"Ding...Your follower Murong Fu has started the world sacrifice. It is detected that the faith of this world has been seized. The Golden Dragon of Luck has subdued the Eternal God Cult and can carry out world plunder."

"Is looting enabled?"


Liu Che said calmly.

Another fragment world, really good.

We are just short of manpower.

"Ding...Start plundering, trigger the ten thousand times increase, you get a God Star, please determine the direction of the God Star"

"There are currently three types to choose from"

"【Immortal Law】"



Liu Che glanced at it and said,"Now in the fairyland, the fairy method can be used."

"Ding...The world begins to take shape, and is currently determined to be a fairy world."

"Ding...You obtain a Golden Dragon of Luck, triggering a million-fold amplification. You obtain a True Dragon of Destiny, and are rewarded with 1,000 Fate Law Fragments"

【[Destiny True Dragon]: A non-biological type, it is composed of the illusory laws of destiny and is a law-based creature.

Note: Because the laws of destiny in the divine world exceed the limit, the destiny godhead is catalyzed and is incubating.

【Countdown: Thirty days】...

In the world of Tian Long Ba Bu, incense is burning.

More than 90% of the human beings are offering sacrifices.

They gather in front of the temple.

Everyone prays with a pious look on their faces.

They don’t understand the world’s upgrade.

But they understand that today’s ceremony is extra important and requires concentrated prayers.

Pass your faith to the gods.

Countless fires of faith converge into a road to heaven, tearing the barrier of the world.

The pressure of the Chaos Sea descends from the sky, making the seriously injured feel despair!

The starry sky is just a barrier, not an infinite world at all.

It is just an eggshell that protects the world.

When this eggshell disappears, they are in danger!!!

Just when Murong Fu felt uncomfortable, a beam of starlight fell, covering the broken world.

"I am Ao Qian, the Dragon King of the Starry Sky. I am here to lead you to the God Realm in accordance with the oracle!"

Along with the dragon's roar, a voice came from the bright and holy starry sky.

People saw a huge dragon head.

It blocked out the sky and the sun.

It was impossible to see the whole picture.

Two giant claws of stars fixed the world.

Then it ascended to the God Realm.

Ao Qian, who had several experiences, skillfully increased his strength.

Because when ascending, these inconspicuous fragments of the world will continue to grow.

Eventually, they will be out of his control.

So he chose to control it with his front claws, and then use his body to carry the planets to where they should go.

Time passed.

Everyone felt like a year had passed, but in fact it was less than a second.

A brand new world came before them.

All things began to thrive with the blessing of the system.

Fairy grass, fairy medicine.

All life is evolving.

The mountains grew bigger.

The temple began to be wrapped in nine-color divine clouds.

Everything became mysterious.

Until the terrible dragon left, an oracle came from the distant Eternal Palace.

"Murong Fu's contribution to the sacrifice of the world was rewarded with 100,000 years of cultivation, the position of Jianlan Immortal Emperor, and the opening of the plane war channel..."

"Granting all living beings the opportunity to cultivate immortality, those who are gifted can pass the heavenly calamity and go to a higher level world"...

The vast sound shocked and excited people.

Because from today on, they were the people of the immortal world.

Everyone could become an immortal in the future. They no longer had to worry about birth, aging

, sickness and death. Because even death was just a journey through reincarnation.

It was not a real soul scattering.

This was the benefit of believing in God.......

Chat group of all worlds.

Murong Gongzi:"Hello everyone, after countless efforts, I finally came to the God Realm and am on par with you."

Tanjiro:"Brother, come to the Saint's Tomb quickly, there are big fish!!!"

Li Laoer:"Come quickly, we two brothers are so happy to catch fish."

Save all living beings:"...You three are so shameless, but it's a pity that my belief needs some time to spread."

Miss Toosaka:"Why doesn't anyone go to the Type-Moon plane? Is it just because the combat effectiveness is low?""

Spirit of the Demon Sword:"That's not the case. I think the Type-Moon plane is also very interesting, but they all practice the same system, and Chu Tornado's world does have many enemies."

Although Tanjiro is a god, he still prefers Chu Tornado's world.

Ninja scientist:"After I hatch the eggs, I will go to the Type-Moon world to cause trouble!"

Junior brother Otakemine:"Hehe...Come on, Brother Snake."

The fox who only loves money:"Congratulations to Murong Fu for escaping from the sea of suffering!"

Master Murong:"Damn it!"...It’s better to have a fox sister, a group of people will sneer at you!"

Li Lao Er:"Are you coming? We two brothers caught a big fish."

Murong Gongzi:"Give me the coordinates!"

Poor Lao Gao:"Hahaha...It smells so good."

Miko of the world:"Sister Toosaka Rin, if my world is promoted, I will find you there. I don't like fighting."

For Xiao Feng, the Type-Moon plane is better.

Develop faith quietly.

Beat up some atheists by the way.

As for what Tanjiro and others did, she didn't like it anyway.

Vampire Queen:"I like the Type-Moon world too. I heard that there is a goddess named Elquet among the recent goddesses who is also a vampire?"

Miss Toosaka:"Yeah...It's just that she doesn't like us, and chose to join the dark camp of Goddess Wanwan."

She had tried to win over the other party at that time.

But she didn't know what method Biyao used.

She took Elquet away.

It's really sad!

We lost a general.

The miko of salvation:"There are camps among the goddess of feelings?"

The fox who only loves money:"Can you explain the camp of the goddess?"

Miss Toosaka:"Uh...It's not a very important thing, anyway....They are all small groups formed according to their own attributes."

The members of the group understood it instantly.

After all, there are gods in the group.

She certainly didn't dare to say it out loud.

But goddesses with the same attributes do tend to get together.

For example, the goddess of life and the goddess of darkness don't like to be together.

Their styles of doing things and their attributes are all different.

The leader of Tianxiahui:"It seems that I joined the group too late. I really envy you. Several brothers have already been promoted to the realm of gods, and are now on expeditions to other planes to fight against various powerful enemies."

Xun'er:"We are from the same batch, right? Do you want to compete and see whose world is promoted faster?"

The leader of Tianxiahui:"Little girl, I'm not bragging. I have unified the human martial arts world now, and I have the strongest power in the Central Plains. It's not as difficult as others to upgrade." The sad old Gao:"It's really easy to own a force, there is really no suspense."

Xun'er:"Do you look down on me like this? My Xun'er's family background is much stronger than that of the human dynasty. This time when I return to the family, I will definitely achieve great things."

The fox who only loves money:"Haha, your sister is quite arrogant. She said before that we were charlatans. Do you want to compete with me?"

Tushan Yaya sat in the palace with a sneer on her face.

This woman is so rude.

She looked down on the goddess Toosaka Rin before, and now that she has gained a little power, she starts to pretend again.

Sooner or later, she will fall.

I told you not to pretend!

Xun'er:"I'm sorry, I was short-sighted before and couldn't see the magical powers of my brothers and sisters clearly."

Pudu sentient beings:"It's a great improvement to know one's mistakes. It's okay for the little girl to have a temper and for the family to have a solid foundation. Don't speak so harshly. After all, except for the gods, everyone present will be the master of the world in the future. If you always say hurtful words, will you fight when you meet in the future?""

Chu Dashanren:"What the baldy said is right. It's okay to joke. But don't always think you are superior to others. You said that your family has a solid foundation and my Saint's Cemetery world is so strong. Am I proud?""

Vampire Queen:"Yes, although I am a vampire, no one in the group looks down on me."

Blond boy Sam:"I'm almost unifying the planet, but I still don't feel powerful in front of the big guys. Little sister, be careful in the future.""...

On the way back to the ancient tribe,

Xun'er secretly thought that it was not good.

She made a mistake again.

Xun'er:"Thank you for your advice, brother and sister. I just like to talk like that. I'm sorry....Really sorry..."

Miss Toosaka:"It's okay, just speak sweeter next time. We are all children of God, it's good enough if we have the will to correct ourselves!"

She doesn't mind being looked down upon.

What's wrong with a big family?

What's wrong with being a goddess? After all

, it's all about relying on the gods.

She doesn't feel proud anyway. If Xun'er always behaves like this, one day she will be abandoned by the gods.

These days, good is rewarded with good and evil is punished with evil.

The gods are watching.

Leader of the Tianxiahui:"@Junior Brother Dazhufeng, Zhang Fan, you sacrificed the water unicorn, and I'm going to sacrifice the fire unicorn, hehe....Maybe we can walk the same path in the future."

Junior Brother from Dazhu Peak:"Brother, you are awesome! Since your world has the Fire Kirin, there must be other treasures, right?"

Leader of Tianxiahui:"I am collecting information. I heard there is a dragon vein. I wonder which one is more powerful than the Golden Dragon of Luck."

Dragon vein?

Liu Che looked at the message in the group and his eyes lit up.

"This is a good thing. In the Lingyun Cave in the Fengyun World, in addition to the dragon vein, there are four sacred stones. It is rumored that they are the remains of Nuwa who repaired the sky....

And he also has the blood of dragons, true phoenixes, and dragon turtles."

Although he has many true dragons, who knows if he will mutate again.

Liu Che is looking forward to it.......

At this time, outside Wushuang City,

Duan Lang came to the gate.

Looking at the towering castle, he showed disdain.

Then he drew his sword and slashed forward.


The huge wooden door was instantly shattered.

All the guards guarding the gate died.

The sword energy of a hundred meters high was raging inside.

At this time, an extremely angry voice came from inside.

"Who dares to come to our Wushuang City to seek death?"

In the martial arts world, this is a forbidden place.

Even the Tianxia Association dare not come here to have fun.

Because there is an invincible existence here.

Dugu Sword Saint.

Although not as good as the martial arts legend Wuming, but much more terrifying than Xiongba.

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