There is no one who will not get sick.

Unless he is not a human.

The military personnel looked at the messenger in front of them with an earnest look and asked:"Do we really not need to swallow anything or swear an oath to join the church?"

Hannasi said in a flat tone:"What we need to do to join the church, I think I have made it very clear. There is a very famous saying in our church. The real God cannot be guessed or measured by human beings.

Because God is high above.

Any other gods, in front of the eternal God, everything else is hypocritical.

They need to rely on various things to set off their greatness.

On the contrary, this proves the insignificance of these false gods.

I will not force you, those who enter the church are all my brothers, Hannasi."

After that, he jumped back lightly, and the whole person disappeared from the window.

Obviously he was a fat man, but his figure, which was a hundred times more flexible than an ape, made countless people fall silent.

"General Maisel, we in the political circle plan to join the Eternal Church. Only a fool would refuse such a good thing that doesn't cost money and doesn't waste too much time."

The councillor with a hooked nose said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

They were obviously conquered by the Eternal God Church.

Angels and demons.

Everyone had seen the products of the two myths.

Nothing is impossible.

Only God can fight against God.

Although everyone had different thoughts, they believed that the power of the Eternal God Church was just other super-god forces that wanted to intervene in the human world. What really satisfied these old foxes was that the Eternal God Church would not take away their rights.

When muskets and cannons could not deal with heretics, they had no other choice at that time.

The next day.

The name of the Eternal God Church came out of nowhere.

Things that are truly epoch-making always shock the world.

Especially the apostle of God.

The angel Gabriel was made public. It instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of countless Catholics in the country. They believed that the Eternal God Church blasphemed God, which would plunge the whole world into disaster.

So, a modern war of believers began. However

, what is surprising is that the bureaucrats who originally believed in Catholicism actually rebelled at this moment, and they also firmly supported the Eternal God Church.

"We can't let them be so arrogant!"

"right...The Eternal God Church is a devil in sheep's clothing, we must save the angels!!!"

"If we rescue the angel, we will go to heaven....Even death is worth it..."

"Everyone gather together, take your weapons, and prepare to destroy the demonic sect!!!"...

On the building.

Two figures were sitting by the window.

The voices below were clearly audible.

Constantine looked up at the figure beside him and said with a smile:"Do you still think that the human world is unbreakable? Water dripping wears away a stone. No matter how strong the barrier is, it will be opened one day."

The angel Gabriel was arrested.

Another angel appeared.

But he was very smart and kept possessing various hosts.

That is, the so-called Son of God.

To mortals, these Sons of God are all smart and born different.

Little do they know that they are all tools of the Son of God.

Midnight snorted coldly, and his bright eyes were full of disgust.

"There will always be traitors, whether angels or humans...Who would have thought that it was actually himself who betrayed humanity?"

When humans are desperate, they always take extreme actions.

For example, if they provoke a powerful enemy, what will they do at this time?

Summon angels or summon demons.

It is easy to invite gods, but difficult to send them away.

How could these summoned angels and demons leave easily? Over time, there will be loopholes in the world.

This is something Midnight did not expect.

"I really don't understand, it's fine for you to hold the ceremony, but why do you have to spread the news through TV.

What good will this do you?"

Midnight was a little dissatisfied with Constantine's approach.

This was a completely stupid move.

There are Catholics all over the country and even all over the world.

Doing this is tantamount to stirring up a hornet's nest.

It will cause a big mess.

Constantine smiled faintly, flicked the cigarette butt in his hand away, and said confidently:"This is the effect I want, just wait and see....The fire is not yet enough!"

The cigarette with sparks left a beautiful trace in the air and finally fell to the ground.

Demonstrations, protests, marches.

The atmosphere of freedom and democracy was undoubtedly demonstrated.

Some extreme people even wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack the building of the Eternal God Church.

As a result, a handsome man came to the side of the car.

He punched the iron guy and directly scrapped it.

In an instant, the noisy scene became quiet.

"You guys can continue to make trouble, but please don't disturb our practice, okay?"

The man said to everyone, his tone full of contempt and disdain.


A bullet attacked from the dark.

There is a sniper!

This is the first reaction of the people.


A white light flashed in the air, and the bullet was cut in half and fell to the ground.

Before everyone could react, the believer had disappeared on the spot.


With a scream, a steaming head was thrown on the road, followed by a sniper rifle.

At this time, everyone was afraid.

Fanaticism is fanaticism.

When facing death, no one dares not to be afraid!

People rushed out frantically, trying to escape from this terrible place.

But they heard a voice coming from the building of the Eternal God.

"Aren't you questioning our God? Three days later, a grand altar will be held, and we will sacrifice demons and angels to the gods together.

Let's see if their masters, Satan and God, will show up.

I hope you believers will not cry in disappointment."

The same thing was also spread on TV.

In less than an hour, the whole world remembered one thing.

Three days later, the Eternal God Church will start the sacrifice.

And the Eternal God will show up!

Then...Will the challenger, God and Satan, show up?

People felt sad, as if they were about to lose before the competition even started.

Because no one had ever seen Satan and God.

They only knew where they were through some legends.

At this time, the voice of a scholar appeared in the public's view.

"Are Satan and God really the supreme gods? If so,...So why did Gabriel the Archangel not appear after being captured for two days?

And hundreds of demons were slaughtered, but Satan did not appear.

Are the legends just legends, or do they avoid showing up?"

These words are very thought-provoking.

Even the devout priests have to consider the existence of God.......

Gabriel, with grey wings, was hanging on the top of the building.

A group of people were surrounding her, painting her wings.

Constantine frowned and said,"Phil, you need to be more careful. The color should be even, don't make it too fancy. The light-scattering material inside must be applied to all the feathers!"

"Hey...Master Priest, I understand....These are the results of my research for several days, so don't worry...."

The handmade lady named Phil worked desperately at this time.

With her efforts, Gabriel's dull wings finally regained their brightness.

Although the aura was still corrupted.

But how could ordinary people understand this.

Gabriel, who was hung, kept hesitating.

How could it be so humiliating.

She was corrupted.

But painting her own wings was a bit too much! Did she treat her as a pet bird?

The color was wrong and had to be modified.

If eyes could kill, Constantine would have been killed tens of thousands of times.

"snort...If it weren't for showing your holiness to those fools, we wouldn't have the time to be your painters.

If you keep struggling, be careful or I'll continue to electrocute you."

Constantine threatened slightly.

The female angel finally calmed down.

Because of his thunder, she couldn't stop it, and the futile struggle would only cause herself pain.

Gabriel was not stupid.

Naturally, he didn't want to anger Constantine.

Three days later.

On a sunny morning.

The grand ceremony officially began. The exquisite altar stood in the center of the city.

All officials, all wearing robes, came to the city center, looking forward to the arrival of God's grace.

At ten o'clock.

As the bell rang.

Constantine brought his men and horses and escorted Gabriel to the altar.

The messenger next to him reminded:"Master Priest, everything is ready, and the sacrifice can be started."

"Okay, I understand.

Constantine straightened his collar, knelt in front of the altar, and recited the sacrificial text in the Eternal Sacrifice.

Although it was his first time, he was extremely devoted.

His expression was peaceful, as if he was in a dream.

After the first sacrificial text was finished, there was no change in the world.

Even a���There were no visions.

At this time, the second round of bells rang, and the other believers in the city knelt on the ground and began to pray together with the help of their respective gods.

The monster was slaughtered.

The dark and smelly blood was spilled on the spot.

Gabriel was also pushed onto the altar.

At this time, there was no cloth stuffed in her mouth. Apart from the blood stains on her body, there was only a pair of bright and shining wings.

"You will fail in the end. God is the greatest god...."

The ropes and chains on his body were untied one after another.

Gabriel felt his strength returning.

A smile appeared on his face, and he spread his wings and wanted to escape.

"God...I beg you to come and bring light to this confused world...."

The altar made of cement and steel suddenly lit up with a ray of light.

Instantly, Gabriel was suppressed in place.

She seemed to be frozen in time, but there was a trace of horror in her eyes.

She was completely unable to move.

At this time, a man in a white suit walked out of the crowd, looking at Constantine who was performing the sacrifice and Gabriel who was controlled.

He showed a ferocious smile.

"Hey, old friends, it's been a long time."

"You are, the fallen angel Lucifer!!!"

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