Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 774 Virtue is in the countryside

0773 Debei Township

In early spring in February, the Guanzhong Plain was still experiencing a chilly spring, but hard-working farmers could already be seen in the countryside.

People in Guanzhong have no leisure time all year round. They take advantage of the New Year to clean up and repair the houses they live in and the farm tools they use. After the New Year, they get busy again. They either drove away the rats and rabbits that wandered around the wheat fields and gnawed at the roots, or plowed the idle land and left it to dry in the sun, waiting for the flood season to come next month and sow the rice crop after the water became abundant.

In a village in Weinan, a team of twenty or thirty people entered the village, and soon the sound of beating gongs was heard in the village. This was a signal from the village chiefs and party chiefs to summon the villagers.

All of a sudden, the people, whether they were staying at home or busy in the fields, came to the small square in the village, which was still open.

At this time, the head of the village was standing together with the group of people who entered the village, talking quietly about something. When the villagers had almost arrived, the head of the village introduced these visitors to the villagers: "This one is Zhang County Lieutenant of the County and Officials of the government office, please stop making noise and listen carefully to the official orders!"

The villagers were still whispering, but they immediately shut up after hearing this, and just looked at the county captain and the government officials who were traveling with him with curiosity and vigilance.

Zhang Xianwei was a middle-aged man in his thirties. When all the people were silent, he spoke loudly: "I am entering the countryside today on the order of the county magistrate. In the coming days, a large group of people will pass through our county. The county office is raising a batch of grain and fodder materials on behalf of you. If you and other villagers have fodder at home, you can ask..."

Before the county captain finished speaking, there was a buzz of discussion among the people present. Everyone showed dissatisfaction. Some villagers couldn't help but said angrily: "There are constant miscellaneous things all year round, and the food and clothing are reduced every year. Now even the cattle and horses I won’t let go of any food!”

Not to mention the angry villagers, the local chief also looked at the county captain with a careful look and whispered: "Did the county captain make a mistake in his dispatch? This township has always paid hemp to serve as miscellaneous food, and the livestock materials have never been collected. The villagers have prepared materials." It’s just the cattle and horses in the breeding households. If they are forced to conscript, I’m afraid the livestock will suffer.”

In the administration of Western Weizhou County, different places will collect different materials, which are mainly based on local products. The fodder needed to raise war horses is also collected. However, in addition to official pastoral areas, if other places want to collect fodder, each household will be granted additional pasture land of varying sizes. As for the forage that the villagers take advantage of the leisure time to cut grass and dry it, it is not included in the collection.

When the village chief learned about the intention of the county captain and his party, he began to murmur in his heart. At this time, while the villagers were boiling with resentment, he plucked up the courage to express his opinion.

The county captain first rolled his eyes, and then looked at the villagers and said: "The collection of fodder this time is not forced. The passing army will buy it with property. The county magistrate wants to take care of you and other villagers, so..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was immediately drowned out by the louder discussion, which was also mixed with sarcasm and ridicule. The villagers were already very displeased when they encountered forced conscription. When they heard that the officers and soldiers would spend money to buy them, they immediately felt that their intelligence was insulted.

Bandits passed by like combs and soldiers passed by like grates. When the villagers learned that there would be a large army crossing the border, they were already considering whether to take their belongings and go out to hide for a while. But the county captain actually said that the officers and soldiers would pay for fodder. This is simply ridiculous!

Seeing the crowd's reaction, the county captain immediately felt ashamed and annoyed. In a blink of an eye, he motioned to all the accompanying government officials to draw their sabers, and then suppressed the jeering or complaining voices.

"You countrymen are ignorant and don't know that there is good in the world! Do you know who will lead the army across the border in the future? It is General Li, the Duke of Taiyuan who is in Jingzhou! The Duke of Taiyuan is a famous minister and general who is powerful in the world. Even the arrogant general The most powerful army of Eastern thieves has been repeatedly defeated by the Duke of Taiyuan. How can he deceive you ordinary people even if they say they want to buy supplies from you countrymen? "

Seeing that all the people were silent, the county lieutenant snorted again.

When the villagers heard this, they couldn't help but be a little doubtful. Especially when they heard the reputation of General Li, many people showed doubts and curiosity. After a while, an old farmer suddenly asked: "May I ask what the Ming Dynasty said about General Li?" , is it the General Li who lives in Shangyuan, Luodong, Weibei, and opened a dormitory along the river? "

"The old farmer has some knowledge. Yes, General Li is indeed from Shangyuan, Wuxiang..."

After hearing this, the county captain raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, but this time, before he could finish his words, he was drowned out by the sudden loud discussion of the crowd, which inevitably made him even more irritated.

He had been in the county government for a long time and rarely went to the countryside to do work. He did not expect that work in the countryside would be so difficult, and the villagers would not even let him finish his speech.

Before he could scold him angrily, he found that the villagers who had gathered here dispersed. He was so angry that he grabbed the hand of the village chief, pointed at the backs of the villagers who turned away and said angrily: "These unscrupulous people, they are going to What are you doing? How dare you be so reckless..."

"Didn't the Ming government send an order asking the villagers to donate materials? If the villagers don't go home to get them, how can they gather together?"

After hearing this, the commander said in a daze, and then looked at the county captain expectantly and asked: "Excuse me, Mingfu, on what day will General Li cross the border? Will the general lead the troops himself, or will his subordinates do it for him? ?”

"General Li is here in person, and the day after tomorrow will..."

The county captain answered subconsciously at first, then reacted and then said: "But these countrymen clearly complained a lot just now, why are they so obedient now?"

Just looking at the previous reactions of these villagers, he never believed that these people would go home obediently and collect the fodder and hand it over.

After hearing this, the head of the village laughed again and said with respect: "There are complaints from the villagers because they don't know that it is General Li who needs it. Since General Li has needs, it is natural to gather them together as soon as possible without delay. The general acts!"

The county captain was even more dumbfounded when he heard this. He knew that General Li had great military exploits and was famous far and wide, but he did not expect that his prestige in this countryside was so deep. Just hearing his name, the villagers who had been complaining just now began to obey his orders diligently and respectfully.

Thinking that when he came to this village, even his words were frequently interrupted by fellow villagers, the county captain couldn't help but feel angry, and curiously said: "I have never heard that General Li ever ruled this village, and this is not where his hometown is." , why are these countrymen so respectful?"

Although extreme fear can make people obey orders, there is no fear on the faces of these villagers, but they are proactive. This really puzzles the county captain who feels that the grassroots work is not carried out well. .

The village chief first ordered his son to go home and collect fodder, and then he explained to the county captain with a smile: "Although General Li does not rule this village, the villagers have benefited a lot! The wells in the village and the canal in front of the village are all General Li sent his disciples to help the villagers pound rice and grind flour every year! How could the villagers plant wheat to prepare for the shortage?

The processing procedures of wheat are relatively cumbersome, and it is not considered a high-quality crop for ordinary people who lack productivity and production tools. Therefore, its planting scale has always lagged behind that of millet, millet, and millet. However, due to its overwintering characteristics, wheat can be grown as a prepared crop.

In the past, Guanzhong's water conservancy projects were mostly controlled by powerful families, making it difficult for ordinary people to share. But as General Li set up the Qi Yai on Luoshui River, he would spend two months every year to help the villagers process grain crops for free, and the price for purchasing grain was also very fair.

Without the burden of restrictions on processing grains, even the wheat planting area in surrounding areas has greatly expanded. The processed flour not only enriches the choice of staple food, but also has high economic added value, and also brings tangible benefits to the villagers.

Small migrant workers are calculating because they don't have much, and a slight mistake can add more burdens to their lives. The common people also value morality more, because morality is one of the few things that can make them feel dignity and allow them to participate in interpersonal interactions more conveniently. Rich and powerful people are naturally the focus of people's networks and do not have high moral requirements.

Although General Li has never governed Weinan, his help to the villagers is reflected in every meal. So when they learned that General Li was going to cross the border and needed it, the villagers naturally rushed to help.

Soon fodder from all over the country and eight villages gathered at the county office, occupying all the open space inside and outside the county office, while oxcarts and horse-drawn carriages from the countryside continued to flow towards the county seat.

Originally, the notice received by the county was to help collect fodder, and all the townships would record the amount produced. After the army arrived to collect it, they would be compensated with property, and then the county office would distribute it to the townships on their behalf.

But soon the county officials discovered that this seemingly simple task was not easy to do. The villagers were too enthusiastic and the fodder collected far exceeded the amount required by General Li. Moreover, there were many villagers who came directly with carriages pulling loads of fodder without any coordination from the county office. After unloading the horses, they abandoned the carts and goods outside the county office, and just rode their horses back to their hometowns.

Li Tai had no idea how much trouble his request would bring to the county magistrate, but after passing Wuguan, he could clearly feel the enthusiasm of the elders in Guanzhong. It may be an exaggeration to say that the king is happy to welcome Master Wang, but wherever he goes, there are cheers of welcome on both sides of the road.

Li Tai had also traveled in and out of Guanzhong before, but he usually traveled lightly and quickly without notifying the counties along the way. But this time, he led 5,000 men and horses, plus the accompanying servants and baggage convoy. The team stretched for several miles in front and back, and it was impossible to pass quickly.

In addition, Li Tai had the idea of ​​​​showing off his power this time, and the marching speed was not very fast. He also used the silk brocade goods he carried to purchase temporary supplies from the counties along the way. It was also through this interaction that he paved the way for the future. When people come in and out in the future, the local authorities will know how to cooperate.

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