Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1109: Empress is very domineering

Occasionally, I couldn't resist a few chuckles.

Yan Weiyang is currently reading Weibo.

The matter just now was posted on the Internet and caused a great sensation.

She and Xia Weibao walked into the orphanage at the same time and were photographed, and the pictures were posted on the Internet.

The two wore the same clothes, Xia Weibao had no makeup, and she put on makeup, but her temperament was compared to a passerby by Xia Weibao!

Zhuangshan is not terrible, and whoever is ugly is embarrassed. Xia Weibao is better than her in figure, appearance or temperament, so from the photo, I saw Xia Weibao at a glance.

In addition, all the people gathered around Xia Weibao asking for an autograph, but the photo of her standing alone was also posted on the Internet.

At this moment, her face was lost!

A dignified international star can't compare to Xia Weibao, a domestic star!

Yan Weiyang was so angry that he saw Xia Weibao snickering at the phone.

Yan Weiyang naturally thought that Xia Weibao was also watching Weibo, and was even more angry.

He stood up suddenly, "Xia Weibao, don't be proud of you!"

Empress Empress was raising her sister until she flew up. Hearing Yan Weiyang's roar, her face sank, "What are you doing."

"Don't think I don't know, you arranged those reporters and fans today!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

There is a word that may affect the image, but she still can't help it.

Damn, mentally retarded!

Throwing an idiotic look at Yan Weiyang, the empress continued to chat with her head down.

[Secretary Yang, is it true that you said that the new clothes you bought look good? Can you take a picture and show me...]

Yan Weiyang had walked up to her before finishing a sentence, arrogantly.

"Xia Weibao, are you particularly unconvinced with me?"

That's why I bought reporters and fans again, trying to steal her limelight.

Xia Weibao, "..."

Continue to be confused.

"Yan Weiyang, you have to go crazy and send it outside, can you not bother me."

Don’t you know that the time she spends chatting with beautiful women is precious.

"Why, don't want to talk to me? Yes, you have always been jealous of me and want to take everything from me. It's a pity that I am Yan Lingyi's daughter, the princess of the Yan family, and you are just an orphan without power. .

I thought it looked a bit similar to my mother when I was young, so I wanted to replace me and dream! "

"Are you afraid?" Xia Weibao asked lightly.

Yan Weiyang froze for a moment, and then smiled disdainfully, "I will be afraid of you? A joke! I am a magnificent daughter in the Presidential Palace, with a noble status. I can pinch you to death with a single finger. Will I be afraid of you?"

"Three sentences not to leave the identity of the daughter of the presidential palace, it shows that you are not confident, and you continue to give yourself confidence through language hints."

Yan Weiyang's expression changed, his eyes a little flustered.

Xia Weibao narrowed his eyes, "Besides the identity of the daughter of the Presidential Palace, what else do you have? Why do you think I would be jealous of you, who is so useless?

Is there anything in you that I should be jealous of? "

The identity of the daughter of the Presidential Palace, she is not rare!

Taking a look at Yan Weiyang in contempt, Xia Weibao lowered his head and was about to see Yang Liu's photo, but found that she hadn't posted it at all.

Instead, he kept calling her.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Yang Liu became angry, "Huh, Madam, you actually ignored me and ignored you!"

Then, it went offline.

Xia Weibao, "..."

Concubine Ai, listen to me...

Concubine Ai is angry, and the empress is not well.

It happened that there were still people chattering in her ears recklessly.

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