Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1116: Yan Weiyang succeeded in making himself dead 6

"I didn't find it, I deleted the text message record, and also emptied her mobile phone. She won't be able to go back until at least 11 o'clock in the filming tonight. I will never find out."

"Okay." Yan Weiyang smiled.

Xia Weibao, after waiting tonight, I became Lu Hualiang's woman. See what capital you have to mad in front of me!

She is the daughter of the Presidential Palace, supported by the Presidential Palace, as long as Lu Hualiang has a relationship with her, she must be held accountable!

At that time, Xia Weibao lost the identity of Mrs. Lu Jiashao, let's see how she killed her!

"Sister Weiyang, what you promised me..."

"Okay, the heroine of the show you saw must belong to you. I will tell the director tomorrow."

Yan Weiyang finished speaking and hung up.

Looking at the time, it was half past seven.

The appointment with Lu Hualiang was eight o'clock, and she had to go there to make arrangements.

Tengda Hotel is not far from the Emperor Entertainment Company, ten minutes away.

After she passed, she installed the hidden camera she had prepared in advance, then ran to leave in a hurry and entered the next room.

Sitting on the bed, holding a tablet in his hand, waiting nervously.

What is displayed on the tablet is exactly what is inside 6018, which is clear at a glance.

Yan Weiyang was very nervous. After all, this was the first time she had done this kind of thing, and she was very scared.

I'm afraid I will reveal a flaw.

Force yourself to calm down and think about the whole process, there should be no holes.

Xia Weibao's mobile phone is out of power, and there is no way to contact Lu Hualiang.

And it's a night scene, and I can't come back early.

As long as Xia Weibao hasn't contacted Lu Hualiang during this period, it will be fine.

In another half an hour, Lu Hualiang will be hers!

Thinking of this, Yan Weiyang's eyes filled with madness.

Thinking of what would happen next, I couldn't help blushing and heartbeat.

After all, it is the first time for her, and she is a man who has admired herself for so many years, and she must be shy.

When Lu Hualiang arrived at the Tenda Hotel, it was exactly eight o'clock.

Although she didn't know what Xia Weibao was going to do, she naturally asked him to come to the hotel for the first time.

When I came to door 6018, I rang the doorbell, but there was no response.

Pressed it again, but no one came to open the door.

Lu Hualiang frowned and pushed gently, only to realize that the door was not closed, but was hidden.

Now, he was even more puzzled.

Pushing the door and walking in, the luxurious presidential suite was empty.

Lu Hualiang frowned, wondering if Xia Weibao wanted to surprise him and hid it?

So I looked around in the room.

Still no one was found, he took out the phone and called and shut down.

In the next room, Yan Weiyang was very nervous when he saw Lu Hualiang coming in.

The heart thumped and thumped wildly, he came, he really came.

Now the plan has been half-successful, and there is still the last step!

So she picked up the phone and made a call.

After a while, a hotel attendant came over with a cocktail and rang the doorbell of 6018.

Lu Hualiang went to open the door.

"Sir, this is a cocktail ordered by Miss Xia. She said it will be there later. Please wait for her with a drink first."

Lu Hualiang glanced over the colorful cocktail, turned his body sideways, and let the waiter take the wine in.

After the waiter left, he picked up the glass of wine and shook it in his hand a few times.

The color of the cocktail is the most gorgeous, looking blurry and dangerous.

Lu Hualiang slowly narrowed his eyes, looked at the liquid in the wine glass, and slightly tickled the corners of his lips.

Then drank it all.

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