army was none other than Yu Wenshan.

The reunion of father and son after a long separation should have been a happy event, but when Yu Wenshan greeted his father with joy outside Nanzheng City, he saw Yu Wengui frowning and looking at him with a gloomy expression, so he restrained himself. With a smile on his face, he came forward, lowered his head and said softly: "Aye..."

"The military is on business, no personal names are allowed!"

After Yu Wengui heard this, he snorted coldly, looked at his son and scolded him, and then said in a low voice: "Why did Li Boshan send you to work with me?"

"The general will be so happy that he gets carried away. Please forgive me, General!"

After hearing this, Yu Wenshan lowered his head. He first apologized to his father, and then replied: "The former General Li was selecting governors in the government. The last general heard that the current situation in Shu was dangerous, and Wei Angong passed out because of his passing. It is a plan to offend the public, and I know that the general has been busy with wars in recent years, and his troops will inevitably be exhausted, so I am afraid that there will be losses, so I take the initiative to invite the troops to join the general to help in the war!"

Hearing these words of filial piety and sincere tone, Yu Wengui was unable to express the reprimands that came to his lips. He just looked at his son who was still a little confused, and after a long while he said in a low voice: "Father, I'm here for you." Do you think it’s appropriate for Bafu to send his envoy to Junzhen and work together in a closed corner?”

It is normal for a general to go on an expedition and leave his family behind at home. However, the Western Wei Dynasty was ruled by warriors, and the generals were well-paid. Sometimes they would bring their adult children into the army to serve as military commanders for training and training. This was also normal.

However, the situation of Yu Wengui and his son is obviously not suitable. Yu Wengui was originally appointed by the Ba Mansion to make a compromise due to the military government. However, after the military government succeeded, it directly sent Yu Wengui's son to support the war. This Can you stop people from thinking too much?

If this matter was deliberately arranged by Li Tai, Yu Wengui would have to come to tell you what the hell your stinky brother was up to, no matter how much he did to delay his military career! But Jin Yu Wenshan admitted that it was because he was worried about his father's safety, so he took the initiative to ask for a fight, which inevitably made Yu Wengui full of frustration and unable to vent.

"What's inappropriate about this? The military government already relies on Bafu for its orders. General Li is sending troops to continue to provide reinforcements. It's also because the governor of the previous attack on Shu made a mistake and we, the Jingzhen soldiers, can't bear to attack Shu. The mission was about to fail, so we rushed to the rescue because we were worried about our father's danger, so why not ask for help?"

Yu Wenshan originally thought that he had made his father unhappy elsewhere, so he felt uneasy. After hearing that this was the reason, he felt relieved, and then he answered matter-of-factly.

When Yu Wengui heard this, he became even more angry. He originally thought that the eldest son was stable and mature, but after following Li Boshan for several years, he became naive. He sighed angrily: "The world is difficult, and you are so naive." How much do you know?”

"What the general is worried about, the junior general is also aware of. It's not that he doesn't know what's right, he's just too lazy to think deeply."

When Yu Wenshan heard his father's words, he lowered his head and whispered: "I know that the situation in the country is changing and people's hearts are treacherous. It is almost impossible for those who are not scheming to survive. But few of my colleagues in Jingzhen, such as Er, Mojiang, etc., care about this." , Just because General Li said, if you use a round metaphor to describe things, if you take it from the inside, you will have to be measured. If you have many people, you will be few. If you take it from the outside, the world will be vast, and everyone can use their talents. There are disputes in internal affairs! General Li's punishment, such warriors who have fought bloody battles need not fear the gossips in court!"

"Li Boshan is really good at speaking. It's rare for you to wait for a warrior to obey his orders. This is why he dares to..."

After Yu Wengui heard this, he couldn't help but made another angry sound, but when he saw the other generals in the rear marching one after another, he stopped talking, always trying to save his son some face in front of others.

So under Yu Wenshan's introduction, Yu Wengui met one by one with the generals of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office.

Previously, the Jingzhou Governor's Office sent He Ruodun and Li Qianzhe to lead 5,000 troops into Shu. This time, the 5,000 troops led by Yu Wenshan were escorting Yu Wengui into Shu and were ordered by him to conquer the armed forces around Chengdu. In addition to Yu Wenshan, there are also Yitong Li Renjie and Lin Sheng, a subordinate of He Bayun.

When Li Tai fought against Heluo for the second time, he captured more than 20,000 prisoners in Heluo. Although some were disposed of in Heluo, more than 10,000 were still brought back to Mianbei. Most of these prisoners were soldiers from the Northern Qi Dynasty, including some of the elite soldiers from the Six Towns of Jinyang.

After returning to Mianbei, Li Tai selected and reorganized these prisoners into an elite force of thousands of people. Because they were worried that these people would miss their homeland in Northern Qi, they did not dare to rashly place them on the border between the two countries, so they simply sent them to Shu to fight.

Although he was quite displeased with the arrival of his son Yu Wenshan, Yu Wengui's attitude towards these officers and men of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office was quite kind.

Before leaving the Zhongwai Mansion, it was customary to pay homage to Grand Master Yuwen. In the face-to-face interview before leaving, Yu Wentai gave some subtle hints to Yu Wengui. If possible, he should try to recruit some of the people stationed in Shu by the Jingzhou General Manager's Office. Even if it is not possible, he should try his best to keep these people in Shu. Shuzhong will delay for a while.

Of course, it is impossible for Yu Wentai to explain these words too clearly. After all, as the boss of the Bafu, he has to deliberately plot the power of his subordinates. It is hard to say and hard to hear.

But Yu Wengui did not understand this meaning wrongly. Li Boshan's rise in recent years has been too fierce. It should be noted that when he left Jingzhou, although Jingzhou was considered an important town on the southeastern frontier, its governance foundation was so poor that it was abandoned by Wang Sizheng.

But now Jingzhou seems to be the first town in the Western Wei Dynasty. Whether it is the territory it governs and develops, or the series of fierce and brilliant achievements of Jingzhou's troops, it is an existence that people look up to.

During this process, Bafu did not provide much personnel assistance. Even when Guanzhong Shiliu's goods were exported and invested in the construction of Mianbei, Bafu had to take commissions. Therefore, the Jingzhou General Manager's Office has now grown up, and the degree of interference that the Bafu can carry out is very limited.

Yu Wengui's son Yu Wenshan was originally stationed beside Li Boshan as a mere spy, but now his tone seems to be different from yours in our Jingzhou General Manager's Office.

Today's Jingzhou General Manager's Office is already so powerful that it needs to be vigilant. However, due to its neglect during its growth, it has become difficult to divide and balance it through conventional means, so that Grand Master Yuwen had no choice but to develop this unreasonable attitude. Too decent an idea.

Since Yu Wengui received this instruction, no matter what he thought, he had to test it a little bit. Therefore, on the way to Shu, he also deliberately talked with several Jingzhou governor generals to test them. This temptation immediately made me feel more stressed.

Li Renjie came from a powerful family in Yichuan and was a powerful barbarian chief. His family had been fighting on the front line against the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi for a long time, and many of his relatives died as a result. When it comes to General Li, he is really full of admiration and admiration. Just because General Li showed his power in Heluo in two battles, he makes him worship him. He is the only one in such a big country!

As for the Hu general Lin Sheng, he was originally from He Ba Yun's old corps. Due to the relationship between General Li and the He Ba family, he considered himself a domestic slave after he came to surrender. After being appointed by General Li as the commander-in-chief of the surrender, he became a slave. It is self-gratitude and re-creation, and it is extremely loyal.

Just like this, the more he got to know him, the more his heart grew colder. Yu Wengui felt that it would be difficult to fulfill Grand Master Yuwen's instructions before leaving.

Not only because of the attitude of the two governors, but also because of the excitement and joy with which his son talked about the Jingzhen incident, he opened his mouth several times to speak, but he did not dare to speak out.

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