Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 114: Damn, mentally retarded!

Yang Li didn't bother to talk nonsense, "Then you just wait to be blocked..."

"you dare!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a roar behind him.

Lu Huashan walked in angrily, because she was so angry that the fat on her body trembled.

The bear's paw pushed hard, and Yang Li was directly pushed against the wall by her.

She put her hands on her waist, like a fat pig squatting there, "Did my brother ask you to come!"

Yang Li rubbed her bumped shoulder, "Miss Shanshan..."

"Don't call me, go back and tell my brother, I don't have to take care of my business!"

"Miss Shanshan, the master is also doing you good."

"Huh!" Lu Huashan turned her head, and the fat on her body shook a few more times, "If he is good for me, he won't beat the mandarin duck!"

Nima, mentally retarded!

Yang Li wanted to swear.

Sure enough, women in love are all fools, and they do not pee and look in the mirror. The man who can see you is either conspiring or blind, and the other is a fool!

Actually thought he met true love, this is definitely the biggest joke he has ever seen!

I wanted to leave, but thinking that this was the master's sister, Yang Li could only persuade me patiently.

"Miss Shanshan, this man is only interested in your family background..."

"You nonsense!" Lu Huashan was angry, "Before you showed up, Brother Yi only thought I was an orphan, and he really loved me.

Dead eunuch, just you who can only flatter my brother, don't know what love is. "

Dead... dead eunuch?

This name immediately stimulated Yang Li.

It is precisely because Lu Huashan called him Lu Hualiang's lackey, so now the whole company is calling him Daddy Yang secretly.

A wise man is all ruined by the title!

The painful foot was being pulled out, and Yang Li was also very angry.

There is no reason for such a woman in love, so there is only cursing!

"A dead fat woman, don't look at what she looks like, just your honor, and even blind people won't look at you.

Can you be more sober and face the reality so difficult? You must deceive yourself and others.

Your brother is worried enough about your business, can you not be so naive! "

This is very hurtful.

Lu Huashan's eyes were red, and tears had begun to roll.

"Get out, get out of here, you're just jealous that I can get married, get out of the eunuch!"

Seeing her excitement, Li Yi quickly supported her, "Shanshan, don't be sad, don't be angry for people who are not worthy."

Then righteously looked at Yang Li, "A person like you who judges people by appearance will never discover the beauty of Shanshan.

What I like is her person, not her face, and nothing else. In any case, I will not leave Shanshan! "

Lu Huashan was very moved and hugged Li Yi, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Brother Yi, you are so kind."

Because she was too fat, such a hug, like a bear holding a bamboo pole, almost crushed Li Yi to death.

Damn, mentally retarded!

Yang Li threw down a sentence bitterly, and left angrily.

The others quickly followed.

"Brother Yi, I'm sorry, I was wronged."

Li Yi smiled very softly, and touched Lu Huashan's head, "It's okay, for you, this grievance is nothing."

Lu Huashan was very guilty.

"Shanshan, who are these people? They call you Miss... I am not asking about your family background. To me, you are you. It doesn't matter who you are, I'm just a little curious."

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