Alice returned to the hospital headquarters without stopping.

A group of people gathered in front of the screen.

A group of evil beasts were seen killing humans crazily.

Among them was the Licker that Alice had killed before.

However, the Licker's skin was no longer flesh-colored, but bronze.

"Are these the evolved zombies?"

"That's right, Priest Alice. This is why I asked you to come back. Killing the other party's branch officials will not alleviate the current urgent situation, but will anger the people of Umbrella Corporation."

"I see. What is the current situation of the altar?"

"At present, a base has just been built. Even if all the believers are mobilized, it will take thirty-nine hours."

This is the result of the Red Queen's precise calculation.

And this requires the use of half of the city's people to build and carve the altar.

Finally, it can be completed within thirty-nine hours.

Otherwise, it may take longer.

Upon hearing this, Alice immediately made a decision and said,"That's it. I will also join this operation. Tell everyone in the city who is responsible for building the altar must not be careless. People who are proficient in engineering should be given priority as commanders."


That night, Raccoon City received a notice from Red Queen.

In order to receive the gift of the gods, a large altar needs to be built. As a result, everyone chose to join.

No one wants to be a useless person.......

In the God Realm World,

Liu Che came to the Palace of the God of Life.

Wang Yuyan and others were also here to help.

"How is the trial going?"

"Reporting to the gods, the current medicine has been improved and should be able to eliminate the virus in the human world."

The speaker was Mu Wanqing. She no longer wore the tight samurai uniform she wore before, but a clean white coat instead. She also wore a pair of glasses without prescription.

Her beautiful ponytail was tied behind her head.

She gave him the illusion of a modern scientific researcher.

In fact, among these goddesses, Mu Wanqing was the one who came from behind. She was a salted fish for a while. She was only used twice in the emperor's bed. It was not until Tsunade's laboratory was short of people that she joined here out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, her talent was put into use.

Every day, she and Wang Yuyan were studying the configuration of drugs.

This time, the T virus was an improved drug made by Liu Che after he gave them the information.

It can not only eliminate human memories, but also restore their original appearance.

It can be regarded as giving new hope to mankind.

Liu Che nodded and said to Yu Xiaoxue:"This time, you and Mu Wanqing will go to the lower world. I guess the world below can't stand it. As for the rewards, I will reward Alice with some martial arts power and technology...."

"As you command."

Yu Xiaoxue nodded obediently, her tail wagging gently.

She was very excited.

This was her first time going down to the mortal world. What should she say then?

She kept thinking about it.

When the gods left,

Yu Xiaoxue quickly pulled Mu Wanqing, Wang Yuyan and other goddesses and asked,"What do you think we should say when we go down to the mortal world? I have no experience."

Tsunade next to her chuckled and said,"You are already a god now, why are you still afraid?"

"I...I am just afraid of bringing down the prestige of God."

There was one more thing she didn't say.

She wanted to give something different to the believers in the lower world.

The rewards from the gods belonged to the gods, and she also wanted to give some good news to those suffering people.

Wang Yuyan frowned and thought for a while, constantly thinking about what happened when they went to the lower world this time, and finally said:"Why don't you give them some food, sister?"

"Food? Why?..."

"I understand. That world is in a disaster and needs food. There is no food in the upper space of our God Realm, but there are many fairy seedlings in the lower space. With a little improvement, we can produce a lot of food."

Things from the fairy world are naturally not afraid of the T virus.

And they have changed the gene sequence. Unless the gods of the same level take action, no one can destroy the genes of the fairy seedlings.

In this way, the people in that world will not lack food.

Yu Xiaoxue's eyes lit up.

She clapped her hands happily.

"Why didn't I think of that? That's it...."

The goddesses smiled at each other.

Liu Che, who was standing outside, nodded with satisfaction when he saw that they had solved the problem perfectly.

Qing'er took his hand and said with a smile:"It seems that these girls have grown up and know how to share your worries. You don't have to work so hard in the future."

"Well, I am very pleased that they have their own ideas."

In the world of Resident Evil, the most lacking thing is food.

And this is also what Liu Che is worried about.

He has placed a lot of information in the library.

As long as these goddesses read carefully, they will definitely find what they want.

This time it is the initial effect.

He can't always spend time to help those low-profit worlds.

As the number of goddesses increases,

Liu Che also begins to release power slowly.

It seems that they are performing well.

It is not necessary to give them skills, or the entire earth to let them become cultivators. For example, the technological world is very good.

Just give them a little food and high technology.

Let them develop the rest.

Maybe they can come up with something more interesting.......

Forty hours later, the altar of the biochemical crisis world was finally built.

In order to let all mankind feel the greatness of God,

Red Queen used super-loaded power to control all satellites.

"Everyone, please pay attention. Soon our cult will launch an unprecedented sacrifice. Since the Umbrella Corporation wants to destroy the world, let's see who is faster."


Is this to summon the great Eternal God?

The surviving humans were all in tears after hearing what Red Queen said.

Do we really still have it?

There are zombies everywhere outside, like hell on earth.

We finally saw some hope, but it was extinguished by the Umbrella Corporation.

Now, the people of the Eternal God say they will summon the gods.

I hope they can succeed, otherwise they might as well commit suicide.

Countless people knelt on the ground, watching the woman in a red dress kneeling in front of the altar.

This altar is very rough.

It hasn't even been polished.

The cement in some places has not been dried.

Such a crude thing makes people feel a little unreliable.

But in the eyes of believers, this is a solemn and sacred place.

No blasphemy is allowed....

Inside the Umbrella headquarters, several leaders looked at the crude altar and laughed.

"Hahaha...Is this fooling the children?"

"What a piece of junk."

"Even if it's mud stuck together, it's better than this."

"Humph, let me see what kind of shit you can summon!"......

Alice recited the eulogy devoutly. There was no other sound in Raccoon City, only the loud prayers of the people.

"Great Eternal God, please look at this miserable world, it is full of holes, but some people are innocent...."

"We are your believers and your loyal people."

"This time, the officiant Alice offers you a sacrifice...."

The prayer lasted for an hour.

It never stopped.

The people watching the live broadcast did not dare to blink.

Until the 30th prayer was over , a light suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was colorful.

It was like the aurora, but with a sacred glow.

At this moment, the earth was illuminated.

All the zombies and heretic creatures were suppressed on the ground.

People subconsciously raised their heads and saw a mysterious world.

"this...Is this the world of God?"

Countless God stars are circling, countless nebulae are spinning.

The final scene stops at the supreme God's Palace.

This is the residence of God.

Standing at the top of all worlds!


Accompanied by two earth-shaking dragon roars, countless flowers fell from the sky.

Then two figures appeared in front of the world.

One had white hair down to his waist, a veil on his face, and a delicate white scale tail on his lower body.

Westerners didn't understand.

But Orientals opened their eyes wide.

This...This is clearly the legendary Nuwa.

Could it be that the God of Eternity is Nuwa? ? ?

The other woman was wearing a black dress and holding a white jade bottle in her hand. If two willow branches were inserted into it , people would probably think it was Guanyin.

"I am a goddess of the Nuwa clan, a maid of the Eternal God, and I came here at the call of Alice."

""Thank you, Lord God, for coming!"

Alice bowed devoutly.

No matter who comes, they can solve the problem at hand.

When she raised her head, she said with a trembling voice:"Lord God, please save this world, even if it's just to give us some help."

Yu Xiaoxue nodded, and said in a faint voice:"Don't panic, the gods ordered us to pass on the things that purify zombies to the world, and also teach you martial arts and technology.

Of course, I know that your world lacks food, and here is also a portion of food from the fairyland, you can take it all.

Don't let God down."

Food, technology, martial arts.

All of them.

Alice felt that she was lucky. The

Red Queen next to her was wondering if there were so many people around the world kneeling down to worship the gods, so there were so many rewards?

In the Eastern Chinese world, everyone was excited when they heard the words from the goddess' mouth.



These were all things they were familiar with, but why did the gods descend on the Western land? Although they were anxious, they reacted quickly.

The current goal was to contact Alice as soon as possible to get her help.

Otherwise, if they fell behind by one step, they would be completely finished and would be eliminated by this world.

Three balls of divine light followed Yu Xiaoxue's fingers and fell on the altar.

Then she and Mu Wanqing attacked at the same time, with supreme divine power.

Blessing the artifact.

A layer of light medicine enveloped the entire earth.

Those humans who had turned into zombies returned to their original appearance one after another.

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