Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1165: Niang Niang was drugged

"You just fought again?" Lu Hualiang asked softly.

Xia Weibao snorted and shook his head, "No, Lu Changcheng is going to beat Aunt Pei, I will save people."

That's right, she was just saving people, and she definitely didn't mean to kick people on purpose.

There was absolutely no secret effort.

Lu Hualiang chuckled. He still doesn't understand her.

"When I have something to do, I may leave for a while. Be good and don't cause trouble."

"Okay, I never make trouble."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

The credibility of this sentence is zero.

After the dance, other men also invited their partners to slide into the dance floor.

Lu Hualiang and Xia Weibao have already retired.

Several men nearby looked at Xia Weibao, eager to try.

Although it was a bit tougher during the first fight, a dance wouldn't be enough to beat people, right?

So there are still many people who want to come up and dance with her.

However, they dare not leave before Lu Hualiang has left.

Lu Hualiang's eyebrows darkened, "Don't dance with other men."

"Oh, yes, then I will dance with a woman."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Gritting his teeth, "Are you deliberately angry with me."

Xia Weibao smiled, "Know it, I don't want to dance, don't you want to be busy? Go ahead."

Go quickly and don't disturb her finding a place to play games.

Lu Hualiang told her a few words, and then hurriedly left.

Tonight, he still has things to do.

After parting with Lu Hualiang, Xia Weibao also turned and left.

The men who were going to come up and invite her to dance looked at each other. Why did they leave?

Xia Weibao came to the dim sum area, where there is food and games, how great.

As soon as I entered, I heard someone muttering inside.

"Strange, why do the dim sum at the Lu's group year-end party have spicy bars?"

"Yeah, it's the first time I have seen the dim sum prepared for the party, and there are many kinds..."

When Xia Weibao heard it, his eyes lit up.

Da Da Da ran over and saw that half of the dim sum was spicy!

Oh, long live my husband!

I took a plate, picked out a few hot strips that I liked, and turned around to find a place to sit down.

She just sat down, and before she took out her phone, a waiter in the snack area came over with a few glasses of juice.

"Miss, do you need some juice."

Xia Weibao looked at the few people in front, and then looked at another waiter like this.

I realized in an instant that this is a kind of service. As long as someone comes to eat, they will bring juice.

It's like a waiter with wine outside.

"Give me a glass of orange juice."

"Okay, this is your orange juice."

The beautiful waiter put down a glass of orange juice, then nodded politely and left.

Xia Weibao bit a spicy stick in his mouth, and then started playing games.

It hung up in less than a minute.

She babbled, really not addicted, she died before she even played.

She picked up the orange juice on the table and just put it to her mouth, she paused, then raised her head to drink.

The corner of the mouth evokes an arc of disdain.

In the corner, Xu Qiurong breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her drinking the juice.

She lowered her voice and said to Su Lizhen, who was sitting across from her, "I will go to the back garden to make arrangements. After half an hour, you will take someone there."

Su Lizhen gave an OK gesture, indicating that there was no problem.

Xu Qiurong had a ruthless look in his eyes, then got up and walked outside if nothing had happened.

Xia Weibao played a game and almost drank a glass of juice.

She suddenly reached out and rubbed her forehead, supporting her head with one hand, looking very uncomfortable.

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