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Tian exited the system and opened his eyes to see Captain Soap, who had a melon-seed haircut, a sparse beard, and muscles all over his body. He appeared in front of Lin Tian.

"Hey, boss, what are you in a daze about?"

Soap's memory had been updated by the system, and he was already very familiar with Lin Tian, the boss. Seeing Lin Tian in a daze, he quickly waved his hand in front of his eyes and asked,

"It's okay, soap, look at all these things, how are we going to move them tomorrow morning?"

Lin Tian said with a melancholy look on his face.

"It's no big deal, leave it to me."

Soap walked to the mountain of things, stretched out his hand and grabbed a bag, holding two bags in one hand, as easy as carrying two pillows, looking at Lin Tian and asked

"Boss, where can I get them?"

Lin Tian didn't expect that Soap was so strong. His muscles were not trained in vain. Each bag of those things weighed 30 kilograms, but Soap carried two bags in one hand easily.

Of course, carrying these things was a piece of cake for Lin Tian, whose body had been strengthened by the soldier serum. But for Soap, who had not been strengthened, it was rare to find someone who could carry them as easily as a pillow. You can imagine how powerful Soap was.

"Don't worry, let's put this aside first. We'll hire a truck tomorrow morning and take it directly to the airport."

Lin Tian said hurriedly.

"Oh, OK."

Soap put the four bags he was carrying on the ground.

Although there was one more person, Soap, the presidential suite of the hotel had four rooms, which could fully accommodate the new member Soap.

Aoi and Judge didn't want to take things from the living room, so they went back to their rooms to sleep early. Soap said he was tired and went back to his room alone. Lin Tian was the only one left in the living room.

Lin Tian couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he sat in the living room and watched TV. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Lin Tian picked it up and saw that it was a video call invitation from Swart, who was far away in South Asia.

Lin Tian slid the green connect button on the screen and answered the video call.

"Boss, when will you come back?"

As soon as the video call was opened, Swart and Omo appeared on the screen. As soon as Swart connected the video, he couldn't help but shout

"I will take a flight to America tomorrow, and then transfer to America directly. I will arrive at noon the day after tomorrow. What's wrong?"

Lin Tian didn't know why Swart wanted him to go back so anxiously?

"Boss, the box of Lao Gan Ma you left for us before you left has been eaten up by the three of us. If you don't come back, we will be out on our own."

As soon as Swart came up, he started complaining to Lin Tian, who asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Didn't I contact a local restaurant to deliver meals to our Tianlang Mercenary Base every day? He didn't go?"

Swart hesitated and said

"I came, but the food they cooked was so bad that I would rather not eat it!"

Swate said with great backbone.

Omo, who was sitting next to Swate, was eating a pear in his hand and said as he ate.

"I would rather eat fruit than such a bad meal!"

In fact, the three of them ate all the food sent by the restaurant. It was just that Swart wanted to play a poor role in front of Lin Tian and get some care and love from the leader, so he deliberately pulled Omo to say that.

"Okay, the three of you can hold on for another day and then go back."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he was about to hang up the video, but Swart strongly

"Boss, wait a minute!"

Lin Tian frowned slightly and asked

"What else?"

Swart walked to the ghost's room with his phone in hand, opened the door, and was immediately filled with smoke, as if it was on fire. He heard the voice before he saw the person.

"Bitch! Why don't you go to point B and defuse the bomb? Are you an idiot?"

"Shit! You can't even kill someone from behind?"

"Fuck! What a bunch of idiot teammates!"


Lin Tian heard this familiar voice and knew that Ghost was playing CF again. He was always the first player to charge forward and die bravely. As soon as he died, he would light a cigarette and curse at the other players.

Swart took a photo of Ghost's office, then switched the camera back to himself and began to complain to Lin Tian.

"Boss, can you please take care of him? He doesn't do anything all day long, he just plays games, and the volume is turned up very high. The most important thing is that the smoke detector has already sounded the fire alarm several times!"

Lin Tian thought about it and felt that it was time to take care of Ghost. Such depravity all day long would affect his future combat capability.

"Swart, go call Ghost out, then give him the phone, and I'll talk to him."

When Swart heard that Lin Tian was going to take care of Ghost, he immediately responded and rushed into Ghost's office full of secondhand smoke.


Swart patted the ghost who was wearing headphones and cursing happily. Ghost felt the force on his shoulder and took off the headphones, turned to look at Swart, and said

"What? It's time to eat again?"

"What are you eating? The boss wants to see you."

Swart shook the screen of the phone in his hand. Lin Tian was looking at him calmly on the screen.

Ghost was usually fearless, but when he saw Lin Tian, he was scared to death!

The reason was that when Lin Tian summoned the ghost, the system recorded the horrible scene of Lin Tian beating him up in the ghost's memory, so he automatically developed a fear of Lin Tian in his mind.

Swart gave the ghost a look and pointed to the outer door, meaning that the boss asked you to go out and talk.

The ghost nodded quickly, took the phone from Swart, ran out of the office, and asked Lin Tian with a smile at the door.

"Boss, you guys are doing well over there, right? Haha……"

"Ghost, I heard from Swart that you play games in the office all day long?"

Lin Tian looked at Ghost with a serious face and asked

"Boss, don't listen to Swart's nonsense. I just play occasionally.……"

The ghost hurriedly defended himself, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lin Tian.

"Okay, stop telling me these useless things! Ghost, I have a difficult task for you!"

When Ghost heard about the task, he immediately said with a serious face


"From now on, I appoint you as the training instructor of the Tianlang Mercenary Group. Your duty is to lead Swart and Omo in daily training!"

Lin Tian said in a deep voice.

Swart was gloating and complacent, but when he heard that Lin Tian appointed Ghost as a training instructor, he suddenly felt bad.

Ghost nodded seriously and said

"Yes, Sirius!"

"Listen carefully, what I am going to talk about next is the training subjects that you must complete every day."

"Subject 1: Armed running of 10 kilometers, requiring a load of 30 kilograms, and must be completed in one go!"

"Subject 2: Each person should do 1,000 push-ups, 200 push-ups per group, divided into 5 groups"

"Subject 3, each person will do 1000 frog jumps, also in groups of 200, divided into 5 groups"

"Subject 4. Each person will flip the tire every 1000 times, also in groups of 200 times, divided into 5 groups to complete"


Swart was getting more and more frightened as he listened, and he quickly walked to Ghost, snatched the phone away, and said to Lin Tian

"Boss, we promise to complete the training subjects, but my phone is running out of battery, so let's stop here today. Goodbye, Boss."

Swart waved goodbye to Lin Tian with a smile on his face, and hung up the video call with his other hand at a very fast speed. He was worried that if he didn't hang up, Lin Tian would still talk about a lot of training subjects, and then they would be really miserable.

Ghost glanced at Swart standing beside him with a deep meaning, and said with a smile

"Starting tomorrow, I will train according to what the boss said. After that, he went back to the office and continued to practice his cursing skills."

Swart stood at the door, regretting that he would not have mentioned it earlier.

Lin Tian lay on the sofa and looked at the last picture on the phone screen. Swart's anxious and panicked expression made him laugh and say

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