The violent wind woke Elizabeth Swan up.

She gathered her hair and looked up at the sky.

She saw countless thunder dragons roaring, and the only thing that was shining was a pair of eyes.

Elizabeth was shocked.

There was horror in her eyes.

She originally thought that this evil pirate wanted to sacrifice herself to the evil god, and she was ready to die.

But she never expected that this god would be so terrifying.

His body was taller than the world.

His eyes were brighter than the sun.

The other party just showed up, but turned the dark sky into daytime.

The whole earth was under his illumination.

For a god of this level, destroying the world is not a problem.

Elizabeth even felt that the so-called God King Zeus was probably just a strong ant in the eyes of the other party.

Jack was shocked when he saw the true god coming.

However, his reaction was also very fast.

He immediately shouted wildly:"The great god has come, you foolish people, why don't you kneel down and worship my god!!!

He is the eternal god, the supreme god!!!" After being reminded, people reacted and began to chant.

"Dear God, please forgive our ignorance. We have forgotten your name and your existence...."

"Great Eternal God, please put away your anger. Even if your light shines on us, it is like the end of the world...."

"We will offer sacrifices, we will offer treasures, everything is now as we wish..."

"From now on, we will be your believers and will never disobey you."...

People were trembling all over, trying to keep their voices in tune.

They put their hands together and prayed desperately.

They used to believe in the Lord.

But from today on, there was only one god in their hearts.

That was the Eternal God.

The priest of the church looked at the tall figure, quickly threw his robe on the ground, and tore the Bible into pieces.

Fuck the Lord.

In front of the Eternal God, you are a false god.

"Ding...Your deep believer Jack, you sacrificed 3000 human souls, and you obtained 3000 soul crystals, which triggered a ten thousand times increase and turned into 3000 purple ghost spirits."

【[Purple Ghost Essence]: The purest soul crystal, which can be used to forge weapons, as medicine, or to fill in the divine domain to complete the laws of death and soul.

"Ding...You gain a trace of faith power, triggering a ten million times amplification, turning into ten million strands of faith power, and after transformation you gain two thousand original divine powers."

Liu Che looked at the harvest and nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad.

Jack finally knew to be afraid this time, and this world will slowly be in his pocket.

The storm stopped unknowingly, and the thunder stopped roaring.

People slowly raised their heads, looked at the terrifying figure, and quickly knelt on the ground. The dazzling light began to converge.

It turned into soft light and fell on the island.

Many injured people, under the illumination of the light, recovered their healthy bodies.

A warm feeling spread in the body.

"this...What is this? My lameness is back to normal"

"My broken leg doesn't hurt anymore..."

"I regained my sight..."

One exclamation after another came from the mouths of the people.

The priest who had just abandoned his faith rolled his eyes and shouted cleverly,"This is God's grace, you idiots!..."Hurry up and thank God for His grace!!!"

Jack, who was presiding over the sacrifice, was furious.

Damn, there is still someone trying to steal his job.

But in front of the gods, he did not dare to act recklessly, and could only stare at the priest fiercely.

Just wait, I will punish you one day. When the priest met his eyes, he did not retreat, but kept worshipping the gods in the sky.

"Great God, I am your lost lamb, and I have always been deceived by a group of liars....I ended up believing in a false god, and now that I see you,

I realize that the truth has been buried.

I beg you to grant me the status of a believer, so that I can spread your teachings...."

Depend on...There are still many charlatans in the Western world.

Look at what they said.

They directly defined the previous gods as false gods.

Looking at the heart-wrenching cry, it is really a role model for believers.

Since you are so sincere, I will help you.

The more believers there are, the more faith you will have.

You must set an example to let them know the benefits of spreading faith.

Don't always think about monopolizing the identity of priests and forget the original intention of developing believers.


Liu Che's lips moved slightly.

His voice was like thunder, full of divine power, and frightening.

The priest, with tears streaming down his face, heard the call.

His body was struck by lightning, and his mind went blank.

God called me.

He knows my name.

Oh...Oh my God, what should I do?

Lanster licked his lips, suppressed his inner tension and excitement, and knelt on the ground devoutly.

His face was close to the cold ground.

He said in a very respectful tone:"Believer Lanster, listen to the oracle."

"From today on, you will become my other spokesperson in this world, and together with Jack, you will promote faith and spread my name.

You must not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you must not act recklessly in the name of God. Otherwise, even if your soul is annihilated, you will not be able to erase your sins."

Lanster, who had just fallen into ecstasy, was instantly hit the bottom. He quickly kowtowed to show his sincerity.

Then a purple lightning fell, turned into a spear, and nailed it to the ground.

"This is my divine thunder, you can use it to annihilate other pagans. This world only allows me to be a god.

By the way, I will grant you the power of thunder, otherwise you cannot use this divine thunder spear."

Lanster only felt a powerful force appear out of thin air in his body.

It was extremely terrifying, and it kept moving in his body.

At the same time, a meditation method appeared in his mind.

Captain Jack next to him looked at this charlatan sourly.

He regretted it so much.

Who made me deceive the gods? It was pitiful for me that the other party did not get angry.

PS: The new book is launched, begging for support! Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards...Begging for all support!!!

【I calculated it wrong before. I would update more chapters after three rewards. Today, I will update more chapters after 2,000 flowers.

Thank you for your 100-point reward support!

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