In the Transformers world, with the dual support of technology and divine law, the entire solar system has become a colony of the Earth.

I always dreamed of going to Mars or Pluto before.

Now I can go there directly if I want.

The Eternal God's will for Sam is to continuously develop technology and add divine law technology to the original Cybertron technology to make it more powerful.

This problem once stumped the Autobot researchers, including everyone on Earth.

Divine law is a method of cultivation.

And the Autobots are mechanical technology.

How can this be integrated?

Later, Optimus Prime proposed to use the divine rune technique of divine law and combine it with technology.

That is, the core power.

Use the divine rune method taught by God.

This solves many problems.

For example, cyborgs and the birth of bio-machines.

At present, collecting minerals and other stellar energy is what the Autobots are doing.

Of course, the Decepticons must be destroyed.

Sam is standing in the base on the moon and is communicating with Bumblebee.

"Hey brother, is the space bridge over there not built yet?"

"Sam, you are making things difficult for me. Last time, you took advantage of me chatting and directly activated the teleportation device. Now we are thrown to the edge of the universe. It has become difficult to collect minerals."

Bumblebee looked aggrieved, which made Sam laugh secretly.

Who made it always stick to him?

There is nothing he can do about it.

"However, there is good news. Although my place is remote, I have the fire source left by the predecessors who explored the universe in the past. Now it has become strong and powerful. After my army is formed, I will start to build the space bridge."

"Well, remember to send the coordinates sometimes."


After turning off the communicator, Sam looked at the secretary who came in.

The secretary said to him,"Your Excellency the High Priest, 90% of the people on Earth have become believers. Can we start the sacrifice?"

"Those lackeys in the Federation should be killed."

"Yes, all the restless ones were eliminated"

"Okay, wait for Optimus Prime to come back and start the sacrifice!"

Currently, twelve fire sources have accumulated on the earth, as well as the cores of six stars.

They are all masterpieces of Optimus Prime and others.

Sam fell into a misunderstanding before, always thinking that he had to conquer the universe before he could sacrifice. Later, he suddenly realized that he only needed to sacrifice the solar system.

In order to protect his own territory, no one had second thoughts.

Sam deliberately slowed down the speed and threatened to clean up the traitors.

Otherwise, after going to the God Realm, these politicians with strange minds might plot something.

Three days later,

Optimus Prime's fleet returned to the moon.

This group of Autobots has become stronger and bigger now. Optimus Prime was originally just a truck, but now it can be turned into a star battleship.

This is the advantage of liquid metal.

It can be changed at will.

"Lord Sam, we have accomplished our mission this time and discovered the rare life metal!"

"Life metal? Is it the ore that made you?"

Sam's voice suddenly rose.

He couldn't help but be surprised.

Why is the leader of the Transformers so powerful and can receive the upgrade of the Spark Source?

It's because they are made of special life metal.

The other second-generation Transformers are only made of rare metals.

The higher the metal, the stronger the Transformers.

This is the rule of this world.

Optimus Prime chuckled and said,"Of course, we used a lot of power this time."

One thing he didn't mention is that

Skyfire wanted to revitalize Cybertron.

For this reason, he wanted to betray Sam.

As a result, he was executed by them.

Optimus Prime never holds back when dealing with traitors.

And that god is so great.

Sam is the other party's messenger.

As long as Sam is touched, it will be the end of the Autobots.

"In that case, let's prepare for the sacrifice. The other planets are also ready."


Following Sam's order,

Optimus Prime and the others opened the space bridge.

Countless life ores were escorted over.

This ore is very rare, but it contains a terrifying breath of life.

The only regret is that this ore cannot directly form life.

It needs a spark source to catalyze.

But now with the divine rune technique, Optimus Prime and the others only need a little fragment of the spark source to create new Autobots.

And the newly born race has a die-hard faith in God!

Are you kidding?

Liu Che's divine rune technique was given casually.

He had already arranged the symbol of loyalty in it. It was simple to use the divine rune to catalyze Transformers, but the price was that all souls were loyal to the Eternal God Church.

The souls born were born with the mark, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Now, everyone on Earth, our fellow humans in the solar system, and Transformers, are about to perform the greatest sacrifice in history.

In this sacrifice, we will dedicate the entire solar system to the gods."

Sam's voice was transmitted through the communicator to the planets in the entire solar system, and even the Transformers working outside stopped what they were doing.

This moment belongs to the Eternal God.

It is the time for sacrifice.

All living beings must offer their loyalty to God.

First, the Earth.

Billions of new humans, whether at home or near the temple, closed their eyes and prayed.

Then Mars and Venus...

Until all the planets were shining.

Sam, as the main priest, opened the moon's altar.



Countless metals automatically deformed.

It became a dark golden altar, and brilliant divine patterns kept shining.

All the planets were connected by mysterious energy into a galaxy altar.

This is definitely the strongest altar in history.

Sacrifice the solar system.

Sam's ambition was finally realized.

He was very thoughtful.

He knew that the group was safe on the surface, but in fact the competition was very fierce.

So Sam had been preparing in secret.

Above the mountain and river altar and the planet altar, there was the most terrifying altar, which was the interstellar altar.

And this was what Sam prepared.

If someone were to observe the solar system, they would find a terrifying thing.

The gorgeous nine-color divine light was emitted from the sun.

It connected all the planets and finally converged into a mysterious symbol.

This was the ancient text of the gods.

It was called


The light connected, and the divine text lit up.

All the planets shook, and then something extremely shocking happened.

A pair of eyes larger than the galaxy appeared above the solar system.

Then the terrifying divine voice was transmitted into the depths of everyone's soul.

"Yes, faith is fully qualified and can be promoted to the realm of gods."

It turned out to be the God of Eternity.

People breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they were also wondering how the huge solar system could be promoted.

Soon the answer came.

An extremely wide river enveloped the solar system, and in the blink of an eye they came to a brand new starry sky.

The world here is extremely strange.

But it can make people feel comfortable.

Just breathing, the body is emitting a pleasant breath.

Arrived in the realm of gods so quickly?

At this time, the sky has long lost its atmosphere.

Because there is no need for such a thing.

All living beings can see the scenery of the realm of gods.

Above the sky is a flowing long river, where you can see higher-level planets. It is extremely huge.

It is many times larger than the sun.

Is that where the gods live?

People don't know.

But then there is a starry sky dragon, crossing the sea of stars to convey the will of God.

"This world has been successfully promoted. You can continue to develop technology, but you cannot carry your cultivation. When your strength grows to the God level, you can naturally ascend to the God Realm above your head to continue to develop."

This is the will for ordinary creatures.

Sam and others have other instructions.

Just as people were immersed in the joy of being promoted to the God Realm, the world began to expand. Many mineral veins that only exist on alien planets emerged from the ground.

It was like free money.

Optimus Prime spent a long time to find the life ore before, and here a rock life form born from the life ore appeared directly.

It is huge. It is nearly a thousand meters tall.

It looks very majestic.

"Thank you for the gift of God. I, Yanshan, am your most loyal servant."

All kinds of life began to appear on the earth.

This is just a microcosm....

Sam, standing on the moon, naturally saw the changes on the earth.

Here he could see directly that the earth had become ten times larger.

And the moon had also become larger.

All the planets were expanding.


""My God, I am here."

The voice that appeared in his mind made the blond boy slightly stunned.

Then he quickly knelt on the ground and listened to God's will.

"You did a good job this time. You are the first priest to open the interstellar altar. In view of your performance, I grant you the status of a five-star divine envoy and allow you to continue to conquer your own world."

"Thank you for the gift from the gods!"

Five-star Divine Envoy!!!

This is such a noble status.

It's a leap of several statuses at once.

It's so comfortable.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

"You're welcome. This is the result of your own efforts. The moon is a gift to you. The people of Cybertron can create Transformers, and Yuanshi Tianzun can also use his body to evolve.

I hope you won't let me down."

""Yes, I will never tarnish the honor of God."

Sam said excitedly.

He was originally the chief priest of thunder and lightning.

Now that the moon is given to him, he can slowly transform.

God is reminding himself that he can completely become an existence beyond the level of the creator of that world.

Now Sam can see an operating table when he closes his eyes.

And a picture of the moon appears in his field of vision.

His spiritual sense is strengthened countless times.

It's so cool.

Sam decided to transform from the inside first. Anyway, there are metal mines on the moon.

The previous sacrifices have long been offered to the gods.

Now there is no one here except Optimus Prime and his group of officials.

With the activation of mental power, the moon began to deform rapidly.

Countless veins appeared one by one.

The divine pattern replaced the energy pipeline and led directly to the center.

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