Nuclear Power Sword Immortal

Chapter 53: Perfect body

"He brought someone to the Wang's house!?"

The two looked at each other and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

"From the past to the present, this is to behead the Wang family!?"

Qin Guichuan Road.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as the Wang family, Fang Zhenshou is a member of the Fang family."

Yang Shengping had cold sweat on his forehead: "I'm afraid it's the whole Lingxiao City who came to plot from ancient and modern times."

"Lingxiao City!"

Qin Guichuan also agreed with this statement.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to explain in any case, why a demonic giant like Gu Jinlai would willingly serve as a deputy guard of the meteorite guard and come to a border city such as Lingxiao City, which is far from the political center of Xingzhou.

"Damn, he passed the news to us, this is forcing us to make a post-decision."

Yang Shengping gritted his teeth.

"Then we..."

Qin Guichuan looked at Yang Shengping.

How to choose! ?

Do you choose the current camp, or do you choose the ancient and modern side?

This kind of thought only lingered in their minds for a moment, and it was already excluded from the two of them.

From ancient times to the present, the strength of the battle is not inferior to that of a great demon, so why is it not the case for the Sect Master of the Scarlet Blood Sect?

In addition to the Sect Master of the Red Blood Sect, they also had a series of masters from the Fang, Zhao, and Wang families.

Although these families have not been able to cultivate god-refining giants, they have cooperated with the Scarlet Blood Sect over the years and have made a lot of money, and there are many masters in holding pills. kill.

Under such circumstances, why should they abandon the near and seek far, leave the current camp alone, and devote themselves to the past and present?

"Take back all the meteorite satellites, and block Lingxiao City!"

Qin Guichuan made a decisive decision: "What we need to do now is to inform the Fang and Zhao families of the ancient demon's ambitions as soon as possible, and prevent the ancient demon from fleeing from Lingxiao City when he realizes that the situation is not right."

Yang Shengping nodded cautiously.

They cooperated with the Scarlet Blood Sect and must not spread the word that thousands of people are sent out every month.

It is imperative to block Lingxiao City.

After killing the ancient and modern, everything returned to its original state, and they still eat and drink spicy food, earning 100,000 a year.

If he couldn't kill him, everyone would have to be executed after the autumn.


Wang family.

One of the three major families in Lingxiao City.

Originally, Lingxiao City still had the Li family, the city lord, but this family was wiped out because they did not want to join forces with the three major families.

On the bright side of the three clans, there are only two or three holding pills, and there are more than ten people who condense and refine qi, and their scale is half inferior to that of the ancient clan in Chifeng City.

But over the years, their power has more than doubled by secretly cooperating with the Scarlet Blood Sect.

This point can be seen from Wang Dongyu's three major pill-holding masters, plus the six pill-holding masters dispatched when he besieged Gu Jinlai, a total of nine great pill holding masters.

With the combined efforts of the three families, together with the Meteorite Guards, they have completely controlled Lingxiao City and become the uncrowned king of the millions of people in Lingxiao City.

But at this moment, a group of more than fifty people from ancient and modern arrived at the Wang family, which is the time when the Wang family's power has never been empty.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Everyone understands this truth.

In the face of this former god-refining giant from ancient and modern times...

Even if his performance in Changjun City collapsed again, he was chased by Zhengyizheng, six sons and six Qi-refining realms, cut off his beard and abandoned his robe, and even was chased by a dirty-blooded and blood-chasing mouse, and hid in the mountains and forests, and did not leave for ten days. The Wang family still did not underestimate.

Except for one Baodan who guards the family, all the masters came out in full force, and together with the Fang Que group who also came out in full force, and pulled two helping hands from the Fang family, it is enough to prove that they attach great importance to the past and present.

That is to completely treat him as a real giant of refining gods.


Rao is like this, they still came back with a big defeat.

There were only two Bao Dan who escaped, no more than three people who condensed qi, and no more than nine people who refined Qi.

At this time, facing Gu Jinlai, who had made it clear that they were going to be killed, the Wang family was in a state of anxiety, and frantically sent people to the Zhao and Fang families for help and stated their interests.

Judging from the past and present, it did not stop it.


The courtyard of the Wang family is really called the mansion of the wealthy family.

It is three miles long and two miles wide, covering an area of ​​land.

It could even be said to be a city within a city.

It has its own high walls, arrow towers, and sentries.

Although the high wall is not as thick and wide as the city wall, standing on it can also allow people to walk side by side and shoot arrows with bows.

Except for the qi refining masters who are very skilled in movement, ordinary refining and blood swapping might not even be able to climb up the city wall.

"Ancestor, in addition to a series of masters, the Wang family has raised 500 sergeants over the years, of which 200 are elites..."

Gu Chaoyang reported in a low voice.

Speaking of this, he thought of the fact that there were only two or three of the Wang family holding pills on the bright side, and he immediately added: "This is the number on the bright side."

"Did you bring everything?"

Gu Jinlai glanced at the carriage behind him.

"Brought it."

Gu Chaoyang responded.

He knew what the ancestor said.

Explosive pack.

Back in Xingguang City, when Gu Jin came to Meteorite to present the formula for casting armor, he prepared 600 kilograms of explosives in case the transaction failed and detonating the explosives would cause chaos and facilitate retreat.

Those explosives were useless. During this period of time, they were transported to Lingxiao City by ancient and modern, plus the continuous refining of Gu Junxi, Gu Junlei and others...

The explosives he reserves have been several times that of the Starlight City period.

"The tactics are divided into three parts."

Gu Jinlai said: "The first part, I broke into the door."

He glanced at the closed door of the Wang family.

The gate is cast in fine iron, extremely strong.

However, there are flaws in the door latch and other places. Coupled with the power he possesses behind Dainizama, he can forcibly break the door.

"The second part, when I was attracting everyone's attention, you planted explosives at the fastest speed I pointed out, and then retreated!"


"third step."

Gu Jinlai glanced in the other two directions of Lingxiao City: "When the reinforcements from the Zhao family and the Fang family arrive, detonate the explosives."

"Old Ancestor, how do you evacuate?"

"I have my own way."

Gu Jin Lai said, "Now, wait."

Gu Chaoyang knew what the ancestor was waiting for.

Wait for the Fang and Zhao families to complete the gathering.

As soon as they set off and came to the Wang's house, they would attack.


Gu Jinlai sat quietly on the stone steps of a square one kilometer away from Wang's house, basking in the sun.

His mind was immersed in the spiritual world.

Above the green lotus, around the conscious body villain, light flickered.

The three major families and the meteorite satellite have a very high popularity rate.

He started a killing spree in the western branch of the Meteor Acropolis and captured twelve clear rays of light.



These twelve clear rays of light seem to be used to offset karma, which can cleanse his karma to only one level.

However, he didn't mean to cleanse the karma buff at all.

He set his eyes on the body technique.

Clear light washed, two, three...

After three clear rays of light, the ball of light of this movement technique shook slightly, reaching its extreme.

Across the world: Dacheng→Consummation.

"This movement technique gave me the explosion of secret techniques when I was young, and the eight secret techniques derived from the high level can make me swerve and turn when I charge, and the secret techniques derived from success... The six realms!"

This secret technique belongs to aerial skills.

You can fly across the void vertically and horizontally.

Then he descended from a height and launched an attack with gravitational potential energy.

Since his own tactics have the characteristic of using gravitational potential energy, this secret technique maximizes this characteristic.

"The Six Realms, the Eight Desolations, and the Four Seas."

Since then, the body method system from ancient and modern times has been completely formed.

From the past to the present, I have been constantly comprehending.

"The foundation of the movement technique lies in oneself. The stronger the body is, the stronger the movement technique can be."

After a long time, his eyes turned to the Great Sun Devil God's body training method again.

One after another, clear light is constantly rushing into this skill, and the continuous comprehension is also surging in his mind.

It's just like guessing.

It took him four days of clear light to raise the Great Sun Devil God's Body Refinement Method to the highest level, and it will definitely cost more to complete it...

The result was more exaggerated than he expected.

Jiu Dao Qingguang was used up, and he was still one or two steps away from perfecting this body-refinement method.

This feeling made Gu Jinlai frown.

"Have the Fang and Zhao families left?"

"They haven't set out yet, but they have gathered all the experts in the clan."

Ancient Chaoyang Road.

"No wait."

Gu Jinlai stood up, holding the giant sword on the side: "After today, there will be no royal family in Lingxiao City."

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