When someone opened the door, there was only a cold "um".

Lan suddenly relaxed, put down the gun and exhaled, "Why are you here?"

"Look at the injury behind you."

The man outside the door came in. He **** his long silver hair that was hanging down between his knees, put on sterile gloves, and after a simple cleaning, he pulled out dozens of brown thorns simply and roughly. Came out.

Lan Mo's patience was silent, it was not easy for him, the pain on his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he still didn't say a word.

The man used the treatment device to aim at his fleshy back: "It's hard for you, he recovered his injuries, and pretended to be a okay person for two days."

Lan glanced at him, and the man casually said, "You did a good job, and you killed...that monster alone."

They were silent together.

After a while, the man said softly: "In such a short time, you destroyed all the thorns that Ke Wei's body had penetrated, and then faked the appearance of you just breaking in through the window..."

Lan asked for truth from facts: "Ke Wei shot it three times, and one shot exploded half of its head. It's impossible for me to do it in such a short time...and the aftermath after killing that thing, if Without the help of Christine and the others, I couldn't finish it so quickly."

"...Okay, the wound on the surface of your back has healed, and the deep wound still needs time. This week, you try to avoid strenuous exercise."

Seeing the man's appearance, Lan paused for a moment, and then said calmly: "Do you have nothing to tell me about the booby-trapping of Ke Wei?"

The man did not raise his eyelids and said: "It happened suddenly and the timing was too good, so I just started it."


Lan was furious: "Why didn't you make a decision without discussing it with me!?"

The man looked at Lan, not knowing what he had thought of, and smiled very ironically, then he got up, as if he was too lazy to speak, and left neatly.

Lan stood and watched his back, after a long time, he exhaled heavily.

When Ke Wei woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning on the third day.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Zhong Yue sleeping in his clothes beside his bed.

On the bridge of Zhong Yue's nose, there were glasses he was wearing when he was reading books and documents. At this moment, he lowered his head slightly, and the glasses slipped off.

His back is close to the back of the chair, sitting upright, and his posture is very correct even when he is asleep. There was a stack of documents on his knees, and his generous palm pressed the top one, so that the document fell steadily on his knees.

At that moment, Ke Wei was almost taken aback.

Ke Wei had forgotten the fact that he had just recovered from his serious injury. He leaned out of the hospital bed and stretched his fingers over and touched Zhong Yue's palm on the file.

It's hot.


Zhong Yue woke up suddenly in his shallow sleep, subconsciously grasped with his backhand, and clasped Ke Wei's wrist tightly.

Being caught, Ke Weixiao was taken aback. He widened his peachy eyes and blinked innocently at Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue was stunned for a moment before sighing softly.

These little actions reminded Zhong Yue of Ke Wei's confession to himself not long ago.

Zhong Yueming knew that he was most likely to have taken the pope's order to hook himself up so naively. Ke Wei is ten years younger, and has much less experience than in his previous life. Even these methods are immature and cute.

But the thought of Ke Wei's confession that day made Zhong Yue's heart hot.

Zhong Yue stood up, took Ke Wei's shoulders, put him back on the bed, and said with a stern face: "I don't know if I was injured? You have two holes in your body, so big movements, don't you feel pain?"

Ke Wei was too familiar with Zhong Yue, he easily distinguished that Zhong Yue was not angry at all, and keenly found a bit of implicit concern in the pretending to be serious words.

Ke Weiwei couldn't understand the meaning in detail, and he was overwhelmed by another thing in his heart.

When he was in a coma, he had an almost fake dream. In the dream, his best friend said goodbye to him. After waking up, he was in a panic and wanted to talk to Jin Ran.

Ke Wei looked at his wrist, but did not find his personal terminal. He looked at Zhong Yue and asked politely: "Can I use my own personal terminal?"

Zhong Yue calmly said: "No."

"...Can you give me a reason?"

"According to Article 321 of the "Galactic Empire Legion Wartime Act", you are suspected of leaking military confidential information. The third legion deputy commander Zhong Yue will arrest you and have the right to confiscate your communication tools. Monitor you during the quarantine."

What is the reason for seeing a ghost?

Ke Wei suspected that he had heard it wrong, and could not help repeating: "Suspected of leaking...military secrets? I am very curious. I am only 17 years old this year. I have just completed compulsory education in school. In my short 17 years of life , There has never been any intersection with the army. Where do I go to learn military secrets?"

Zhong Yuehao used his personal terminal to show a set of photos in the air. The first photo was a small wooden box that Ke Wei dug out of the desert on the HS-464 planet four days ago.

In the photo, this small wooden box was placed upright in the Kewei Hotel room. The same clock showed the text certificate and surveillance video issued by the hotel, which was enough to show that only Ke Wei had been in and out of this room during this period.

For this wooden box, Ke Wei was still stuck with the impression that "Ms. Jasmine's stuff is inside." Thinking back carefully now, he found that he was actually preconceived. He only saw the picture of Mrs. Jasmine on the top, and closed the box, without a chance to go through the files under the picture.

Ke Wei suddenly felt that he was at a loss.

If he has read the military secrets inside, then forget it. But he really hadn't touched it. He didn't even know what was inside, but the pot was firmly clasped on his head.

He recalled Zhong Yue's interrogation methods in his previous life, and felt that in the next period of time, he was afraid that he might have to suffer.

Ke Wei couldn't help sighing silently.

There is just one more thing, Ke Wei can't understand.

Why did Zhong Yue go to check his hotel room specially? And when you are not in the room, choose to break in?

How did he find his own track and rescue him from the abandoned factory just right?

Various speculations about Zhong Yue's motives quickly passed through Ke Wei's head, but there was no valid reason.

Ke Wei understood a little bit. So far, Zhong Yue had concealed him no less than he had told Zhong Yue.

He had no careful planning in his previous encounters with Zhong Yue. He improvised the move. Although it seemed suspicious from Zhong Yue's perspective, it didn't hurt Daya.

But the situation is different now. He first dug up the "military secrets" in Zhong Yue's mouth in a corner, and then was assassinated in the capital under the starry sky.

As long as Zhong Yue is a person with normal IQ, he will not but think his identity is suspicious and his whereabouts are strange.

It probably won't be long before Zhong Yue will have a lot of questions for him to answer. Among them, some of them can be answered by Ke Wei, and some of them cannot reveal any flaws.

For example, why did he, a 17-year-old kid, go to the abandoned old factory for no reason?

Ke Wei never wanted to understand this matter. He clearly received a secret letter from the Pope, but was ambushed very unexpectedly.

Why did the Pope want him to die? Ke Wei couldn't think of any reason why the Pope must kill him at this time.

If possible, Ke Wei would like to visit the Holy See in secret. He does not believe that the Pope will order him to be killed, but he does need to collect information.

He has too many things to determine personally.

Ke Wei looked at his ward. The room was small and sealed on all sides without windows. He couldn't see the outside, and couldn't tell where he was. Except for the living person Zhong Yue, there was only a digital clock on the wall in this room, stingy telling him a little information about the time.

Ke Wei had to ask: "General Zhong, where are we?"

This ordinary question seemed to please Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue said leisurely: "Take you to a beautiful place called Ebino."

Hearing this, Ke Wei was taken aback.

The Aibino galaxy is a place that cannot be found on the human chart.

Ke Wei, who has the memory of his previous life, knows that the Aibino Galaxy is a political economy independent of the Galactic Empire and independent of the pope's rule.

Ai Bino is Zhong Yue's own kingdom.

In this galaxy, if there is a god, it must not be the main **** of Creation Church, and it will not be the pope of the galactic universe.

The **** here is Zhong Yue.

Residents who have been forgotten in the interstellar dust, after being discovered by Zhong Yue's army, if anyone joins voluntarily, they will be properly settled in the Aibino Galaxy.

There is a self-contained food and industrial production chain, a complete medical system, free education, advanced technology, and a very closed self-circulation system.

No one here believes in Creationism, and no one regards the Pope as a holy son.

They are only loyal to Zhong Yue.

In his previous life, Ke Wei and Zhong Yue fell in love for nearly ten years, and Zhong Yue confessed to him for the first time the existence of Ai Bino.

Throughout his life, Ke Wei had never been here to see the mystery of Ai Bino.

There is no other reason. The Ebino Galaxy has the most stringent immigration screening system in the universe-Xu Jin is not allowed to leave, and the exchange of information with the outside world is completely interrupted, and it is almost isolated from the world.

And now, Zhong Yue told him to throw Ke Wei to this place and completely cut off all his connections with the Milky Way universe.

Ke Wei was a little panicked, why did Zhong Yue, in this life, not play his cards according to his routine?

"Zhong Yue...you wait a moment!"

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