The three major forces in Nanlong City, headed by Liu Fan, Tang Dekun, and Feng Qiang, started a robbing mode in order to compete for territory.

Liu Fan relied on his spatial ability and used delicious food and survival necessities as temptations to successfully win over 500 people to follow him.

Tang Dekun used drugs as bait to take more than 300 people into his pocket.

Feng Qiang used his methods to bring many small groups under his command, and also controlled the power of 300 people.

On this day, He Ling and Sun Sheng, who had just had breakfast, came to Liu Fan together.

Sun Sheng said with a worried look: "Captain, our food can only last for a week at most." He Ting took out the list of various supplies, frowned and said: "In addition to food, our daily There are not many consumables left and need to be replenished as soon as possible.”

After Liu Fan heard this, he suddenly realized. These days, he has devoted all his energy to the management and training of newcomers, and has even neglected the key issue of material supply.

However, this is not a problem for him. There are abundant supplies in the space, we just need to find a suitable time to take them out.

"Okay, I'll take care of this. Just do your own thing."

After the two left, Liu Fan immediately called Wang Zhen and asked him to summon the personal guards. Half an hour later, he set off in a truck to look for supplies.

After a while, Wang Shize and Yu Lan ran over. Yu Lan said, "You want to go out to find supplies?"

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Yes, we have almost used up all the supplies."

Yu Lan said: "Bring more people with you. Feng Qiang and Tang Dekun are both very strong now. It would be dangerous if we encounter them."

Liu Fan thought for a while and concluded that Feng Qiang would not take action against him, but Tang Dekun was not sure. He said, "Okay, then select 20 people from your team and drive a business car to follow us."

Wang Shize interjected: "Why don't you let me follow you."

Liu Fan chuckled and said, "Are you itching all over since you haven't fought in the past few days?"

Wang Shize scratched his head and said, "You have discovered this. Training is too boring, without the excitement of fighting."

Liu Fan immediately changed his face and said seriously: "Just watch the base for me. You are not allowed to go anywhere. If something goes wrong, I will take care of you."

Wang Shize immediately stood up straight and said, "Yes!"

Yu Lan smiled and said: "Captain, only you can cure him. By the way, other forces are also looking for supplies now. Nanlong City has almost been dug up. Where should we go to find supplies?"

Liu Fan said mysteriously: "Before the end of the world, I set up a warehouse in the suburbs. There was a lot of supplies in it. I wanted to see if it had been robbed. If it was still there, we wouldn't have to worry about supplies for a few years. .”

Before Lan could speak, Wang Shize jumped in and said, "Captain, are you talking about the warehouse I guarded?"

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Yes, it's the warehouse that you and Xu Chaoquan were shown."

Wang Shize's eyes lit up at first, and then he said with some disappointment: "There are a lot of supplies there, but it has been so long since the end of the world, and such a large warehouse must have been discovered long ago."

Liu Fan actually wanted to say that he was just a walking warehouse and that the supplies could appear wherever he wanted, but he still couldn't say that.

Liu Fan pretended to be solemn and said: "No matter what, I have to go and have a look. If there is nothing there, I will go to other places to look. I can't let the team members go hungry. I have a hunch that a more dangerous period is coming soon." .”

At this time, Wang Zhen ran over and said: "Captain, the guards are ready and can leave at any time."

Liu Fan nodded, turned to Yu Lan, and said, "Ask your people to prepare as well, drive two commercial vehicles, and find a few skilled people inside to ride a few motorcycles."

Yu Lan was stunned for a moment and said, "Why ride a motorcycle?"

Liu Fan explained: "Motorcycles have good maneuverability and can enter small roads to find supplies."

Yu Lan suddenly realized it and immediately went to make arrangements.

Fifteen minutes later, a convoy consisting of three cargo trucks, two commercial vehicles and six motorcycles drove out of the stadium in a mighty manner.

Just as they left the stadium, the people Tang Dekun and Feng Qiang had arranged here immediately sent the news back. Now they are always paying attention to Liu Fan's every move, because Liu Fan is now the number one force in Nanlong City. If he attacks any of them, the result will be unbearable for them.

Liu Fan's motorcade went straight to where the previous warehouse was.

While walking halfway, Liu Fan received a message on Wang Zhen's walkie-talkie, saying: "Captain, there are two tails behind you."

Liu Fan's murderous intent burst out and said, "They are getting more and more outrageous. Do they dare to follow me so blatantly? Wang Zhen, stay here and cut off your tail before following me!"

Wang Zhen smiled, showing his iconic white teeth, and said, "It's finally my turn to take action!"

The convoy continued to move forward, and Wang Zhen and his two brothers ambush on both sides of the road. Five minutes later, when "Tail" appeared, Wang Zhen threw an abandoned trash can in the middle of the road. The driver was startled and subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

At the same time, Wang Zhen immediately fired, and the bullet penetrated the glass and penetrated the driver's head.

Bang! The brains exploded and there were shards on the glass.

The co-pilot was so frightened that he opened the door and tried to run away, but was shot dead by Wang Zhen's companion.

Wang Zhen sneered and said: "You dare to follow us at this level. Clean up the car and let's go after the captain."

After Wang Zhen drove away, a man riding a motorcycle appeared not far behind and followed him from a distance.

After another half hour or so, the convoy finally arrived at the warehouse Liu Fan mentioned.

The door to the warehouse compound was half open, and the entrance was covered with weeds. It was obvious that no one had been here for a long time. As soon as Liu Fan got out of the car, he ordered all team members to be on alert and said: "Wang Zhen, leave ten people to guard the door. Others are on guard around the warehouse, and anyone who approaches without permission will be killed!"

After Wang Zhen received the order, he immediately arranged for manpower to execute it. Liu Fan turned around and entered the warehouse and closed the door.

The warehouse was empty, with no traces of damage. This was within Liu Fan's expectation. After all, he had collected everything here before the end of the world, not even a hair was left.

Just as he was told, Liu Fan first moved three large trucks out of the space, and then filled two trucks with rice, flour, and oil.

Then, he took out the supply list given by He Ling, took out double the items on the list, and piled them on the ground. Especially canned food and cooked ham, there were ten boxes in total.

Looking at the piles of supplies on the ground, Liu Fan said to himself: "Now there will be no need to replenish them for at least half a year."

Just as he was about to turn around, Liu Fan thought again and took out a box of pokers, a box of chess and Go, twenty pairs of mahjong and ten basketballs and footballs from the space.

After all, we are a survivor base, not a prison. We have to work and fight hard, and we also have to enjoy life. These things can enrich our spare time very well.

After everything was done, Liu Fan returned to the gate and said, "We are really lucky. People ran away before all the supplies could be transported away. There are still a lot of good things inside. Hurry and leave four people behind." One person will guard the door, while others will load the boxes and follow me in to load the car."

When the team members entered and saw the massive amount of supplies, they were stunned and stood there for a while.

Liu Fan shouted: "Hurry up and load the car, don't be stunned, it will be damaged if someone finds out!"

After giving the order, more than 20 people worked hard and filled the five boxes with goods, even the commercial vehicle was full. Finally, hundreds of toilet paper were tied to the top of the boxes.

After that was done, the motorcycles opened the road, the commercial vehicles were on guard one after the other, the trucks were all in the middle, and the convoy returned as quickly as possible.

When the convoy disappeared, the man hiding in the dark immediately rushed into the warehouse...

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