Nuclear Energy Apocalypse, The Beginning Was Ruined By My Wife

Chapter 91 The Young Lady Who Loves Dissection

"What is this little girl going to do? Is she going to die?"

Liu Fan and Wang Shize immediately stopped their discussion and rushed to the room where Wang Xue was.

Traveling in a hurry, they were just about to enter the medical room when they were stopped by Wang Xue's assistant Qianqian.

Qianqian stood in front of them and said, "You can't go in!"

Liu Fan was ashamed. He was grabbed by a little girl in his base.

Liu Fan said in a deep voice: "Do you know what you are doing? Get out of the way quickly. Did Wang Xue get the mutant rabbit in?"

Qianqian was frightened by Liu Fan's momentum and took a step back, but still did not hide away. She said stubbornly: "Sister Xue said that no one can enter."

Wang Shize said angrily: "You are just fooling around. If something happens to Wang Xue in the house, you will be the murderer!"

Qianqian was so frightened that she cried when Wang Shize yelled like this. She said, "Sister Xue asked me to stay here. She said she wanted to dissect the mutated rabbit."

"What, is he worried about his fate? If he is infected, it will be fatal." Liu Fan didn't want to see this girl die unexpectedly again in his new life, so he was about to break in.

Unexpectedly, Qianqian was still blocking the door. She said weakly: "Sister Xue said that if anyone insists on going in, they must wear protective clothing."

Without thinking, Liu Fan immediately went to the next room to put on protective clothing. Wang Shize glared at Qianqian and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Qianqian murmured weakly: "You didn't say you had to come in!"


Wang Shize was so angry that he walked away and put on protective clothing with Xu Chaoquan.

Two minutes later, the three of them opened the door to the medical room together with Qianqian.

After pushing open the two isolation doors, they saw an extremely bloody scene.

On the operating table, a half-human-tall mutant rabbit had been disemboweled, and the mutated rabbit's internal organs were placed on the sterile plate next to it.

Wang Xue's two hands were holding the mutated rabbit's intestines and pulling them out.

Perhaps because of the excessive force used, the mutated rabbit's intestines were torn off, and the broken intestines directly hit Wang Xue's isolation mask, causing her mask to bleed.

Just as Wang Shize was about to call Wang Xue to stop, Liu Fan stopped him and said, "Wang Xue's protective measures are quite in place. Let's take a look before talking. Don't disturb her yet."

After Wang Xue cleaned the intestines, she began to remove the meat. She carefully separated the mutated rabbit's bones from the meat. More than an hour later, a complete mutated rabbit skeleton appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Xue stared at the mutant rabbit's skeleton for a long time, frowned, and found a pair of pliers, preparing to break off the mutant rabbit's two deformed front teeth.


There was a crisp sound, and the bloody tooth was broken directly.

Only then did Wang Xue notice the four people standing at the gate.

She held the bloody teeth in one hand and the skull of the mutated rabbit in the other, smiling at them through the bloody mask.

Seeing Wang Xue smiling, the four of them felt extremely frightened and trembled with fear.

"Why do I feel a little cold on my back?" Xu Chaoquan said.

Wang Shize swallowed and said, "She laughs so horribly!"

Liu Fan had a dark look on his face and thought to himself: "Why didn't I find out that she had this habit in her previous life?"

Liu Fan signaled her to finish the dissection.

Wang Xue asked Qianqian to come over and help. The two quickly put all the internal organs and other things into the liquid storage tank. Other body tissues were also put into special containers, and even some hair was removed.

All the remaining flesh, flesh and hair were put into isolation bags and Qianqian was thrown into the centralized garbage disposal box.

After everything was settled, everyone left the medical room one after another, took off their isolation suits, and asked the designated personnel to destroy them all.

Ten minutes later, Wang Xue walked into the office with a smile after disinfection and said: "Captain, you guys also come to watch me dissect this big rabbit!"


Liu Fan slapped the table directly and said: "Wang Xue, you are so brave. Now you dare to disobey my order and bring mutant rabbits into the base privately. If there is a virus on them or other accidents occur, you will be responsible." Can you bear the responsibility?"

Wang Xue was so frightened that she took two steps back and whispered: "Captain, I was very careful when collecting them, so there won't be any accidents."

Liu Fan said with a cold face: "Everyone who has an accident has said before that there will be no accident."

Wang Xue lowered her head after being scolded, and said with a sound of crying: "Captain, I won't dare to do it next time. I'm just curious about how these rabbits became like this, so I want to dissect them and see if I can find a way to deal with them." What are their methods?"

Liu Fan snorted and said, "Don't make excuses for yourself! If you were disobeying orders like this on the battlefield, I would have shot you long ago."

"Captain, I won't dare to do that anymore."

Seeing tears welling up in Wang Xue's eyes, Liu Fan softened his tone and said, "Have you found anything after the autopsy?"

Wang Xue shook his head and said: "Now we only find that their bone strength has increased and their muscle density is much greater than before. There are no other abnormalities."

Wang Shize interjected: "You mean, they are just large rabbits with no other abnormalities? Then how come their teeth become so sharp?"

Wang Xue shook his head and said: "The most critical ones, the brain and blood, have not been tested yet. These two places are most likely to cause mutations. But we don't have large-scale testing machines at all now. We can only save the samples first and talk about it later when we have the opportunity."

Liu Fan was not surprised by Wang Xue's conclusion. In his previous life, many scientists had done countless tests and experiments before finally identifying the abnormal radiation values ​​in these mutated beasts. The conclusion is that the accumulation of excessive radiation values ​​leads to mutation.

If Wang Xue, a medical school graduate, could find the cause through an autopsy, that would be really abnormal.

Next, Liu Fan gave Wang Xue an order that mutant beasts would never be allowed into the laboratory in the future. If he had any ideas, he must report them in advance.

After coming out of the laboratory, it was already bright. After Liu Fan had a simple breakfast, he began to organize manpower and vehicles to clean up the mutated rabbit corpses in the square outside the base.

The corpses of mutated rabbits were one to twice the size of ordinary rabbits, and mountains of corpses were piled up in the square within a short time.

After discussion, Liu Fan ordered that the mutated rabbit corpses be transported by truck to the edge of the city and dumped directly into the previous mass grave.

After Liu Fan divided the tasks, he was about to return to the space to continue exercising. As soon as he turned around, he heard the roar of a car.

Following the sound, two convoys entered the square in front of Shuguang Base from different directions.

Wang Shize and Fang Wu immediately came to Liu Fan's side, and other team members were also on guard.

Liu Fan said calmly: "Don't panic, it's Feng Qiang and Tang Dekun who are here!"

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