Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1203: Enter Hollywood 1

Lu Hualiang woke up suddenly.

He lowered his head subconsciously and looked at the woman lying in his arms.

Xia Weibao slept very deeply, even if he made such a big move, she still did not wake up.

She used to sleep very lightly. Sometimes when he accidentally touched her, she would suddenly wake up and kick him out of bed.

Since when, she has been beside him, sleeping soundly?

It seems that after they have the reality of their husband and wife...

Without disturbing her sleep, Lu Hualiang breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his brows.

No sleep anymore.

Looking sideways at her face, thinking about the scene in the dream just now.

In his dream, he dreamed of a bride wearing a red phoenix crown.

And that woman's face looks exactly like her!

As for men...

Lu Hualiang's eyebrows were tightly twisted together, very fuzzy.

In the next few days, Lu Hualiang would visit the class, watching the familiar scenes, the familiarity became more and more heavier.

Xia Weibao was very happy. This drama was of great significance to her. It was the past between her and Emperor Xia Liang. Naturally, I hope he can accompany her to film.

And Han Luoqi was miserable, feeling a steel knife resting on his neck every day.

Having been filming for so many years, this is definitely the most stressful one he has filmed!

Until the filming of the show came to an end, Lu Hualiang finally stopped coming.

He is very busy. During this time, he has been running to the crew every day, and he has accumulated a lot of work.

He didn't come to visit the class anymore. Xia Weibao was still a little uncomfortable for a while, but he adjusted quickly.

The important shots are almost finished, and there are some simpler shots left, and she is also much easier.

Time was empty and people relaxed, and suddenly remembered that the twenty killers Lu Changcheng had sent to kill her had run away!

The one billion Lu Changcheng was arrested without giving money. Although distressed, there was no way.

But she forgot about the appointment on the 7th day. Those people didn't take the initiative to contact her to ask for a beating, but ran out of the country, which made her very angry.

Don't let her see those assassins again, otherwise we will meet and fight once!

Xia Weibao suffocated his stomach and returned to the company, and found that Xia Shi was sitting on the sofa in Leng Yan's office, lost consciousness with a script in his hand.

Xia Weibao walked over and stood beside Xia Shi for almost a minute, but Xia Shi didn't even notice her coming.

Looking suspiciously at Leng Yan, she asked with her eyes, what's wrong with Sister Xia Shi?

Leng Yan spread his hands, "She has been doing this for ten minutes."

"What's going on." Xia Weibao asked.

"I don't know, she just said to help you pick the script, see what play you want to pick up, and then watch it and that's it."

Xia Weibao frowned, craned her neck and glanced at the script in Xia Shi's hand.

In an instant, he took a breath of air, "This is... the script of "Round Game"?!"

"The Game in the Game" is about choosing actors in China. She heard Xu Jiayang raise a mouth a few days ago.

But Xu Jiayang was only hearsay, and there was no definite news.

So she didn't care, she didn't expect that the script had been delivered to Xia Shi!

The script of "The Game in the Game" is a script written by a famous Hollywood director who has spent several years working hard.

Everyone said that Xu Jiayang is the most powerful director in the China Entertainment industry. The first film he made had a box office of more than 100 million yuan. The only director in China to win the Oscar for Best Director, countless popular artists.

Indeed, Xu Jiayang's achievements in the film industry are obvious to all, and everyone looks up to it.

However, there is another Chinese director who is more terrifying than Xu Jiayang!

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