Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1124: Exit the entertainment circle 2

Going upstairs, Yan Weiyang locked the door, and didn't open it no matter what he knocked on.

"Wei Young, it's mother, open the door."

"Wei Young, can you open the door first, don't do stupid things."

After knocking for a while, there was no movement inside.

Yan Fei realized that something was wrong and quickly asked the butler to bring the key.

After I went in, I discovered that the heating in the room was not turned on and everything was broken!

Yan Weiyang hid in the corner, completely frozen in his consciousness.

Yan Fei picked her up and put her on the bed.

Yan Lingyi hugged her distressedly and cried silently.

Yan Yuexian quickly turned on the heating, and then asked the housekeeper to boil a bowl of **** soup and deliver it.

Yan Weiyang threw herself in Yan Lingyi's arms, crying in a low voice, "Mom, mom, I don't want to live anymore."

Yan Lingyi looked at the ambiguous traces on the back of her hands, insteps, and neck, and breathed.

"what happened!"

She absolutely does not believe that her daughter would do that kind of thing for the role!

Emperor Entertainment Media belongs to the Yan family. What kind of role does she want and she needs to sleep with her?

What's more, there are three directors and producers who have filmed the film!

There is definitely something inside about this!

Yan Lingyi hurried back when he saw the news on the Internet. He was always on the plane, so he didn't understand what happened.

This matter was definitely designed!

Yan Fei knew the whole process. He had sent someone to investigate when Yan Weiyang had been involved.

After finding out the results, he almost broke her with a gun!

Qian Jingwan asked not to provoke Lu Hualiang again. As a result, not only did she not give up, she was bold enough to design Lu Hualiang!

Can she design that man.

Do not live or die, blame yourself!

"Mom, it's Xia Weibao. Xia Weibao harmed me." Yan Weiyang burst into tears, his eyes full of resentment.

It was Xia Weibao, it must be Xia Weibao who made Lu Hualiang do this!

Definitely is!

Yan Lingyi suffocated his breath, eyes filled with disbelief, "Xia Weibao?"

For some reason, she resisted this answer.

"Enough!" Yan Fei suddenly yelled, "I still don't know how to repent, I told you long ago not to get involved in Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang's relationship, you don't want to run to give Lu Hualiang medicine. You ended up looking for this fate now!"

Yan Weiyang's face turned pale, "Cousin, I am your cousin, I'm so miserable now, you don't help me!"

"Can I help you? What can I do for you, do you give Lu Hua a cold medicine, help you become a junior and grab someone else's husband? Yan Weiyang, if you love to commit a crime, you will be so strict. My Yan family can't afford this person! "

These words shook like a sharp blade through Yan Weiyang's body heavily.

Shaky, his face pale to almost transparent.

"Cousin, you said I'm guilty?" Yan Weiyang couldn't believe it. Such words came out of her family.

It seems that after being greatly stimulated, Yan Weiyang suddenly screamed, "Yan Fei, I am still not your cousin. Now I am ruined and everyone is scolding me, even you scolding me!"

"I would rather not have your cousin!"

Yan Fei was furious, "Do you know how much disaster this time has brought to the Yan family? I have been busy from 6 o'clock this morning to 11 o'clock in the evening, and I still didn't even have time to drink water for 17 hours. There is no way to keep things down, as soon as I come back I see you going crazy!

Yan Weiyang, can you be a little bit conscious of your family! How many people have been sacrificed by my Yan family today, and how many people's blood has been poured into it!

Do you know how difficult it is to keep everything the Yan family has today? I don't ask you to do anything for the Yan family, but can you not cause trouble to the Yan family! "

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