Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1118: Wife, I have Chinese medicine

She was wrong, she shouldn't be so confident in Lu Hualiang.

I dare not imagine, if Lu Hualiang really followed Yan Weiyang's way...

She will be crazy!

Her car Xia Shi had already helped drive it back and stopped outside the set.

Xia Weibao called while driving.

Fortunately, after the fifth call, it was finally connected.

"Husband, where are you."

"What's wrong on the way home."

Xia Weibao's shoulders loosened, and her whole body seemed to be collapsed, scaring her to death.

"Are you okay, why didn't you answer my call just now."

Lu Hua smiled at the corner of his mouth. Why didn't you answer her phone? Naturally, he taught her a lesson!

The phone can fall into the hands of others, how bad is her alertness!

"There was an accident just now."

Xia Weibao's heart raised again, "What's the accident?"

Don't follow Yan Weiyang's way.

"I'm home, wait until you come back."

"it is good."

Xia Weibao responded and rushed out as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

She has always liked to drive fast, but now it is night with few people, and she will get home soon.

After parking the car, I went straight to the main villa and heard from the housekeeper that Lu Hualiang went upstairs as soon as he came back.

She ran up quickly.

Kicked the door open with a bang, and then shot in like a percussion cannon, "husband husband, are you okay."

Lu Hualiang had already taken a bath and was sitting on the sofa wearing a bathrobe.

The heating in the room is fully turned on. The bathrobe he wears has a low neckline, and his belt is loose, revealing strong chest muscles, which looks very sexy.

Xia Weibao swallowed, her husband is in good shape.

Bah, baah, now is not the time to indulge in beauty.

She ran to him quickly, pulling him up and down, "Are you okay? Why don't you answer my call."

"Wife, what do you ask me to do in the hotel."

"I asked you to go to the hotel?" Xia Weibao's face was a big question mark.

Then it turned out that Qiao Nana used her mobile phone to ask Lu Hualiang to go to the hotel.

"Then, what happened after you went to the hotel?"

Lu Hualiang understood it, but she knew it all on purpose.

He thought it was her carelessness that the phone was stolen.

He pulled her into her arms and gritted her teeth, "Did you deliberately fix me?"

Xia Weibao smiled happily, "Don't I have confidence in you? How can my man not be able to deal with this little thing."

The three words of my man completely pleased Lu Hualiang, and squeezed her nose dozingly.

More and more lawless.

"Quickly tell me what Yan Weiyang will ask you to do in the hotel."

"She gave me medicine." Lu Hua was in a cool breeze, and his tone seemed to say that he was invited to dinner.

"And then." Xia Weibao asked rhetorically.

Since he came back and took a bath, he must have seen through Yan Weiyang's conspiracy.

"Then I got Chinese medicine."

Xia Weibao, "..."

"Do you think I will believe?"

Haha, I can come back by myself after taking Chinese medicine, and I took a bath and waited for her, which is colder than 100,000 cold jokes.

Lu Hualiang looked serious, "My wife, I'm really Chinese medicine."

He just drank it himself.

Who is he? Would someone install a camera in the room?

I knew there was a problem from stepping into the door, as for why I had to drink that glass of wine...

Lu Hualiang looked at the little woman in his arms, his eyes slowly changed, and his hands became restless.

"My wife, I have Chinese medicine, come and help me relieve the drug."

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