In the world of Tianlongbabu,

Murong Fu finally arrived in Dali Kingdom.

And he went straight to Tianlong Temple.

The welcoming monk waiting at the door saw a group of martial artists heading straight for the mountain gate, and immediately ran over to stop them.

"Donor, this is a Buddhist holy land, not a place for fighting!"

Although this novice monk is young, he is not afraid of Murong Fu and others.

Think about it.

The emperor of Dali Kingdom became a monk in Tianlong Temple. What do they have to fear?

Buddhism is the state religion here!

But he didn't know that Murong Fu's trip was to suppress them.

""You little novice monk actually dared to yell at me, Murong Fu, get out!"

Murong Fu shouted angrily.

He shocked the little monk so much that he fainted from all seven orifices bleeding.

At the same time, his voice was also heard in the Tianlong Temple.

A group of old monks sitting in the main hall opened their eyes one after another.

"Oh no, enemies are coming, sound the alarm!"

"It sounded like Murong Fu, but does he really have such strong internal strength?"The voice could be transmitted to the temple on the mountain from the foot of the mountain, and the voice was strong and condensed without dissipation. This kind of strength obviously exceeded the limits of first-class masters.

For a moment, the faces of these old monks were not very good.

Kurong said to his disciples:"Go and ask for help, things may change today."

A moment later, a whistle of wind came from outside.

The sound of an explosion followed.

Kurong and others changed their faces and ran outside together.

They saw a young man in black clothes, holding a stone Buddha and smiling.

The stone Buddha was placed at the door to receive incense and kung fu. It weighed thousands of pounds, but it was held up by one hand.

Such a terrible scene.

It's chilling.

"Humph, you bunch of bald guys finally come out!"

Murong Fu changed his palms into claws, and crisp cracking sounds came from above his head.

The stone Buddha was actually broken into countless pieces under the force of his fingers.

Such brute force has never been seen in the world!!

Ku Rong swallowed his saliva and asked in a trembling voice:"May I ask, Mr. Murong, what are you doing here this time, and why do you want to destroy the stone Buddha at the gate of my mountain?"

"Our young master's purpose is very simple. Seeing that you can't find the Western Paradise even if you eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha all day, we come to teach you with the grace of God!"

Feng Bo'e looked at Kurong and said with a smile.

Grace of God?

Did they join Taoism?

Kurong's frown finally relaxed a little. If that was the case, it would be easy to say.

After all, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has existed since ancient times.

At worst, they can just close the mountain gate.

"Donor, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has existed since ancient times. Now we think we are no match for them. How about closing the mountain for twenty years?"

Kurong admitted his defeat.

Closing the mountain for twenty years means that their descendants cannot come down the mountain and enter the world for twenty years.

It basically represents an entire dynasty.

Murong Fu sneered,"You thief monk, who told you that we are Taoists? We are the messengers of the Eternal God Religion. We came here today to naturally eliminate you false gods and false Buddhas.

You teach others to fast and chant Buddha all day long, but why doesn't the Buddha appear?

But my God is different. Believe in my God, and he will appear in the world soon!!!"

These words were full of murderous intent.

He did not give Tianlong Temple any way out.

A monk next to him was furious and cursed,"What the hell is the Eternal God? You are a group of evil demons. Even if you kill us, they will surrender."

"Master Ku Rong, do you think so too?"

Murong Fu asked with a gloomy face.

"If the benefactor is pressing us, then we are not made of clay, so please teach us something!"

Ku Rong stretched out a finger, ready to attack.

"In that case, let me do it. I am Bao Bu Tong, an unknown young man in the Eternal Divine Religion."

A figure flashed out from Murong Fu's right and attacked Ku Rong.

His speed was as fast as lightning.

Ku Rong pointed his finger and wanted to repel the enemy with the One Yang Finger.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't even dodge and kicked him directly.

""Oh no, the One Finger is useless!"

Ku Rong was horrified, and it was too late to dodge.

He was kicked a hundred meters away.

When he fell to the ground, almost all the bones in his body were broken, and he kept vomiting blood.

"Master Ku Rong!!"

"" Master Kurong!!"

The monks of Tianlong Temple were terrified.

Bao Bu Tong was just a retainer under Murong Fu, but he could kill Master Kurong with one kick.

No one expected this.

Murong Fu looked at the monks who were in a mess and sneered:"I'll give you another chance, surrender or die!!!"

In fact, he wanted them to be fearless.

In this way, he could get rid of Tianlong Temple to establish his prestige, and then go straight to the Dali Palace to capture the emperor.

But Kurong's reaction surprised him.

This old monk actually asked people to surrender.

However, after saying that, he fainted completely.

So far, Tianlong Temple, one of the two major temples in the Buddhist holy land at that time, was destroyed.

When Duan Zhengming rushed over with soldiers, all the Buddha statues in Tianlong Temple were destroyed, and the monks also took off their robes and returned to their normal appearance.

"this...What on earth is going on?"

In just less than an hour, how could Tianlong Temple become like this?

"You must be Duan Zhengming, right? My master wants to see you. Come here!"

A figure floated down from the top of the mountain and captured the Dali Emperor Duan Zhengming.

PS: The new book is launched, begging for support! Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards...Begging for all support!!!

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