Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 108: Are you jealous? nonexistent

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Staring at Xia Weibao's face, he has the urge to pull off her mask and sunglasses!

If I say hidden marriage, you are hidden marriage?

Then I said I didn’t want to sleep in the guest room, why didn’t you let me move back to the master bedroom?

Lu Hualiang kept silent, and stepped on the accelerator and left.

Hidden marriage is hidden marriage, who rarely makes it public!

"Where are we going." Xia Weibao was puzzled.

He said last night to pick her up today and thought it was a joke.

Just when I received a call from him saying that he was at the door of the studio, she was scared.

If it were not for fear that she would not come out, he would go in, really wanting to leave.

"the company."

Lu Hualiang had no expression on his face, and his tone was somewhat indifferent.

"What to do at the company."

"There is a party tonight."

"The banquet has nothing to do with me." Xia Weibao was a little dissatisfied.

What a joke, she doesn't want people to know that she has something to do with Lu Hualiang.

Now she is in a sensitive condition. If people see her appearing with Lu Hualiang, it is estimated that tomorrow will be rumored about her being kept by Lu Hualiang.

"You are my wife, what are you talking about?"

"It's just fake."

"Need me to show you the marriage certificate to confirm the authenticity."

Xia Weibao opened her mouth, so sinister...

But it was okay. She signed a divorce agreement and was liberated a year later.

The president, who has never been close to women, brought a woman into the office, and the news exploded in the company.

Everyone speculated about Xia Weibao's identity, but it was a pity that she covered it so tightly that she couldn't see her appearance at all.

The president's office occupies the entire top floor and is magnificent.

Even if I saw the majestic Xia Weibao in the palace, I was a little surprised.

So grand!

More magnificent than the Imperial Study of the Dog Emperor!

And it's so high-tech. There are numbers on one wall that are beating, like the stock market, she can't understand it.

And this glass bookcase, this sofa, is too luxurious.

Seeing Xia Weibao jumping up and down like a monkey, she ran into the big bed in the lounge and rolled a few times.

Finally lie down in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the busy traffic below.

Lu Hualiang's depressed mood just wiped out.

Sitting on a leather chair, she looked at her comfortably, her eyes full of pampering.

"You like it here?"

"Yeah." Xia Weibao nodded, so pretty.

And it's so tall. It used to be in the palace. Although it was also magnificent, it did not have such a height.

It's really high, I don't know if she jumped from the 64th floor with her light work, will she be thrown to death?

After a while, secretary Yang Liu came in with coffee.

A **** black tight-fitting business suit with a deep groove in the front, and the skirt underneath can cover her hips.

The clothes are very small, showing a small waist while walking.

This is not a serious professional attire at all, but a uniform temptation!

Lu Hualiang's face sank, and he looked in Xia Weibao's direction with some worry, for fear of her misunderstanding.

But he didn't move. He wanted to see if Xia Weibao was jealous when he saw the secretary beside him so sexy.

"Miss, please have coffee."

Yang Liu said arrogantly, her eyes full of disdain.

It's another woman who wants to seduce her master, and she doesn't look at her own stuff!

So she lowered her clothes a bit, revealing a whiteness, wanting to make Xia Weibao ashamed!

Lu Hualiang was unhappy with Yang Liu's approach.

However, the more unpleasant is behind...

Xia Weibao walked to the sofa and sat down. As soon as he raised his head, he was caught by the deep groove in front of Yangliu.

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