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"Boss, what are you eating? Why does it smell so good?"

"Instant noodles, would you like a bucket?"

Lin Tian slurped a mouthful and asked while chewing.


"I want one too!"

As soon as the judge finished speaking, Kui came out of her room and immediately shouted anxiously.

Lin Tian pointed to the cabinet under the kitchen and said

"If you want to eat, take it yourself and boil water for it yourself."

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, the doors of Soap, Ghost, Omo, and Swart opened at the same time, and the four of them stood at the door and said in unison:

"Boss, we want to eat too!"

Lin Tian said calmly.


Lin Tian thought instant noodles were really good, cheap and delicious, and it was a must-have for overtime meals!

Lin Tian finished eating first, threw away the garbage, sat back on the sofa, looked at everyone and said

"It's just right. While everyone is here, let me talk about the future development direction and training plan of our Tianlang Mercenary Group."

"Since our Tianlang Mercenary Group has decided to expand in South Asia, we must recruit soldiers. Our current number is seriously insufficient, so I plan to recruit some new members. I hope everyone can train them together."

"In addition, starting tomorrow, the gate of our Tianlang Mercenary Base needs to be manned every day, and the anti-aircraft weapons room also needs someone to watch over it to prevent problems with the air defense system."

The anti-aircraft weapon system is intelligent and does not require manual control. It automatically defends against any air raids.

When Lin Tian mentioned this, everyone was pretending to be eating happily and did not respond to him at all.

The judge finished a large bowl of noodles, drank the soup, put down the empty bucket, and said with a smile

"Boss, where are we going to play tomorrow?"

When Swart heard the topic of going out to play, he immediately agreed.

"I want to go to the amusement park to ride the roller coaster, the trapeze, the bungee jumping machine and the pendulum!"

It must be said that Kui's topic was more attractive than Lin Tian's boring topic. Everyone rushed to express their ideas.

"I want to go to the beach and lie on a beach chair for a comfortable sunbath!" said the ghost with a smile.

"Are you going to sunbathe? You clearly have bad intentions!"

As soon as the ghost finished speaking, Swart revealed his true thoughts.

"Swart, haven't you heard that saying? See through it but don't say it, just stay friends~"

Ghost said in a mean way.

"I want to go to the gym!"

Soap said without hesitation, and immediately everyone rolled their eyes. After finally going out for fun, you actually want to go to the gym?

"I want to go clubbing!"

The judge struggled to say.

At this moment, the voice of the smart housekeeper wizard installed in the living room rang out.

"Ding! Guests are coming!"

The smart housekeeper wizard is a set of intelligent computer systems. Its network is connected to the camera at the gate and all the electrical appliances in the apartment. With just one word from you, it can help you with all the small things related to electricity in the base.

For example, turn on the lights in the living room, turn on the air conditioner, open the door, and so on.

After hearing the prompt sound, Lin Tian stood up and walked to the front of the smart housekeeper. He looked at the real-time monitoring screen coming from the gate on the computer screen. There were two cars at the gate, one military vehicle and one private car.

He recognized the military vehicle. It was the car of Major Snover, whom he had just met this morning.

"Why is he here? Is he here to give me money again?"

Lin Tian said to himself with a puzzled look on his face.

""Open the door!"

Lin Tian gave the smart housekeeper an order to open the door.

A military green off-road vehicle stopped in front of the iron gate of the Tianbing Base. Major Snover took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Tian's phone number, and the gate opened automatically to both sides.

The soldier driving for Major Snover said

"This door is actually automatic!"

Snover said calmly.

"What a fuss! Today's high-tech is very smart. Let's go in."

The gates of the Sirius Mercenary Base were installed under the supervision of Snover. He understood the basic functions, so there was no surprise on his face. The military vehicle and the black Volkswagen sedan drove into the Sirius Mercenary Base one after another. Major Snover knew where the apartment building was, so he asked the driver to park the car in front of the apartment building.

After getting out of the car, Major Snover stood at the door of the apartment building waiting for the people in the black Volkswagen sedan behind to get out.

The black Volkswagen sedan also stopped next to the military vehicle, and four men in suits got out of the car.

Among the four, the leader was about 40 years old and had a round head. As soon as he got out of the car, he walked towards Major Snover with a smile and asked

"Major Snover, is this the base of the powerful Sirius Mercenary Group you mentioned?"

Snover nodded and said with a smile.

"That's right, Advisor Malev, this is the base of the Sirius Mercenaries. Their leader lives in this building."

"Okay, let's go up together.

Malev nodded and said to Major Snover


Because he knew that Major Snover was coming, Lin Tian had asked the smart butler to open all the access locks.

Major Snover led the four people all the way to the third floor without any obstacles, and knocked gently at the door of the corridor.

Lin Tian glanced at the ghost who had just finished eating instant noodles. The ghost nodded and went to open the door.

Major Snover smiled at the ghost, walked straight in, and saw Lin Tian, and said jokingly

""Captain Lin, I can't sleep or eat without seeing you for a day!"

Lin Tian stood up and asked Snover.

"Come on, what do you want to see me for today?"

Snover said with a wry smile.

"Nothing can be hidden from Captain Lin. There is indeed something going on. I would like to ask Captain Lin for help."

Lin Tian asked with interest.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Lin Tian felt that Major Snover was really nice. He had just finished a mission and sent him a new one.

Major Snover turned around and introduced the round-headed man in a suit standing next to him to Lin Tian.

"Captain Lin, this is Malev, the advisor from Tata.

Lin Tian then turned his gaze to the round-headed man in a suit next to Snover, and nodded.

"Malev consultant, this is the leader of the Sirius Mercenary Group, Lin Tianlin."

After Major Snover introduced Malev consultant of Tata to Lin Tian, he turned to Malev and introduced Lin Tian to him.

Malev consultant hurriedly stepped forward, took the initiative to extend his hand, and said with a smile

"Hello, Captain Lin, I am Malev from Tata, nice to meet you."

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and shook Malev's hand briefly, saying

"Hello, my name is Lin Tian. Let's sit down and talk."

The members of the Tianlang Mercenary Group saw that they had guests and went back to their rooms with their bowls of noodles.

Long Xiaoyun also stood up and limped back to his guest room. At this time, only Lin Tian and the four Tata people brought by Major Snover were left in the living room. Major

Snover sat down on the side table, and Lin Tian and Malev sat opposite each other to facilitate the conversation.

"It's like this, Captain Lin, our Tata country's head of state, at the invitation of Daxia country, is going to visit Daxia country, and wants to find a mercenary group to escort him along the way."

"Major Snover strongly recommended your mercenary group to us. I heard that you are also from Daxia?"

When Malev said this, Lin Tian had completely understood that this was an escort mission, but the person being escorted was a bit high-ranking? As the head of a country, it seems that he can make a lot of money again.

Lin Tian secretly thought in his heart that he would try his best to raise the commission price later, otherwise he would be sorry for Major Snover's kindness.


Lin Tian nodded and said

"That's great. You must be very familiar with the situation in Daxia. I wonder if Captain Lin is willing to help us?"

Malev asked happily.

As Lin Tian expected, this question triggered the system's god-level option.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the god-level choice"

"【Option 1]: Agree to cooperate and be rewarded with a character summon card of"Gun God's Age" Blade Girl - Ling!"

"【Option 2: Refuse to cooperate, and be rewarded with a character summon card of"Gun God" rocket launcher - Dean!"

Lin Tian would never go against money, so this option is of course to choose option 1 and agree to cooperate.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for making a successful choice. If you agree to cooperate, you will receive the option reward."

After the system voice disappeared, Lin Tian looked up at Malev with a smile and asked

"The word"help" doesn't sound good, I prefer the word"cooperation". I can agree to cooperate, but I wonder how much commission Consultant Ma is going to pay?"

"20 million US dollars!"

Malev directly quoted the price.

Lin Tian hesitated for a moment and said

"For such a big event as escorting a head of state, isn't 20 million US dollars a bit low?"

Malev said with a smile

""Captain Lin, then you name a price."

Lin Tian thought about it and decided not to go too far, so he held up three fingers and said,

"The price is 30 million US dollars!

Malev hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said

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