Three months ago.

The surface of HS-464 is an endless desert. There are 29 strong winds in 30 days a month. When the wind blows, the sky is full of yellow sand. Open your mouth for a second, and you can eat a mouthful of sand.

It's just that the sand is poisonous, so you can't just enter your mouth. The sand of the HS-464 planet has a unique physical structure and chemical properties, and carries radioactive elements that disturb the planet’s magnetic field. So if the sand gets into your stomach, you might be able to lie down directly in the hospital.

Logically speaking, no one would run to this kind of **** planet.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Zhong Yue's figure appeared in the yellow sand. He had no shortage of sand-proof hood, protective clothing, boots, and gloves. He was fully armed from head to toe, carrying a hoe, and diligently digging holes in the loess sky.

A gust of wind was blowing against the direction of the wind just now, lifting the mound he had just dug up, and blowing it neatly into the pit.

Zhong Yue's **** was still swung down, and he was speechless when he saw that the hole he had just dug was filled.

"Forget it." He thought: "Wait for good weather. In this weather, no one will be outside except for my neurosis."

Zhong Yue took the hoe, put it on his shoulders, and slowly walked back to his spaceship.

Within two steps, he heard the roar of the engine above his head from far to near. When Zhong Yue turned his head, a small personal airship with the left wing folded in front of him, kissing the ground with its cabin, made a solid landing.

The strong airflow was enough to lift people up, but Zhong Yue, a few steps away, stood steady and didn't move at all.

"Why would anyone come to this planet?" Zhong Yue frowned slightly, his heart lightened: "No one knows that I am here, and no one knows...what is buried under this yellow sand."

The plane's vortex machine leaped to the ground with a "bang" spark, and the glass in the cockpit was filled with smoke, and the inside of the cabin was invisible. The door was closed tightly, and there were no traces of living beings.

With the smell of burning in the wind, Zhong Yue knew that the aircraft might explode and it was very dangerous. If there was a fire in the cabin and the cabin fuel was burned, it would cause an explosion.

Zhong Yue has rich experience and knows that in this case, for safety's sake, he should rescue the wounded as soon as possible and leave immediately.

Zhong Yue dropped his hoe, walked to the outside, clamped it with a laser knife, and forcibly opened the locked hatch from the outside.

The door opened, and a person fell out of the half-tilted cockpit. Zhong Yue caught it. Before he could see the face of the person in his arms, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In a mess, he turned the person in his hand over, took off his heavy gloves, and pulled away the hair that was stuck to his face with sweat and blood.

The person in his arms had lost consciousness, and after his body was turned over, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

This person... is Ke Wei who definitely shouldn't be here at this time!

Zhong Yue was shocked and unspeakable.

Ke Wei frowned, as if suffering in a coma, showing half of his face cut by broken glass, and unconsciously rubbed it in Zhong Yue's arms.

Zhong Yue remained motionless, and said bitterly: "Ke Wei..."

He knew that he only had to put him on the ground, and then walk away, without doing anything else. Ke Wei, who was seriously injured like that, would end in this yellow sand without his life beginning.

Zhong Yue resurrected his life and already took the lead. Knowing what will happen in the future, he has already occupied the greatest advantage in a multi-party game.

Get rid of Ke Wei, the only variable will disappear, and he will have no worries.

Just kill him here...Zhong Yuenian moved a bit, and his heart was severely stabbed.

He thought that his heart full of hot thoughts had long been frozen to ice by Ke Wei's merciless betrayal. In the end, I was still reluctant to let it go.

In the yellow sand, it became difficult for Ke Wei to breathe. He coughed a few times, with blood dripping from his mouth, but clinging to Zhong Yue's sleeve, he weakly called: "Help, help..."

Zhong Yue lowered his head, his eyes slowly reddened, and he couldn't move his hands anyway.

The wreckage of the aircraft behind him made a "squeak" and "squeak" sound, and the explosion didn't seem to be far away. Zhong Yue no longer hesitated, touched Ke Wei's scarred side face, took off his sand-proof hood, put it on his head, and hugged him into his spaceship.

Zhong Yue sent him to a nearby planet with a medical institution recently, and after ensuring that Ke Wei would be properly taken care of, he quietly left.

He thought, since you can't kill Ke Wei, stay away from him and don't let him get involved in this dispute.

Three months later.

Different time, same place.

After several jumps, Ke Wei finally reached the HS-464 planet. His spacecraft was hovering in the air and was parked on the crash coordinates reported to him by the Galactic Empire Spacecraft Administration, but only saw the continuous yellow sand of the sky and the earth.

Ke Wei: "Start an underground scan and scan the coordinate location."

"Warning, the planet's magnetic field is disordered, the scanner cannot operate normally, and the effective propagation distance of the rays is expected to be 5 meters deep."

Ke Wei: "How far is it, how far it is."

The artificial intelligence received the order and automatically turned on the ray scan. After a while, the real-time view of the underground was transmitted back to the plane.

Within a visible distance of 5 meters, he only saw a few parts of the plane that had been exploded, but it was enough to be sure that the coordinates were correct.

Ke Wei studied the distribution of the aircraft wreckage underground and determined that his aircraft had experienced an explosion after the crash. The explosion exploded the underground yellow sand into a deep pit, and the wreckage of the plane fell into it. The storm pushed the yellow sand back into the pit, burying everything that happened on this land.

Ke Wei had to sigh: "It's actually on the wrong side... just hired a platoon of robots."

Ten drones landed under Ke Wei's command, and an army of more than 30 robots surged out and began to dig on the spot. Ke Wei landed the plane on the sand not far away and waited quietly for the completion of the excavation.

This time, I waited for a full twelve hours. From noon to late at night, I dug a full 20 meters into the pit. Clearing these quicksands is very laborious, and it took so long to finally unearth most of the scrapped aircraft wreckage found.

At night, the surface of the planet is not as hot as the day, and the temperature drops sharply at night, and the cold is deep into the bones. Ke Wei put on his protective clothing and walked into the yellow sand in the night.

The drone lifted off and turned on the searchlights to illuminate Ke Wei's body. Ke Wei stopped and walked, looking carefully around the wreckage of the plane, he did not find the black box, and nothing else.

The explosion of the plane was very thorough. Even if there is any data or information left, it will be wiped out in the explosion. After another three months of burying in yellow sand, what can be left?

It's just a trip for nothing.

Ke Wei looked at the wreckage that had been blown into pieces of metal and was rubbed off by the sand, and wondered: "Who is near this planet and saved me so precisely?"

He was hurt too badly, but vaguely remembered the temperature of the person's palm across his face. Every nerve in him was telling him that Zhong Yue was the one who saved him.

But throw away his feelings and use reason to think and analyze. At this time, Zhong Yue, why can he go to such a place where birds don't shit? This is almost impossible.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Zhong got mad and ran to such a place, how could he be saved at the right place at the right time? To satisfy the coincidence of the two fantasy stories, this probability is so low that it can be completely ignored.

Ke Wei sighed, he looked down at his personal terminal, operated and connected the spaceship, asked the spaceship to open the door, and was about to return.

But I saw a new scan from the spaceship—after digging a nearly 20-meter deep pit, the deeper underground images were transmitted to Ke Wei’s personal terminal.

Twenty meters and more than three meters down, something was buried in the sand. It looked very small, and I didn't know what it was. Because there was too much sand on it before, there was no search for its existence.

Ke Wei suspected that this was the missing black box. He was shocked and ordered: "Dig it out."

The mighty army of robots swarmed. Two hours later, the thing was dug out.

This thing is not a black box, but a very small box. This kind of box is probably not used by anyone except antique lovers in the Galactic Empire with highly developed technology.

This is a box made of logs. His preservation method is also very "retro". Specially treated plastic film wraps the box into a zongzi. Ke Wei didn't even dare to cut it with a laser knife because the laser scanned it. Wood will burn directly.

Ke Wei moved it back to his spaceship, found a short knife, and peeled it off with his own hands.

Antique wooden boxes can be opened with a light push without any protective measures. Ke Wei inspected the contents of the box with the aircraft's equipment and determined that there was no harm before opening it carefully while wearing gloves.

At this moment, time has taken off the veil, gently revealing the truth of history.

At the top is a stack of photos. This kind of static photos, washed on film paper, is used by no one in the interstellar. Except for museums and exhibits, they have almost completely disappeared.

The photos have turned yellow, with a heavy sense of time. The picture shows a slender and thin female human. Women's clothing is extremely rare in this era.

She was dressed in a simple black gauze robe, which strictly covered her from head to toe. She wore a veil that was as thin as a cicada's wings, but failed to cover her face.

She has a fair complexion, long black curly hair, a tall nose, deep eye sockets, and a light and demure temperament, which makes people forget the vulgarity.

It's just that at the moment when he saw this woman, Ke Wei's whole body froze.

He couldn't help but know this woman. In the previous life, she was called Mrs. Jasmine.

Her origin is mysterious, her identity has become a mystery, and there are only a handful of people who know her existence in the entire universe.

In the last life, after Ke Wei woke up in the dormant cabin of the Central Holy See, all the possibilities of recombination between him and Zhong Yue's future were severed by Mrs. Jasmine.

She is the reality that Ke Wei most reluctant to face.

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