Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 763 Arsenal Stolen

As the capital of the Western Wei Dynasty, Chang'an had the second largest number of troops stationed in Huazhou City, second only to Huazhou City, where Bafu was located.

These armored soldiers include the Chang'an Forbidden Army and the imperial soldiers in Yongzhou. They are mainly distributed in several military cities around Chang'an, including the Chang'an Imperial City itself, which is also a military city.

The Forbidden Army of Chang'an City was originally composed of the Liufang people who followed Xiaowu to move west. As so many years passed, battle losses and natural deaths eliminated a considerable number of the Liufang people, but the rest still belong to The absolute backbone of the Chang'an Forbidden Army.

There will be additions if there are eliminations. For example, in the early years of the Unification, Li Hu and others led the army to attack Caoni in Lingzhou. After pacifying Lingzhou, they moved many local chieftains in Lingzhou to settle near Xianyang. This part of the chieftains' tribe was gradually added to Chang'an's imperial guard and city guard system in the following years.

In addition, some other powerful armed forces who were interested in the Western Wei royal family also took the initiative to attach themselves to the Gyeonggi region and joined the garrison in the region.

In the past few years, Yuwentai Bafu has been promoting and strengthening the construction of fubing troops, reorganizing the powerful troops in Kansai into fubing armies affiliated with Bafu.

However, there was no systematic reorganization of the garrison in Chang'an. For example, Li Hu, who had been responsible for the dispatch of the garrison around Chang'an, was probably the only person who still actually held military power after assuming the post of Zhu Guo, and he was also the first to die among the six Zhu Guo. The person's special existence did not last too long.

The garrison in Chang'an City, especially the Forbidden Army as the core force, has the personnel structure of the upper level of the Fubing. For example, King Yuankuo of Qi, Wang Yuanyu of Huai'an, etc. all belong to the sequence of the Twelve Generals, and they were also temporarily restrained at the beginning of the formation of the Fubing. He commanded the troops in Gyeonggi Province.

But in fact, the military status of the troops stationed in Chang'an City does not belong to the Chinese and Foreign Governments, especially the Chang'an Forbidden Army, which still has its own internal system and management. Therefore, even Yu Wentai could not accept them all with the six-pillar state and the twelve generals system. He still needed to control the Chang'an Forbidden Army by appointing leaders, left and right guards, and generals of the armed guards.

The current Chang'an Forbidden Army is an armed force independent of the government army system.

At the beginning of the year, when Yu Chijiong sent out troops to conquer Shu, a considerable number of people from the Sixth Forbidden Army participated. It was not under the control of the Chinese and Foreign Governments, but through recruitment. Those Forbidden Army soldiers actively responded to the recruitment and were able to join. Come out with the army.

It is obvious that Yuwentai used his own power to conquer foreign countries, and used his military exploits and the capture of trophies to induce these people from the Sixth Square to actively fall into his arms.

Since many Forbidden Army soldiers went to Bashu, this also greatly affected the normal arrangement of Chang'an's guards. In order to meet the demand for guards to protect the imperial city and palaces, elite troops could only be dispatched from other places to join the imperial army.

Therefore, from the first half of the year until now, Chang'an's imperial guards have been making frequent personnel arrangements. And these personnel arrangements contain a lot of intrigues.

Guarding the Forbidden Army was originally a job that required a lot of meticulousness. It involved complex personnel changes and it was even more careless. But now it is mixed with many conspiracies and tricks with ulterior motives, so mistakes are inevitable.

The time has entered October, and the Forbidden Army system in Beijing has begun to compile the list and schedule details of the personnel who will join the Rigel Guard in the twelfth lunar month.

There are approximately 12,000 guards in Chang'an Forbidden Army. Every thousand people form one team and are divided into twelve divisions a year. Each guard army needs to participate in three divisions every year, which is three months. The number of Imperial City Guards is usually maintained at 3,000, and more will be added when there are grand ceremonial tasks. Every month, a team of 1,000 people will complete the Guards task, and will be supplemented by another team.

In addition to participating in the guard, these Forbidden Army teams are stationed in military cities around Chang'an on a daily basis to conduct various military training. Of course, these Forbidden Army soldiers rarely complete their training tasks in full. When they are not guarding Rigel, they often run rampant in the capital and bully men and women, so they are called the tyrants in the capital.

This is the rule of the dormitory guards, so the monthly arrangements for the dormitory guards are made two months ago. In this way, even if any personnel accidents occur, adjustments can be made in advance.

Due to the huge changes in the personnel of the Imperial Guard this year, many military units exist in name only. Therefore, it is very troublesome to compile the list of residential guards. It is necessary to confirm the camp personnel, arsenal equipment, etc. several times to ensure that no errors occur.

On this day, Wu Wei General Yu Yi took the list of people drawn up by the Right Guard Military Mansion. He first went into the camp to inspect the soldiers who had entered the Rigel Guard in the twelfth lunar month, but found that there were more than 300 vacancies.

There is not enough personnel to enter the Rigel Guard, let alone a shortage of more than 300 people. If this was not corrected, outsiders might be able to walk into the palace grounds casually.

So Yu Yi traveled back and forth between the military mansions and the military city, spending a whole day until late at night before allocating the full number of personnel. But his mission was not completed yet. He still had to go to an arsenal on the north bank of the Weishui River to check the armor.

When he arrived at the Weibei arsenal, it was already early in the morning. Accompanied by the arsenal managers, he inspected the ordnance in the arsenal that needed to be issued in the twelfth lunar month.

After some busy work, it was already dawn, so Yu Yi stayed here for the time being and returned to the military mansion after dawn.

At dawn, Yu Yi was awakened by his personal soldiers. After washing and eating, he was about to leave for the south immediately, but after thinking about it, he said, "The lights were dim last night, and the inspection was not thorough enough. Let's check it again today."

The managers of the arsenal were naturally a little unhappy after hearing this, but they did not dare to object. They could only go through various procedures to open the arsenal reluctantly.

Yu Yi held the arsenal book presented by the clerk, the military register and the list of guards' equipment, and carefully compared the actual weapons. After confirming that they were correct again, he was relieved.

Just before leaving the armory, he suddenly looked around the armory, frowned and asked: "There should be 300 horn bows in the inventory here, why are there no bows?"

After hearing this, the clerk looked confused at first, then panicked, and hurriedly bowed his head and said: "I was just transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Weibei Warehouse at the beginning of the month. I was busy with the construction and collection of the warehouse. The end of the month inventory has not yet arrived. I really don't know the loss of the previous items..."

Yu Yi originally just asked casually, after all, this was not within his jurisdiction, but when he heard the clerk say this, his face changed, and he immediately left the armory, and ordered the accompanying soldiers to quickly seal up the armory and the warehouse books, and then reported to the Right Guard Army to send personnel to count the warehouse items.

Soon, the Right Guard General and King Jiancheng Yuan Ding led a team of armored soldiers from the south bank to the Weibei Arsenal. Three hundred horn bows were not many, but if they were lost in the arsenal in the capital, the consequences would be great or small.

Although Yuan Ding was a member of the Yuan Wei clan, he had been on the front line in Hedong for a long time. He was recommended by Zhongshan Gong Yuwen Hu to return to the court to serve as the Right Guard General in the middle of the year, so he did not dare to be careless about the affairs within his post.

The results of the investigation came out soon. The three hundred horn bows in the warehouse, including accessories such as bowstrings, were indeed missing, and there was no record of them leaving the warehouse in the warehouse book.

With such a big mistake, Yuan Ding would of course investigate it strictly, but after a round of interrogation, the warehouse clerks just cried out for injustice and could not provide any useful clues.

This was also helpless, because this year's various management related to the imperial guards had already had a lot of regulatory loopholes, which made it difficult to trace. If someone deliberately concealed it, the truth might never be exposed.

"There are three armories in the palace in the north of Wei, which are under unified supervision. Since it is difficult to check here, it is better to check the items in other armories, and perhaps we can find more clues."

Seeing that things were at a stalemate, Yu Yi immediately made a suggestion.

Although he was just a subordinate, he was the son of Zhuguo Yu Jin and the son-in-law of Taishi Yuwen Tai. Yuan Ding did not dare to neglect his opinion. After a little hesitation, he nodded and agreed.

So they temporarily left a group of armored soldiers to seal the armory and personnel here, and then went to other armories to check.

This check is not a big deal. In addition to the 300 horn bows lost in this armory, there are many missing weapons in other armories. Although they did not reach hundreds of thousands, the cumulative number is quite considerable, and the quality is not low, even including ten sets of heavy armor!

If it was just bows and swords, the situation would not be too serious, but now even the fine armor is lost, this is definitely not a small matter.

When Yu Yi and Yuan Ding saw the list of lost weapons, their faces turned pale. They knew that they couldn't just keep it secret. Otherwise, if it was exposed somewhere, they might not be able to withstand it. So they could only report the situation to Yuchi Gang, the leader of the Imperial Guards and the general who succeeded his brother. After learning about this, Yuchi Gang became nervous and ordered to temporarily block the news. Then he sent his confidants to conduct a thorough investigation within the Imperial Guards system.

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