Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1178: This is so terrifying 2

Behind Lu Hualiang, Lu Huashan, Yan Fei, Yan Yuexian, and Fang Lilin stood there for unknown time.

Four pairs of eyes stared directly at her and Lu Hualiang.

Xia Weibao pushed Lu Hualiang away, turned his head and wiped his lips.

This is so embarrassing.

Lu Hualiang turned around, his face instantly gloomy.

It's rare for my wife to take the initiative, and these four things actually appeared!

Fang Lilin hit a few arrows in his heart. What could be more heartbreaking than seeing a woman he likes kissing other men with his own eyes.

Yan Fei looked weird, "President Lu, I didn't expect you to be quite romantic."

To do this kind of thing under the public, it is impossible to get in touch with the high-cold president of Lu's Group.

Lu Hualiang, "If you have a wife, you are naturally romantic, but single dogs don't understand."




Three single dogs at the scene received a knowing blow at the same time.

Yan Yuexian took a step away disgustingly, "I am not in the same group with them, I have someone who wants it."




Three single dogs in three games received another knowing blow.

The look in Yan Yuexian's eyes was malicious, saying that no one wanted it.

Xia Weibao's eyes wandered, and he was afraid to meet Lu Huashan.

She was flushed and coughed awkwardly, "Why are you here."

Lu Huashan complained, "I followed you out, didn't you find it?"

Xia Weibao's complexion turned redder. In other words, she took the initiative to kiss Lu Hualiang and was seen?

Lost my face!

To Shang Lu Huashan's sour gaze, Xia Weibao simply felt complacent.

Mr. Lu is so calm, "Just care about the affection, not paying attention."

Lu Huashan, "..."

She wants to kill her brother, don't stop her!

Yan Fei said lightly, "Yuexian is in a bad mood, I will take her out to relax."

Yan Yuexian nodded, that's right.

Fang Lilin looked sad, "I also came out to relax."

On the first day of the New Year's Day today, the Seventh Aunt and the Eighth Aunts brought their daughters to Fang's house, and they want to know why.

It's already night now, and there are still waves in his house that haven't left.

I'm not annoying, so I went out to watch the fireworks.

Xia Weibao was dumbfounded, "What a coincidence."

Why did Sanxin all run behind her, and even grabbed a straight face.

Lu Huashan pointed to the back with a bitter voice, this is the entrance, my dear baby.

You two are so eye-catching, standing at the entrance and kissing, it's really hard not to pay attention.

Xia Weibao 囧.

This is very embarrassing and embarrassing.

These people are wondering why she and Lu Hualiang would actually stand at the entrance and stage an intimate scene, are they too anxious?

In fact, she didn't even know that this was the entrance. She and Lu Hualiang came in from the other side.

When I walked here and saw many people, I just...

It's hard to explain in a word, and the face that has lived for two lifetimes is probably lost.

Lu Hualiang put his arms around Xia Weibao's waist, and was about to say that they were playing their own games.

Lu Huashan had already taken the first step and said, "Since we met all of them, let's go together."

Ignoring the murderous eyes of her brother, Lu Huashan has already grabbed Xia Weibao, "Let's set off fireworks."

Xia Weibao's eyes lit up, "Okay."

With Lu Hualiang's character, it is rare to accompany her to see the fireworks. It is impossible to take her to set off the fireworks in person.

The two walked out a distance, and suddenly thought of something, Xia Weibao turned around, "Yuexian, do you want to be together."

Yan Yuexian was in a bad mood in recent days and wanted to go, but hesitated.

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