Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 120: Baby, be my sister-in-law

After drinking, I went straight to the toilet.

Looking at the discharged black object and the peculiar smell, Lu Huashan directly vomited.

Damn, Xia Weibao, don't you hate me for scolding you, want to kill me!

However, after drinking it for two days, she found that she was much lighter.

It feels like being washed.

Quickly took out the electronic scale, and when she saw that she had lost five pounds, Lu Huashan jumped up with joy.


When landing, the electronic scale was stepped on and exploded.

Lu Huashan, "..."

Blushing, he looked around, but fortunately, it was in his apartment, no one saw it.

Otherwise, where to put your face.

When he went to the studio the next day, Xu Jiayang came to face him and stared at Lu Huashan for several seconds.

Lu Huashan looked a little uncomfortable with the inquiring eyes, "Xu...Director Xu."

Although she is a star, because she is too fat and ugly, few people will stare at her.

Such focused eyes made her very awkward.

"Shanshan, are you losing weight?" Xu Jiayang asked.

Lu Huashan couldn't react, "Am I losing weight?"

Xu Jiayang nodded, "I have lost weight and my complexion has improved."

Lu Huashan was overjoyed. Every time she saw someone, she would ask her if she had lost weight.

This excites her who has been fat for twenty-four years.

So he quickly picked up a big bag of snacks and went to Xia Weibao.

In the past two days, she paid attention and found that Xia Weibao liked snacks very much.

Sure enough, Xia Weibao saw the big bag, immediately like a fly saw shit...Bah!

A little more elegant, Shit Kelang pounced upon seeing it.

Accepting bribes, ah no, accepting snacks, the genius doctor Xia seemed very sick.

She swiftly prescribed a weight-loss prescription and took a bottle of ointment to Lu Huashan.

"I have checked what hormones are. As long as the discharge is clean, weight loss will be very fast.

So this ointment should be applied to the whole body sooner or later, otherwise you will lose weight and your skin will relax. "

"Then how long will it take me to lose weight?"

"About two months."

Lu Huashan's eyes widened, right?

Four hundred catties, two months?

"I mean, losing to double-digit weight..."

"About two months, not more than three months, you have to believe me, I think my palace..."

Xia Weibao paused, almost overwhelmed and said that he had missed his mouth.

"Anyway, you can just do what I said. By the way, you have to keep exercising and eat regularly. If you don't eat enough, you can lose weight."

Lu Huashan was speechless, "This sentence was said by a lazy person."

If you are full, you will lose weight.

"You are puffy, pinch it yourself, flesh and blood are empty, listen to me, let you eat it."

As Xia Weibao said, he took a package of spicy sticks and prepared to give it to Lu Huashan, and was a little bit reluctant.

So I picked it up and gave her a candy, "eat it."

Lu Huashan, "..."

If I ask you to eat such a big bag, will you give me a candy? !

Forget it, don't care about her.

Turning his head, he carefully observed Xia Weibao's face.

She is really beautiful, her character is also very bold, and her acting skills are even more speechless.

Maybe it is too good, so it is easy to be jealous.

But after getting along, you will find that Xia Weibao is actually a very good person, especially suitable for being friends.

Lu Huashan put her cheeks in her hands, "I wish you were my family."

This woman is so perfect, she is going to be a fan.

Suddenly, when she thought of something, her eyes lit up, "Baby, why don't you be my sister-in-law."

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