Shengtian base.

After Ding Zhengyuan and Chen Ba were killed last time, Liu Jie put all the blame on them. In addition, Dongfang Xing was dissatisfied with Chen Ba and said a few good words for Liu Jie. Not only was Liu Jie not punished, he was also punished. Promoted to become the manager of Shengtian Base.

So, he led a team of people from the Chuangjie Alliance to station in Shengtian Base and became the local emperor here.

Three top-quality women, including Bai Yu'er, have now become Liu Jie's daily entertainment objects.

The three women originally just wanted to live a more nourishing life. They really didn't care who the man on the bed was.

The three of them were the outstanding ones selected by Ding Zhengyuan among the survivors. After careful training, each of them had reached the level of proficiency in bed.

A lustful man like Liu Jie is even more happy to hang out with beautiful women every day, and he doesn't even care about the affairs of the base.

Isn’t it true that Liu Jie was pestering Bai Yuer to try new positions as soon as he woke up?

Bai Yu'er glanced at Liu Jie and reluctantly cooperated.

Even if she is dissatisfied, she has to hold it in. Now she must catch Liu Jie to ensure her quality of life.

A few minutes later.

"Honey, can we have meat for lunch today?"

"Yes, of course I can. If others can't eat it, you must be able to eat it too!"

Liu Jie couldn't help but stretched out his hands, and the silky feeling made him intoxicated.


After half a day's march, the team from Nanlong City took a short rest in the middle.

The huge convoy not only contains heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, but Liu Fan also specially brought a radar vehicle to monitor the surrounding situation.

"We will arrive at Shengtian Base in the evening!" Wang Zhen looked at the map in his hand.

Chang Qing walked over slowly with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the town not far away, and sighed, "That's where we were ambushed last time. The team leader from the Creation Alliance led dozens of people to attack Ling'er. Miss snatched them away, and we lost Dakai and Mouse.”

After speaking, he turned to look at Liu Fan: "City Lord, we want to go over and pay homage."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

After saying that, Liu Fan ordered Fang Wu and Song Lei to stay. He, Wang Shize, Chang Qing and the members of the Macho Team got into a commercial vehicle and rushed to the burial place of Dakai and Mouse to pay homage to the dead souls.

Twenty minutes later, several people entered the town and stood in front of the lonely grave again.

"Dakai, Mosquito, our brothers are here to see you!"

Several strong men had red eyes at this moment.

Mosquito was sitting next to the grave, poured a bottle of Wuliangye on the ground, and said slowly: "I know you two like this drink, so I brought it here specially for you. Drink it slowly down there. If it's not enough, just give it to me in a dream." That’s enough!”

Lao Zhu took out two braised chicken legs and a few eggs from his arms, dug a hole in front of the grave and buried them, "You have a big appetite and can eat it. If you are not full, remember to entrust me with your dream. I will be with the mosquitoes." Enough with the wine and meat!”

Tony walked forward slowly, and just as he was about to speak, there was a strange noise from the abandoned house not far away.


Wang Shize shouted, and at the same time took out his pistol and pointed it in the direction of the abnormal sound.

Others reacted immediately and looked for cover.

Several pairs of red eyes slowly appeared from the building.

"It's a mutated wild dog!"

After Mosquito discovered the wild dogs, he immediately relaxed. There were only four wild dogs, and he could easily deal with them.

Liu Fan slowly stood up and looked into the wild dog's eyes. For some reason, he felt a strong sense of crisis. "Just shoot the head and return to the team after killing."

Wang Shize, Chang Qing and others all pointed their guns at the wild dogs, but the moment they pulled the trigger, the mutant wild dogs attacked first.

Bang bang...

The wild dog's speed exceeded everyone's expectations and it even dodged bullets.

Fortunately, they were all experienced warriors. The moment the mutant dog approached, they quickly adjusted their status and collided with it.

Liu Fan and Wang Zhen retreated quickly and were not in a hurry to join the battle. Liu Fan stared closely at the fighting mutated wild dogs, becoming more and more frightened.

The speed and reaction capabilities of these wild dogs, especially their lethality, have been greatly improved compared to the same kind encountered before.

"Are your attributes improved so quickly?"

In his previous life, Liu Fan only encountered enhanced mutant beasts and mutants three years after the end of the world.

Thinking of this, Liu Fan and Wang Zhen immediately joined the melee. The dagger in his hand pierced the neck of a wild dog.


After the dog's blood spurted out, the wild dog did not fall down. It turned around and rushed towards Liu Fan, its fangs in its mouth opened, and it rushed over without any hesitation.

Liu Fan squinted his eyes. The movements of the wild dog were very clear to him and he easily dodged them.

At the moment of evasion, he took out his pistol and shot the wild dog in the head.

The battle here is over, and the battles of others are also coming to an end.

Three wild dogs eventually died in their hands.

"These wild dogs are so strong, even evolved wolves can't compare to them." Mosquito was a little scared, he was almost defeated just now.

Wang Shize was also shocked: "These wild dogs seem to have become stronger again!"

"Yes, you can understand it as an upgrade."


"Yes, just like when you play a game, the characters in it upgrade their attributes."

When Tony heard Liu Fan's words, he lost control of his expression management: "Oh my god, this has an upgrade. Humans are already very weak. What will the human race do if it gets upgraded again?"

"What should we do? We can only survive by becoming stronger, otherwise we will only be chased by dogs in the future. Think about that scene, how pitiful and ridiculous it is!"

After Liu Fan finished speaking, he and everyone said goodbye to Da Kai and Mo Zi in front of the grave.

Just as he was about to get in the car, Fang Wu drove over in a dozen cars.

"City Lord, are you okay? I just heard gunshots!" Fang Wu asked anxiously.

"It's okay, just a few mutated wild dogs. Go back and continue on your way!"

Everyone returned to the convoy and continued to rush to Shengtian Base.


Shengtian base.

Liu Jie just had a big meal. It was just a bowl of beef noodles and a few side dishes. Compared with Liu Fan's Nanlong City, the richness of their food was completely different.

Even so, the three beauties who were lucky enough to eat beef noodles with him were still extremely satisfied, because in the eyes of other survivors, the treatment of the three of them was already very high. Even the team captains under him usually I can't eat these dishes.

Just for these meals, they willingly provided Liu Fan with various special services that could only appear in small movies.

Any sense of self-esteem and shame have long been thrown out of the window in the face of life.

At the station of the first team.

Yu Rong, the original captain of the first team, was replaced by someone from the Chuangjie Alliance who landed in the air because of Liu Jie's appointment.

The new captain suppressed her several times, and today he finally took the opportunity to sleep with her. After sleeping, he disliked her rough skin and poor skills in bed.

In a rage, she chopped the new captain into a eunuch, and then sent him to the West with one knife.

“I can’t stay here any longer!”

She slowly closed the door, called her cronies, and quietly left Shengtian Base under the cover of night...

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