After reading the news.

Everyone in the villa stopped what they were doing and looked at the room where Liu Fan was.

Could it be that he really guessed it;

At this time, Liu Fan's voice came through the loudspeaker in the whole room: "Everyone put on gas masks. Wang Shize, Xu Chaoquan, you take turns in charge of the monitoring room. If there is anything abnormal, report it to me immediately. Fang Wen, Fang Wu, you use We sorted out the supplies as quickly as possible, then checked the generators and solar panels to prepare for power supply at any time. All the women and children entered the villa and disinfected the entire house."

After speaking, the atmosphere instantly became tense, and everyone began to act according to Liu Fan's instructions.

Xu Chaoquan whispered to Wang Shize, "I seem to have found the feeling of being in the army!"

Wang Shize nodded and said seriously: "Execute the order!"

Xu Chaoquan: "Yes!"

Liu Fan turned on his mobile phone in the room, and all the major forums and websites were exploding.

The news of "a full-scale outbreak of a highly lethal virus in the island country" occupied all the headlines.

Many videos of island residents infected with the virus have been circulated. People continue to fall on the streets, wailing in pain. The roads are full of fleeing vehicles. There are car accidents everywhere. The roads are basically blocked. Countless people have abandoned their cars and fled. .

The military police who maintained order were dispersed by the fleeing people. There were explosions and thick smoke billowing from all over Tokyo.

Airports and ports were so packed that they were nearly paralyzed, with people fighting to get seats.

Many residents even tried to escape into Eagle Country's military base, but as soon as they got close, they were killed by heavily armed soldiers without any hesitation.

Some netizens are gloating over the misfortune, some are worried, and some are calling on everyone to cooperate in home quarantine.

A few minutes later, various videos of people going to stores, convenience stores, and supermarkets to grab supplies were posted online. People were grabbing supplies like crazy.

The merchants continuously raised the prices of food within half an hour. Even after the increase was five times, they still couldn't stop people from rushing to buy. The boss was so happy that he went crazy.

Suddenly, another piece of information quickly entered the hot list: "There is news that a highly lethal virus has been introduced into a certain coastal city, and the country has ordered the army to blockade the city."

Immediately afterwards came the important news break: "From now on, all airports across the country will be closed, all coastal ports will be closed, no one will be allowed to go abroad, and residents of other countries will be prohibited from entering our territory. Anyone from other countries who enters our airspace and territorial waters without reporting will be punished." Consider it an invasion and annihilate it immediately.”

Seeing this, Liu Fan breathed a sigh of relief and whispered:

At the end of the world, we meet again.


Dragon Kingdom Wartime Headquarters.

The top leader was sitting upright, and on the two screens opposite the table were the leaders of the Eagle Country and the Bear Country.

The three countries, which once had constant conflicts, now stand on the same front.

The president of Eagle Country said: "We sampled the virus in the island country three days ago, and the results were discouraging. This is a mutated virus that cannot be cured by any medicine."

President Xiong said angrily: "Three years ago you took the initiative to release the virus. Now the virus has mutated and retribution has come. You Eagle Country must bear full responsibility."

The president of Eagle Country said coldly: "You must speak with evidence, otherwise I will sanction you!"

President Xiong said angrily: "I'm afraid of you, come on, hurt each other!"

The leader of the Dragon Kingdom shouted: "That's enough for you. If you want to compete, you must get through this crisis first. Now this virus has appeared in our three countries and other countries in the world. We are now controlling the city by closing the city, but we must stop the island country." If people spread the virus further, everything will be doomed."

President of Eagle Country: "Our airports and ports have been closed, but they cannot stop people from the island country from smuggling across the border."

President Xiong: "Yes, the border is too long to impose a complete ban."

Leader of the Dragon Kingdom: "I have a solution, I don't know whether to talk about it or not!"

President Xiong: “Brother, it’s already here, let’s talk quickly!”

Leader of the Dragon Kingdom: "We each dispatched a maritime fleet to completely block the island country's sea and air. We will not allow any of its ships and aircraft to leave. Once violated, we will open fire immediately."

President Xiong: "Isn't this tantamount to declaring war?"

The president of Eagle Country directly slapped the table and said, "I agree. If he dares to start a war, he will be destroyed."

The President of Xiong Country questioned: "The island country is your loyal dog leg, are you willing to fight?"

The eyes of the president of Eagle Country were full of murderous intent, and he said: "According to intelligence, one-fifth of the citizens of the island country have died. This outbreak has only occurred for three days. If it spreads to our country, it will be a devastating blow. A dog , if you kill, you will kill."

The leader of the Dragon Kingdom said worriedly: "Over the years, your Eagle Kingdom has given them a lot of weapons. I am worried that this dog will bite its owner. Don't forget that he once took the initiative to destroy your fleet."

The president of the Eagle Country said angrily: "He dares to be a dog. If he doesn't obey, he will be shot in the head. I will warn Xiao Yelang of the island country later."

After intense consultations, the three top leaders immediately issued an order: the three countries jointly fought to block the island country's sea, land and air.

With an order, the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom each dispatched three aircraft carrier battle groups, and the Bear Kingdom sent two aircraft carrier battle groups, plus more than 300 surface ships and dozens of submarines from the three countries, heading towards the waters around the island nation with all their strength.

One day later, European countries also joined the blockade of the island country and sank many island countries ships trying to escape.


Island Command.

Prime Minister Onoro overturned the table and shouted: "This is massacre and aggression. It is completely inhumane. I will prosecute them and call on the international community to condemn them."

The assistant next to him sighed and said: "No one will pay attention to us. Now even the Eagle Country has participated in the containment. We have been abandoned."

Onolang slumped on the chair, then his eyes lit up and he said: "Hurry up and contact the President of Eagle Country to explain our importance to him. We are the pawns that restrain Dragon Country. If we are finished, what will he use to deal with Dragon Country."

After receiving the order, the assistant immediately contacted Eagle Country. Ten minutes later, a sweating assistant came in and said: "Eagle Country refused to communicate and only said that we should deal with the domestic epidemic as soon as possible and they will provide emergency assistance after the end. "


Onoro was so angry that he smashed the tea cup on the table and said: "Damn it, more than one-third of our citizens have been killed by the virus now. According to this progress, our country will be gone in less than a week. I would be ashamed if I died." Facing the deceased emperors, since I cannot protect the people, I will commit suicide."

The assistant hurriedly stopped Onoro and reminded: "It's not time yet, Prime Minister, you have forgotten that we have been secretly developing nuclear weapons, and now it's time to take them out. As long as they threaten to use nuclear weapons, they will definitely give in. By then, we will not be Infected people can flee to other countries."

Ignoring opposition, the island country discharged nuclear sewage into the ocean, causing global nuclear pollution. In fact, it was to cover up the truth about nuclear tests under the sea. The nuclear bomb was finally successfully developed half a year ago.

Onoro suddenly realized it, laughed out loud, and immediately ordered a press conference to announce that the island country had nuclear weapons, threatened the fleets of many countries, immediately stopped the siege, and assisted the survivors of the country to leave.

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