Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 793 Helping everyone

Yuwentai stayed overnight in Shangyuan and returned to Tongzhou City with his family the next day.

Li Taize still stayed in the village, having several gatherings with fellow villagers whom he had not seen for a long time. For several days in a row, he held banquets at the village to entertain the fellow villagers who came after hearing the news.

Although he is now so powerful that he no longer needs these villagers to boost his momentum, without the support of these villagers, it would be difficult for him to reach this point smoothly.

Of course, without him, today's Shangyuan and even the entire Luoshui River Basin would not be as prosperous as it is today. He and these villagers have achieved mutual success, and now many villagers are serving in his military government and have gradually become the backbone of the management of military and political affairs.

The villagers benefited from Li Tai's care, and not only their lives have been greatly improved, but the status of some local tycoons has also been greatly improved.

Since the previous reorganization of the government troops by the Bafu mainly focused on sites in the Luoshui River Basin, the Canal League developed based on the Luoshui water conservancy was also deeply involved in it. Of course, such a private rural organization will not be recognized by the Chinese and foreign governments. , but those who were in charge of specific affairs were successively promoted and appointed, either as governors or commanders in charge of township regiments, or directly as county governors.

Due to their limited duties, these people may not be able to come to visit Li Tai, but they all send their family members and apostles to pay their respects. After entering the officialdom, they felt more and more the power and prestige of General Li.

There are many things that are very troublesome for them in the officialdom, but when they mention that they are General Li's hometown party and have a lot of friendship, everyone is often willing to give face and make the originally difficult things easier.

As for ordinary villagers, they have personally experienced the transformation from a hand-to-mouth existence to now having ample food and clothing. Whenever foreigners come here, they all praise it and linger around, refusing to leave.

There are no widowers or widowers in the whole Shangyuan. Even for the children who have not yet heard of anything in the household, many strangers come to inquire about them, hoping to get the opportunity to settle in this town through marriage.

General Li, who brought such great changes to the village, naturally won the enthusiastic admiration and support of the villagers.

The flowing banquet at the village has been going on for several days but it has not become deserted. But Li Tai didn't have time to stay in the countryside every day to eat. Not to mention the military and political affairs in Jingzhou, the five thousand fine cavalry stationed in Shayuan alone were a big drain on the horses and chewed them every day.

During this period, he discussed the handover arrangements for Jingzhou affairs with his cousin Cui Qian at the village.

Speaking of being forced to stay in Guanzhong, Cui Qian still felt a little bit grudge. But it is difficult to undo what has happened. The only reason is that what they did in Jingzhou was so outstanding that it aroused the suspicion of the Chinese and Foreign Governments. Moreover, now that Cui Qian lives in the same official residence as Governor Shi and has been given the surname Yuwen, he is not treated badly.

Cui Qian had already made some explanations in letters about the personnel handover in the military government before, and now he will explain some details in person. For example, some of the processes he had supervised before, as well as his personal perceptions of certain members of the military government, were used to facilitate Li Tai's promotion or dismissal.

In addition to military personnel, Cui Qian also talked about a private matter, which was that he hoped that Li Tai could take his eldest son to Jingzhou to serve as a military officer. However, his eldest son Cui Kuang was only in his teens. Although he was well educated, he had limited experience after all. His sending him there was not so much for job experience as for Cui Qian's own obsession.

He spent several years in Jingzhou, assisting Li Tai with all his heart, and together he managed a somewhat deserted border state into the largest Dafang town in the Western Wei Dynasty. However, he was transferred just when Jiangling was about to be swallowed up, and it was inevitable that he felt a little regretful. Even if I can't participate in it, I still hope that this will be a strong mark on my son's resume.

Looking at Cui Qian's pitiful eyes, Li Tai nodded and agreed without much thought. Naturally, he would not put his eldest nephew on the front line to fight. He would stay in the military mansion to share some logistics work, which could be regarded as giving Cui Qian several years of hard work. A compensation.

Not only Cui Qian's son, Li Tai also plans to take some clan members to Jingzhou this time. When it came to nepotism, he couldn't laugh at Yu Wentai. After all, in the chaotic times of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, bloodline clans were the most credible force compared to others.

Of course, Li Tai would not deprive those military and political members who had served for many years of the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. He would just bring his family members with him to add to his resume. If you are capable, you can use this resume to be qualified for more important positions in the future. If you are really unworthy, then live honestly under your own protection.

This time Li Tai planned to take his cousin Li Miao, his second brother Li Chao, and Li Licheng, who had been dependent on him for a long time, to Jingzhou.

Li Miao can be said to be the handsome guy in their family second only to Li Tai in appearance and demeanor, which is a great plus when dealing with southerners. Next, when he returned to Jingzhou, he needed to lure, persuade and accept many people from the Southern Dynasty on a large scale. He was in need of a talent specifically responsible for foreign affairs, so Li Tai naturally thought of this cousin.

Although Li Chao and Li Tai are from the same mother, their personalities are relatively quiet, not very clever, and have little adaptability, but they have the patience and wisdom to study and pass on academic knowledge. The situation in Guanzhong will become more and more complicated. Instead of letting him stay in Guanzhong to recuperate, it is better to go to Jingzhou with him. It should be noted that Jiangling still has 140,000 volumes of books that need to be rescued and sorted out.

As for Li Licheng, he was responsible for helping Li Tai maintain relations with various Guandong portals in Beijing in his early years, and there was a lot of tacit understanding between them. When he was fighting for Yu Wentai to be crowned king, Li Tai also expressed his willingness to hand over the government affairs of Mianbei to people in Guanzhong. As the son-in-law of the Hongnong Yang family, Li Licheng happened to be responsible for communicating with the people they selected after he went there.

After everything at home was settled, Li Tai went to the Chinese Foreign Affairs Office to bid farewell to Yu Wentai. He was not the only one of the generals who left to take office today. The other one was Li He, who was about to be appointed as the governor of Xiazhou. However, now he has also been given the surname Yuwen, and because he is Yuwentai's confidant, he enjoys preferential treatment and is also given the surname Yuwen. By the way, the name was changed, and now it is called Yu Wenyi.

"Boshan has arrived at the right time. Qinghe is about to leave Xiazhou and come here to ask for advice. Beizhou has transformed from desolation to rule, and it is thanks to Boshan's strength that it is better to ask someone who knows more!"

When Yu Wentai saw Li Tai coming to the hall, he hurriedly waved to him warmly and smiled, then looked at Li He who was sitting down and said: "Qinghe, although you are from a powerful and famous family living in Xiazhou, you should not underestimate Taiyuan." Duke Wu's plan was to attack the Hus in Buluoji, suppress them and pacify them, and successfully use the strength of the Hus to attack Jinyang!"

"The Duke of Taiyuan is famous in Beizhou. I have heard about it for a long time and have longed for it. When we meet in the hall today, I naturally have to humbly ask for advice!"

After Li He heard this, he quickly leaned forward and replied, then stood up and saluted Li Tai and said: "I have met Duke Taiyuan, and I have heard about it. I hope Duke Taiyuan can give me some advice!"

Li Tai also bowed his hand to Li He, and then said with a smile: "Back then, our success relied heavily on the strength of the armies, and Duke Yongfeng also sent his sons to join our army to serve. Although your lord prefers to praise, I dare not take credit. Don't say goodbye. Now that Duke Yongfeng has returned to his hometown and left the state, he thinks that the village is proud and everyone is united, so there is no need to come to inquire about the old plans of someone who has been away for a long time. "

If he is not in his position and does not pursue his political affairs, others may not be grateful if he talks too much. Moreover, Li He is a powerful man in Xiazhou, so there is no need for Li Tailai to make irresponsible remarks in his position.

Seeing that Li Tai didn't want to say more, Yu Wentai said again: "Boshan, you don't have to avoid suspicion. The situation in Beizhou is indeed not good now. At the beginning of the year, the East Bandit Lord attacked the Xishan Hu bandits, and later attracted the remnants of Rouran. …”

After hearing Yu Wentai's story, Li Tai realized that the situation in northern Shaanxi was indeed not good. They were having a lot of fun playing with each other here, and the Northern Qi Dynasty was not idle either. Previously, Gao Yang severely dealt with the Khitan and Kumo Xi, two brothers in distress, and then intervened in the war between the Turks and Rouran. At the beginning of this year, they attacked Shilouhu's lair in one fell swoop, causing all the Jihu tribesmen to flee in all directions.

In the early years, Li Tai, Li Mu, Yu Wengui and Yang Zhong worked together to fight against Shuofang Hu in northern Shaanxi. Li Shihu was wiped out by the Eastern Wei Qing Dynasty and fled to the Hetao area. Now that the stone buildings in one of Jihu's old nests have been destroyed, it will of course bring great pressure on border defense to the states in northern Shaanxi.

Although Li Tai is not in northern Shaanxi now, there are still many personnel arrangements there. His cousin Cui Fan served as the governor of Suizhou. Yes, Cui Fan was also given the same surname as his brother Cui Qian, and he also enjoyed the same treatment as Yu Wenyi. Now his name is Yu Wenshuo. There are also Li Yantou, Liu Ping, Mao Shijian and other cadres staying there, as well as Lishi Hu Chief Liu Kuzhen.

Although Yu Wentai asked Li Tai to participate in the discussion in a matter-of-fact manner, he was not in his position after all, and he did not know much about the changes in the situation in the north in recent years, so he only said that he could write to Hu Chief Liu Kuzhen and others. Personal relations ask them to cooperate with Li He's actions. As for going deeper, there is no way to say it, and Li He must have his own coping strategies. If he talks too much, it will embarrass him.

"Well, Boshan Enqia Beizhou is powerful and powerful in Shuofang. Now the situation in all parties is complicated. In fact, I am most reassured that you are in charge of Shuofang. But now the southeast affairs cannot do without you, so we can only leave it like this for the time being."

I don’t know whether Yu Wentai really thought that or said it deliberately. In short, after saying this, Li Tai saw that Li He’s eyes looked at him had changed a little, and he couldn’t help but sigh that you don’t know what your boss is. Why is it so easy to fall for it?

He didn't want to continue on this topic, so he simply talked about the Jingzhou incident. Yuwentai listened for a while and then nodded and said: "I feel relieved that Boshan is in charge of the situation in the southeast. You will prepare carefully for the battle after you return to town. , after everything is in order in the house, I will do my best to help you achieve this great success!"

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