Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 217 My Lord! help me!

"Of course not, I will let you live a good life." After Shillong explained a sentence, he spit out another tablet from his mouth.

Although it was crushed a lot by Saffron, he has a lot of spares!

Shillong stretched out a claw and entered into the pillar of fire, trying to seal the two soul demons inside, but the two soul demons instinctively dodged upwards and dodged.

Xilong frowned and said to the two soul demons: "Come on, go inside, be good."

"I... can we not go in? Afraid of the dark." A soul demon said weakly.

"Tsk! Do you know how to be obedient? I hate disobedient subordinates the most, don't force me! I'm going crazy, even I'm afraid of myself!" Xilong's face darkened slightly.


Perhaps scared by Shillong, the two soul demons rushed into the stele at once.

Shillong opened his mouth again and swallowed the tablet.

Then he said to the Fire Demon King: "Very good, you have already caught two, and there are still 998 left. Come on, I am very optimistic about you."

"Don't worry! You are absolutely indispensable!" The Fire Demon King took a deep look at Shillong.

Then a huge flame circle came out from under him, and after a while of spinning, he disappeared in front of Xilong.

This guy must have already started to act!

Really diligent enough!

Well, let's go back and see Zhan Shiqi and his two stupid dogs. With a thought, he quickly jumped up into the sky, looked around, and quickly found Zhan Shiqi and his two dogs.

They were hiding behind a rock a hundred kilometers away from him, and there were many wounds on their bodies. At this time, Zhan Shiqi was licking his wounds miserably. Teddy on the side was even worse than him, lying on the ground irregularly. Air in and out.

Xilong frowned slightly. How come it's been a long time since we saw each other? Who beat these two guys like this?

Could it be the Barlow Balrog who escaped before?

Shillong immediately thought of the other party.

That end should be the Barlow flame demon in the flame forest,

After being humiliated by himself, he awakened the Fire Demon King to plot against him, and he was also a dog who bullied him.

He simply treats him like nothing, he deserves to be killed!

Shillong narrowed his eyes slightly, and disappeared in place with a bang.

Dragging a few kilometers long red gold tail flame, it appeared in front of Zhan Shiqi across a distance of a hundred kilometers in just a few seconds.

Before his huge body hit the ground, it had already slowed down in advance, but after it actually landed, it still caused a loud noise.

It frightened the two injured dogs.

Zhan Shiqi jumped directly from the ground.

But Teddy couldn't get up, so he could only weakly look in the direction of the earthquake.

Then he saw Shillong shrouded in black mist.

And Zhan Shiqi who howled miserably...

"My lord! My lord! Help! Help Teddy! He can't hold on any longer!"

Jansky howled.

The whip that Teddy blocked him just now hurt too badly.

There was a big hole in the abdomen, and the internal organs could be seen inside.

If it wasn't for Teddy's condensed final magic power, Zhan Shiqi hugged Teddy, let his wound go up, and performed a big escape by walking upright on two legs, Teddy might have died by this time.

Hearing this, Shillong immediately spit out the strangely colored shards of godhead from his mouth.

Wisps of strange light shot out from it, and Teddy and Zhan Shiqi quickly recovered from their injuries.

Teddy even jumped up from the ground and howled: "I really scared the dog to death just now! I almost thought I was really going to die!

His Majesty Shillong! Thank you so much! "

As he spoke, he quickly ran to Shillong's feet and licked the toes of his hind limbs...

After a while, Teddy raised his head and said, "Your Majesty Shillong, this is the highest respect that our hell three-headed dog family can pay you!"

"Yeah." Shillong just nodded.

"My lord! My lord! You have to decide for us!" Zhan Shiqi cried at this time.

"It's all a damn Balor! He actually bullied us! He almost killed us!

No matter in the main material world or in the abyss, there is a saying that beating a dog depends on the owner!

How dare that bastard ignore you like that! You must crush him to ashes! "

"Of course." Shillong grinned and said coldly.

Then he scanned around again, and saw the Barlow Balrog wrestling with two lava giants a few kilometers away.

This guy was flying in the air, actually suppressing two legendary lava giants.

There was the sound of a flame and long whip dancing.

He is also proficient in all kinds of dark magic, and has been crushing the two lava giants.

Tie Hanhan at both ends is the type with high attack, high defense, high HP, and low sensitivity.

He has no ability to fly, so he is extremely restrained by the agility and high restraint of the Barlow Balrog.

Even if it hits once in a while, the Barlow Balrog is not a crispy skin, and it won't be a big deal at all.

Shillong flew over at low altitude with two dogs.

Naturally, there was a lot of movement along the way, and Barlow the Balrog saw Shillong from a distance of a thousand meters.

His fiery red face suddenly became bleeding, and he ignored the two lava giants on the ground, and quickly flapped his wings and fled.

The speed of this Barlow flame demon is very fast, almost turning into a stream of red light, which is estimated to be close to 200 meters per second.

The two lava giants on the ground were a little slow to react. They looked at the departing Barlow and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though the rock giant named Qiao Yan Nongyan was out of breath, the flames on his body became fiery red because of pride.

It opened its huge mouth, and spit out a mouthful of thick lava spit with a bah sound.

The moment the saliva came into contact with the ground, the ground made a whistling sound, bringing up a string of smoke.

"Despicable and damned Barlow Balrog! You are worthy of fighting our lava giants?

Now do you know who is the real master of the fifteenth floor of the abyss?

snort! Scum! "

As soon as it finished speaking, it turned to the lava giant next to it, and Moxi said, "Brother Moxi, you are really amazing! As soon as you arrived, you beat away such a powerful Balor."

"It's not bad, it's only in the top three among the lava giants." Moxi said proudly.

"Brother, I'm a bit lacking in magic again, can you make up for me?" Qiao Yan said.

"No problem." Moxi finished.

Two extremely tall and wide giants hugged each other, opened their bright and fiery red mouths, and kissed each other.

Until, there was a loud bang from Peng.

The two lava giants separated like an electric shock.

Among them, Qiao Yan let out a high-pitched cry.


Quickly jumped aside and looked at the person who came.

"You guys were kissing just now? Did you make a noise?" Shillong felt a little ruined.

In his eyes, it was like two bodybuilders hugging each other and kissing.

But aren't lava giants genderless? This guy felt a little weird before...

"We didn't kiss. It's just a normal mana repair. Qiao Yan was seriously injured before, so I naturally want to help him." Moxi's expression was extremely calm.

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