Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1114: Yan Weiyang succeeded in making herself dead 4

She also paid attention to this side occasionally when she was just filming, Qonana has been helping her play games.

There are no other unnecessary actions.

Could it be that she was so worried?

Qonana really just wanted to help her play games?

I really can't blame her for her carelessness and defensiveness.

Ever since Xu Jiayang roared that voice, everyone in the crew knew that she was a game black hole. Who would dare to come up and play with her?

And Qonana was so enthusiastic suddenly, really suspicious.

At this moment, Han Luoqi leaned forward and grabbed her mobile phone unceremoniously.

"What were you doing with Jonana just now."

This is already the third drama she and Han Luoqi have collaborated with. The two of them can be said to be very familiar and don't know how to be polite.

"Nothing, she helps me play games."

Speaking of the game, Han Luoqi thought that he would always stay in the stubborn bronze account, and suddenly felt a little painful.

"You stay away from Jonana, she must be uneasy and kind when she suddenly approaches you."

"why would you say so."

"Qiao Nana is Yan Weiyang's little follower."

He still knows a little bit about the mess between Yan Weiyang and Xia Weibao.

Qonana suddenly showed her hospitality and had to guard against it.

Xia Weibao frowned and smiled.

"Why are you smiling? I'll be serious with you." Han Luoqi slapped her back on the head.

Xia Weibao was unprepared, and was almost smashed by him, suddenly full of resentment.

What are you doing so hard? What are you doing!

Looking for death!

I wanted to kick it over, but I thought that Han Luoqi was doing her well, so I endured it.

"How do you know Qiao Nana is Yan Weiyang's little follower?"

"Aren't you nonsense? I'm also from Diyu. Diyu's interpersonal relationship is not clear. Anyway, you should be careful. Don't ignore other people's ways. The entertainment industry is complicated."

After speaking, he hurried to film.

Xia Weibao smiled and shook his head. The entertainment industry is no longer complicated. Does anyone know better than her.

She was hacked along the way.


Xia Weibao looked at Qiao Nana who was about to start shooting in the distance, her eyes slowly narrowed.

Now that everyone else has done it, instead of avoiding it, next time it's impossible to guard against, it's better to face the difficulties this time!

See what Yan Weiyang is doing.

Qiao Nana didn't have the acting skills that Xia Weibao had once, and she only passed it three times.

It was dinner time after the shot of her was finished.

After dinner, those who don't have a role can get off work, including Jonana.

Xia Weibao has a night show today, and Xu Jiayang arranged it in the first half of the night.

If it goes well, the filming can be finished before ten o'clock.

During the meal, Qiao Nana had been pestering her to chat, and did not go back immediately after eating, but said to wait for the agent to pick it up.

By the way, help Xia Weibao play games.

The Queen Empress smiled very cordially, "Okay."

If it was not certain in the afternoon whether Jonana had a problem, it was already extremely certain.

Anyone who didn't finish her work would just leave. She was fine. Not only did she stay to eat the box lunch, but she couldn't leave.

Qiao Nana asked Xia Weibao for her phone again.

Xia Weibao thought for a while, handed it to her, and then took the time to film.

Qiao Nana played a game and looked up and saw Xia Weibao was still shooting, and she couldn't get down for a while.

So quickly opened Xia Weibao's address book.

Then took out his mobile phone and clicked on the chat page with Yan Weiyang.

Faced with the mobile phone number that Yan Weiyang sent her in the morning, and searched it in Xia Weibao's address book.

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