Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1162: Comes with pinch peach blossom function

"Although his ribs are not broken, he is flying. How much energy is this to kick a big man up, can you do it."

All the handsome guys, "..."

Well, this kind of woman can only live in imagination.

It's so cruel.

On the sofa in the lounge area, Lu Huashan and Pei Meirui were looking at Xia Weibao, who was walking among the beauties in front of them, with a grimace.

Especially Lu Huashan, don't mention that face, she knew it would be like this!

Pei Meirui put her cheeks in her hands, thinking of spring, "She is so handsome, and she will be my husband from now on."

Zhong Wanshu firmly refused, "No!"

"Why, do you want to beat a mandarin duck?" Pei Meirui was not happy.

Zhong Wanshu coughed, "She already has a master."

"Who is it!" Pei Meirui hit the sofa with a punch, full of anger.

who is it!

Who dares to steal her husband from her.

"My son." Zhong Wanshu said, and then added, "The particularity of the baby's occupation cannot be disclosed for the time being. Remember to keep it secret."

For this girlfriend, Zhong Wanshu is still very relieved.

Pei Meirui had an expression of falling sky, oh, no!

The rival is too strong, and she is broken in love.

He tilted his head and fell on the sofa, unloved.

What is the meaning of life without a goddess.

Zhong Wanshu was a little speechless, "Are you as good as that."

Pei Meirui waved her hand feebly, "Very good."

"By the way, Mei Rui, are you married yet."

Zhong Wanshu frowned. She found that after so many years, her friend's temper had not been restrained, but had become more popular.

How can such a personality marry?

But listening to Xu Qiurong's name, he should be married, Mrs. Zhou.

Speaking of this, Pei Meirui sat up straight, "Married and gave birth to a son."

"Your husband?"

Pei Meirui waved her hand and said insignificantly, "He is called Zhou Zhi, not an important person."

Zhong Wanshu and Lu Huashan were shocked at the time. Zhou Zhi is the vice president of China, right?

Not an important person yet!

"Okay, you are actually married to the vice president." Zhong Wanshu leaned forward and hit Pei Meirui's shoulder.

Pei Meirui grinned, "Good luck, by the way, Shanshan is so beautiful, does he have a boyfriend? My son is 18 this year and looks handsome..."

Lu Huashan's complexion changed and she stood up abruptly, "Suddenly remembered that there is something else, Auntie, I will leave first."


Blind date!

He was still a boy who was six years younger than himself, and he didn't let people live.

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, Pei Meirui was still a little puzzled, "Shanshan, my son is really handsome..."

Zhong Wanshu covered her lips and chuckled, "You, Shanshan is twenty-four years old. Your son is six years younger than her. Do you think she would like it?"

"What's wrong with the younger six? Although my son is young, he is very mature and he is a perfect match for Shanshan. Or you can tell her about it, let's be a relative."

"Farewell, she is in charge of emotional matters. I don't want to interfere."

Pei Meirui pursed her lips, "Wanshu, have you thought about marrying again."

Zhong Wanshu's expression changed, and she suddenly expected that Pei Meirui had deliberately distracted Shanshan, and the following words were the point.

Regardless of Pei Meirui's hot temper, she is bold and careful.

"What are you doing with this? I just got sick right now, I just want to accompany my son and daughter more."

"Xiao Liang and Shanshan are both grown up, with their own family and career, where do you need your company, Wanshu, I'm serious, do you still have feelings for my brother?"

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