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Tải ảnh: 0.266s Scan: 0.058sThe gangsters in the lobby of Xiazi Bank all showed disdain on their faces when they heard the picket shouting outside

""Boss, I would just charge out. Those guards outside sit in their offices all day and probably don't even know how to fire their guns. There's nothing to be afraid of."

A gangster said arrogantly.

"There is no need. We have hostages in our hands. Why do we have to fight to the death?"

The leader of the gangs looked at the people in the hostage area and said to the gangster just now.

"Go! Pull out two hostages, tie bombs on them, let them go out, and give a welcome gift to those stupid pickets outside!"

The gangster heard the gang leader's words and immediately understood. A cruel smile appeared on his face, and he turned and walked towards the hostage area.

He pulled up a young couple in the hostage area and put two sets of bombs on them.

The young couple saw the bombs on themselves, and they turned pale and their legs trembled.

The gangster���I kindly comforted you.

"Don't be afraid, I'll let you go now!"

The young couple were not fools. When they saw the bombs on their bodies, they guessed what the gangsters were thinking. They wanted them to be mobile bombs to kill the pickets outside.

The old commander squatting in the hostage area saw this scene and couldn't help but clenched his fists and said with gritted teeth:

"These bastards! They are capable of doing anything immoral! No, I must stop them!"

Li Lizhi hurriedly stopped the old commander and said

"Grandpa, don't get excited. Didn't you just tell me to stay calm? If you stand up now, you will definitely be shot to death by these gangsters."

"Then I can't just watch that young couple being killed by them! Those are two lives!"

The old commander was so angry that he was shaking all over. He wished he had a gun in his hand so that he could blow the heads of those bastards! The old commander turned his head and looked at Lin Tian squatting there with a calm face. He looked indifferent and leisurely. He felt so angry!

"Brother Lin Tian, our compatriots are about to be killed, don't you have any ideas at all?"

Lin Tian spread his hands and said

"Yes, but what else can we do?"

The old commander clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails almost embedded in his palms, and finally, he loosened his hands and lowered his head with a look of disappointment.

Lin Tian was right, what else could be done? They have all become prisoners, and they are still concerned about the lives of others.

Moreover, even if they stand up and shout,"Stop!" now, what's the use?

At most, the bandits will be shocked by their brave behavior, and then they will be angry and shoot them to death, and continue their cruel behavior.

I have only acted as a cannon fodder, that's all, I died in vain, and I couldn't save others.

The old commander was thinking disappointedly, what should he do, his eyes fell on Lin Tian's face, and suddenly three words popped up in his mind: mercenary!

"By the way, Brother Lin Tian, aren't you a mercenary?"

The old commander asked expectantly.


Lin Tian nodded and said

"Great, your mercenary group must be nearby, right? Let them come and rescue the people here, right?"

The old commander had seen reports in China about Lin Tian falling from the sky at an international airport and rescuing hostages in the airport lobby. Isn't this scene very similar to that one?

Lin Tian shook his head and said,

"What does the life and death of these people have to do with me?"

After hearing Lin Tian's answer, the old commander was stunned for a moment, and then asked back

"Then why did you save those hostages at the domestic airport? Are they related to you?"

Lin Tian said calmly.

"I didn’t want to save them. I killed those terrorists just to save my two classmates. I didn’t even consider other people at that time."

After hearing Lin Tian’s answer, the old commander was stunned. He didn’t expect Lin Tian to say that. Isn’t this too ruthless? He doesn’t have any sense of social responsibility and dedication of a soldier!

However, the old commander suddenly realized that Lin Tian had never been a soldier. He was a mercenary, and everything was based on his own interests!

The old commander looked at Lin Tian as if he had made a great decision, and said with a serious face

"Lin Tian, as long as you are willing to save the lives of the hostages present, I will agree to marry my precious granddaughter to you!"

Li Lizhi and Lin Tian heard the old commander say this with a serious face, and they showed surprised expressions on their faces at the same time.

Lin Tian thought that the old commander was going to hire him, but he didn't expect that he wanted to marry Li Lizhi to him?

Li Lizhi never thought that she would become the reward for her grandfather to be dedicated to Lin Tian for the sake of justice!

Lin Tian immediately shook his head and said

"No, this will break the rules of mercenaries.

Li Lizhi also strongly objected and said

"Grandpa! I am not something that can be traded, I am your granddaughter! How can you do this! Humph!"

The old commander saw that the plan failed and had to smile and say

"Grandpa is joking with you!"

Lin Tian thought for a moment and said

"If you want me to save them, it's okay, but you have to pay me to do it, otherwise I won't help."

Lin Tian's voice was neither too loud nor too soft. The hostages around heard that Lin Tian was a mercenary, and someone immediately turned around and said to Lin Tian

"I hire you! 100,000 US dollars, buy me out safely!"

Lin Tian nodded and said

"No problem, as long as you pay, I will protect your life!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took out his special POS machine for collecting payments from the storage space of the system and placed it in front of the man. The man immediately took out his bank card and swiped it.

With the first person, there will be a second, a third... Lin Tian only heard the system in his mind constantly sending notifications of successful payment.

Li Lizhi and the old commander squatted aside and watched in amazement. This money is too easy to make, right? In less than an hour, he earned millions of US dollars? And everyone was rushing to give it to him! For fear that he would not want it!

Except for the old commander and Li Lizhi, all the hostages in the hall paid Lin Tian a protection fee of 100,000 US dollars.

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, and with a thought, he took out an M46 assault rifle from the storage room, and took out a new flying knife belt and tied it around his waist. After doing this, Lin Tian spoke

"Stay here and don't move. I promise you will be fine."

All the hostages nodded.

The leader of the gang stood in front of the glass wall of the bank, looking at the pickets surrounding the bank entrance, and said to the gangster next to him.

"Go, send the two hostages away, and wait until the hostages come to the pickets before detonating them."

""Boss, don't worry!"

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