"My Lord Pope, with all due respect, after I graduate, it is not the best time to return to the Holy See."

Ke Wei's attitude is neither overbearing nor overbearing, and said his plans for the future: "You are too busy at work. Please reduce your office hours appropriately, take a break, and take care of yourself. Your body will heal.

The Pope was unconvinced, and Ke Wei continued: "The reorganization of the Second Army is about to be completed. I just wait for the graduation season of the Imperial High Military Academy. After beckoning a group of new members, I rush to the front line to support operations. I should enter the army at this time. ."

Ke Wei's objection was beyond the Pope's expectation. He quietly listened to Ke Wei's reasons.

"The Second Army lost more than half of its officers due to previous battles. Now is a great time to join. In the Second Army, there are many vacant positions, and new recruits will have greater opportunities for development."

Ke Wei gave his reasons and ushered in the long silence of the Pope.

The pope looked at him, Ke Wei understood that he didn't know what the pope would think of such a sudden request.

Ke Wei possesses the abilities and memories of his previous life, and his personal ability is growing by leaps and bounds like riding a roller coaster. But the abnormality was a demon, not only did Yue Lais feel that something was wrong, but the pope hadn't said it on the face, it didn't mean that he hadn't thought about it in his heart.

"Do you want to go to the Second Army?"


The Pope said: "I can see that this is not your whole reason."

Ke Wei gave a reasonable answer: "Zhong Yue was transferred to the First Corps, and he made great achievements on the front line, and his prestige in the army has increased day by day. He is deeply respected and loved by the sergeants. He is an outstanding commander. Ability makes me very longing to be able to do things and learn under him after he returns to the Second Army."

After thinking about it, Ke Wei added: "I can get to know this person better through close contact with Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue is not a thing in the pool. I will find out the news for you in the past, so that I can know myself and the enemy in advance. Make plans."

The pope thought for a moment, and finally said: "Okay. Then you go."

Ke Wei didn't know that the tiny invisible monitor attached to the wall had sent this conversation to the hidden **** in real time.

The pope said: "You come with me."

Ke Wei followed the pope all the way through the central church to the pope's living area.

Since Ke Wei grew up, his meetings with the Pope have been in public areas, and he has not been to the Pope’s residence for many years.

The furnishings in the teaching royal family did not differ much from what Ke Wei remembered. The pope took him into the underground wine cellar, opened a bottle of private champagne, and in the surprised eyes of Ke Wei, poured the wine for him with a goblet.

"Happy 18th birthday to my Bishop Tans. You are finally drinking age."

Ke Weiqing breathed a sigh of relief and clinked glasses with the Pope to thank him.

He thought that this was what the Pope meant by turning over this article. Regarding his proposal to join the army, the Pope did not have much suspicion.

But he was too optimistic after all.

After Ke Wei's wine glass was empty, the pope took out a small glass bottle from the dark compartment of the wine cellar.

The pope poured wine for Ke Wei again, and in front of him, removed the stopper of the glass bottle and poured the gray liquid inside into Ke Wei's wine glass.

The gray liquid mixed into the clear wine, and disappeared after a while. This bright glass of champagne only looked slightly darker than before.

The pope said to him: "Bishop Tans, please."

Ke Wei looked at the Pope and finally realized that the Pope was already suspicious of himself in silence.

No matter what the gray liquid is and what effect it will have on his body, this is an insurance added by the Pope.

It's also a test of Ke Wei.

After he drank this glass of wine, the Pope would also have an additional means of containment to ensure that Ke Wei's loyalty would not be shaken.

Ke Wei watched for a moment, grabbed the cup, and drank it.

The Pope watched him drink the champagne in his glass, and finally smiled: "Good boy, go well. May the God of Creation protect his faithful believers in the sky and return safely as soon as possible."

The Pope did not send it out, and Ke Wei came out alone.

It snowed again outside, and a thin layer of snow accumulated on the corridors of the temple.

Ke Wei recalled how he was looking forward to coming to the magnificent Central Holy See when he was a child. He regarded the Pope as his adoptive father, and he was so happy every time he met with the Pope.

For a while, it seemed like a world away.

The Pope finally took his own hands and destroyed the last trace of warmth Ke Wei had for him.

He didn't want to stay in the Holy See for a while, and walked out quickly.

The calendar finally turned the page of the millennium and entered the brand-new cosmic calendar 6001.

From winter to spring, on the eve of the end of the spring semester of the Imperial Higher Military Academy, Ke Wei and Lan successfully graduated ahead of schedule together.

Ke Wei automatically obtained the military qualifications at the moment he graduated. He immediately applied to join the army, and he and Lan Shun were logically incorporated into the Second Army.

Ke Wei didn't even have time to attend the graduation ceremony. On that day, he was busy accepting the new type of armament quietly transported from Abbino, smuggled onto the warships of the Second Corps in private, and prepared to quietly take it to the front.

Lan is not yet qualified to know the existence of Abino. He attended the graduation ceremony of the Imperial Higher Military Academy. Yuelaisi and Ke Wei could not be there in person, and they gave gifts to congratulate them.

The upstart Christine of the Holy See and her friend Mansha came in disguise and cheered for him in the audience.

Standing on the award platform, Lan saw the two girls and gave them a gentleman's salute from a distance. His sunny and handsome appearance and chic salute even drew whistles and applause from other people in the audience.

Mansha smiled and recorded the scene, and said to Christine next to him: "Lan is very cute, his character is different from the two majesty."

Kristen smiled and said: "I have only seen His Majesty Mobai. At that time, I was too young to have any impression of that Majesty... What kind of person he is, do you remember?"

Mansha said softly: "He is not as serious and serious as Lan, who loves to laugh, but is a very tolerant person, and he is very affectionate... But he is a hero, just like his father. We are the ones who survived. , I never forgot him for a second in my heart."

Christine sighed: "I also grew up listening to his legend... It's just that I have been thinking about it recently, I don't know what your Majesty will do with Ke Wei."

At this time, Ke Wei, who was in the capital star, was counting the armaments smuggled onto the Second Legion’s warships, but Yue Lais hurried over and brought bad news: "Legg doesn’t know where to know. The news came."

Ke Wei closed the light screen of the materials on the list, and looked very calm: "I will meet him."

Regard is a member of the T party, and it is no secret that he conspired to take part in the assassination of Zhong Yue. But when he saw Ke Wei, he was still shocked and said: "You-aren't you from the Holy See, why are you here?"

A few months ago, Ke Wei met with the T party through the channel of the Holy See. His dual identity made the people of the T party completely mistakenly believe that the Pope was standing behind Zhong Yue. Under pressure at the time, the Third Army had to bow to Zhong Yue for the time being.

"What?" Ke Wei smiled nonchalantly, and said casually: "Why are you here, why I am here. This is what the Pope meant, what can you do?"

Regard believed that it was true, he halted a few words, and said goodbye.

Yue Laisi, who heard the conversation next to him, looked at Ke Wei with a complicated expression.

Ke Wei asked: "Is the second legion led by Leigh for this expedition?"


Ke Wei didn't care: "Okay, I know, then I'll be kinder."

Yue Laisi did not follow his thoughts: "What?"

"I have already figured out his ending." When Ke Wei said this sentence, it was as if he was saying something that is not normal: "This time I will send him a decent way and let him die in the line of duty. "


Ke Wei said softly: "Don't worry, no one can hurt Zhong Yue, not even myself."

Yue Laisi finally moved.

Ke Wei said flatly: "It's really not easy for Zhong Yue and I to get to this point. You may find it incredible, but we have known each other for a long time."

"Yue Laisi, I treat you as a friend, I ask you for something."

Yue Laisi said solemnly: "You said."

"My will is in the safe of the Capital Star Empire Bank. If I have any accidents, you can tell Zhong Yue, I will leave everything in me to him, and he should know the password..."

Ke Wei noticed Yue Laisi's look, and comforted him: "What is your expression? Don't think too much, I have no other intentions, just prepared in advance, just in case."

Yue Lais was horrified: "How old are you? You have already written your will... In the past few months, you have gone for physical examinations twice, and General Zhong asked for your examination results personally to see, your body is really real. Is there no problem with it?"

Ke Wei was stunned and smiled: "Sure enough, I haven't filled you... Since you already know about my medical examination, you should also know that there is nothing wrong with my examination results, right?"

Yue Laisi nodded and stopped pursuing it, but still felt that Ke Wei was hiding something from them.

Ke Wei looked at the brand-new warships of the Second Army, spreading out at the airport, and said softly: "We are going to expedition."

Yue Laisi joked: "General Zhong can't wait, he thinks you can't even think about it, so hurry up and go." @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

That night, the military announced the news that the Second Army Corps was about to go to the front line. The Galactic Empire cheered and morale was high.

Far Zai Huang Xing's silent white also saw this news in the news.

Mo Bai said softly: "They are about to set off."

He looked down at his personal terminal.

In his message column, the last message Lan sent to him showed the date that was the day Lan chased him on the ground a year ago, but he left without looking back.

Now that nearly a year has passed, Lan finally won't persevere at fixed points and harass him seven or eight times a day.

Today, Lan graduated.

Christine passed the video of his graduation ceremony to Mo Bai, who watched it over and over again, still reluctant to let it go.

Until he heard the cry of the baby.

Mo Bai held the baby in the crib beside him in his arms, took him, looked at the heroic Lan on the light screen, softly coaxed: "Don't cry, you should laugh for him."

The little baby stopped crying in Silly's arms for a while. He looked at Silly's face and grabbed the long hair scattered around his face.

Mo Bai let him hold, turned off all the light sources in the room, and put the baby on the bed.

"Go to sleep." Mo Bai said softly: "Tomorrow is another day, you hurry up...grow up."

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