Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1167: Self-eating 2

This Deng An can be described as thunderous!

Even if she didn't know the elder brothers in Huangcheng, she had heard of the name Deng An.

Called the fighter among the scumbags!

I like to play with those innocent girls or married women. There are also many female stars in the entertainment circle who have a relationship with him.

I heard that a female artist was taken care of by him and became pregnant accidentally. As a result, he abruptly played that woman until she had a miscarriage, saying that she was not worthy of giving birth to a child. This incident caused a very big sensation.

However, the Deng family was powerful and powerful, and Deng An sent abroad to avoid the limelight.

I stayed abroad for a year, and only recently returned to China. Some time ago because of his return, he caused quite a stir. I don’t know which woman would be murdered by him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qiurong would actually provoke this scumbag.

It has to be said that people gather in groups and people who cooperate with scum are scum!

Xu Qiurong took the check and smiled from ear to ear.

All her sources of income are Lu Changcheng, and this one hundred thousand is her private money.

"Shao Deng, this woman will be handed over to you, I will go to the door to give you the wind."

Deng An waved his hand like a fly, "Let's go." Don't disturb the young master's Yaxing.

The look he looked at Xia Weibao had already begun to glow.

This woman is such a stunner.

He was under strict control abroad. He hadn't touched a woman for a year, and finally returned home and started looking for food the first time.

The moment Xia Weibao appeared tonight, his heart and soul were all hooked away.

If you can't get such a superb woman, what's the point of being alive?

Seeing her beating people so sturdily, he was still a little scared, such a brave woman is difficult to handle.

At this time, Xu Qiurong approached him and made a deal with him.

What Deng's family has is money, it's worth it!

Deng An couldn't wait to reach out to touch Xia Weibao's face.

However, the hand hadn't touched yet, and the originally fainted woman opened her eyes, her eyes were as sharp as a knife, and Deng An stepped back in fear, and fell directly to the ground.

He was about to exclaim, Xia Weibao touched a certain acupuncture point on his body with a move of both hands.

Deng An was horrified to find that his body could not move.

Not only that, but there was no sound from his throat.

Seeing the woman who smiled evilly in front of him, Deng An was suddenly very scared. He wanted to ask her what she wanted to do, but he couldn't say a word.

Xia Weibao smiled badly, "Want to ask me what to do next?"

Deng An's eyes became more and more frightened.

Xia Weibao didn't say much, and opened Deng An's mouth with both hands, and then gave him a medicine.

After thinking about it, feed two more.

This man has a kidney deficiency at first glance, so he can only enjoy himself by feeding two more pills.

After thinking about it again, let's feed it all, anyway, keeping this kind of scumbag is a scourge.

Become an **** after one cool, so that she can be regarded as Diga Ultraman who saved countless girls!

As soon as the medicine was given, Deng An's eyes changed instantly.

Xia Weibao unlocked the acupuncture points on his body, and the guy suddenly jumped up.

However, she flew out with a kick and fell to the ground with a plop, unable to get up for a long time.

Xia Weibao took out a handkerchief and wiped her hand very carefully, as if touching something dirty.

Then walked out slowly.

Xu Qiurong was sitting at the gate of the garden to watch the wind. She wanted to make sure that the dog and the man and woman inside were not found before Su Lizhen brought people in.

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