Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 110: President Lu was blacked out

The more I talked, the more uncomfortable my heart became, and I ran away with a twist of my head.

Lu Hualiang was scolded for no reason, confused.

Touching the face that Xia Weibao had beaten, his complexion instantly turned gloomy, staring at the door for a second, and then sitting back on the office chair to read the documents.

Too lazy to care about her!

Do you really think he has to follow her in everything?

However, I couldn't see it at all, and my mood became more and more irritable.

My mind is full of images of Xia Weibao running out crying.

He stood up suddenly, picked up his jacket and walked out.

Walk in a hurry, walk with wind.

Xia Weibao, I really fell into your evil!

When I came outside the company, Xia Weibao was no longer visible.

Lu Hualiang drove to find.

However, I went around the neighborhood and couldn't find it.

I increased the range and searched for another round, but still couldn't find it.

Lu Hualiang panicked.

What's the matter, she ran out, no matter how fast she can't run far, why didn't she see anyone.

Now it's dark, she is a girl dangling outside, she looks so pretty...

Lu Hualiang looked very ugly when he thought of something that might happen, and his eyes had worries he didn't even know.

After searching for half an hour, I still couldn't find it.

His hands holding the steering wheel were sweaty.

Finally got out of the car and went to look for those small alleys.

No, still not.

It's been an hour, and there is no shadow of Xia Weibao.

I didn't answer the call and I was hung up, but I didn't turn it off.

Lu Hualiang is a little depressed. When girls are angry, don't they always turn off the phone? Why doesn't she?

Hit another past...

Yes, I was blacked out.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead in anxiety.

I didn't dare to think about what would happen if I was missing for more than an hour.

I was about to call people to search the whole city, and I saw four people sitting by the window in the dessert shop opposite, playing games with their phones...

And the one in the middle is Xia Weibao...

"Damn! Daji, are you sick? You actually shot me!"

"Second Chicken, are you waiting to die, driving? Didn't you see anyone chasing him."

"Sanji, Sanji blasted him to death and shot..."

"Fuck! Erji, how did you die!!!"

"Why are you so stupid? No wonder you are so stupid to play games with you..."

Xia Weibao was furious, and slapped Sanji on the back of his head, knocked out Sanji's pacifiers, and searched for the pacifier all over the floor.

The chicken trio is miserable.

Ow, who will drag this internet addicted girl away!

Just call them out to play the game in the middle of the night, and they actually did it.

And what does it mean to play with them without eating? She is obviously the worst one.

Lu Hualiang's blue veins jumped on his forehead. He was worried that after looking for more than an hour, she would be better off, and he actually asked a group of people to play games!

With a black face, he went in and took the person away.

After being thrown into the car, Lu Hualiang's face was dark, "Why didn't you answer the phone? Why did you black me out."

"Excuse me from playing games." Xia Weibao complained a bit, "When I was playing games, don't call me. I almost hung up several times."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

It's not working, it's not working, I'm almost mad.

Xia Weibao was still angry and didn't want to care about him.

Thinking about what happened in the office just now, she pulled up her clothes, her neck was covered.

Lu Hualiang squinted at her and snorted, "Who is rare to see."

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