Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1216: The whole world does it for Xia Weibao

Xia Shi finished speaking and turned to go out.

"Shishi, Shishi." Zhai En hurriedly chased out, hatefully wearing a bathrobe, standing at the door, watching her disappear in the corner.

He gritted his teeth bitterly, turned back to the room, and was about to change his clothes to chase after him, when the phone rang.

Anxious to chase his wife, where is there any thought to answer the phone.

However, the phone stopped and rang again perseveringly.

Zhai En swept up the phone with an uncomfortable expression and glanced at the caller ID, it turned out to be Xu Jiayang.

Press the answer button, "Xu Jiayang, what can I do!"

This fire-breathing tone made Xu Jiayang startled, "Did you eat gunpowder early in the morning?"

"Just say something, I'm very busy!"

Zhai En turned on the hands-free and threw the phone on the table, just hitting a ring.

That was the ring he personally brought to Zhong Shixia last night...

Zhai En's eyes were stinging, and his face was a little pale.

She actually left the ring...

The lingering ears and temples that were so intimate last night were so lingering, and I got up early in the morning to get rid of the relationship.

Is it true that in her eyes, the love of last night was a deal?

Unspoken rules, this word is really ironic.

Five years ago, she joked that the relationship between them was like unspoken rules. He was the director and she was the actor. He happened to write the script for her.

She joked that she was like a character who could sleep with her.

He didn't know whether it was her joke or his true thoughts, so he immediately bought a ring to propose.

Fearing that those words would misunderstand her last night, he put the ring on her.

Now it was returned. Is this showing her attitude?

It's just a deal, don't take it seriously.

do you mean this.

Zhai En looked in a trance and felt very uncomfortable.

Xu Jiayang's voice kept coming from the phone, "Zhai En, Zhai En, are you dead? Two calls without death, Zhai En."

"Still, what are you looking for me."

Zhai En recovered, suppressed the pain in his heart, and continued to wear clothes.

It doesn't matter, he was sorry for her five years ago, she should be angry.

As long as people find it, they can slowly coax them back.

He is patient and coaxes her for a lifetime!

"What's going on with Xia Weibao?" Xu Jiayang asked.

Why is Xia Weibao again? Zhai En was a little unhappy.

What magic power does that woman have, his women, brothers, all came to him for her.

"What's the matter, she's something to me, and I don't know her."

"You repented with this, but it hurt her a lot, Zhai En, I didn't ask you anything, but can you please give Xia Weibao the role this time? She is more suitable for acting as a poem than Qiao Yuchu."

"I see, I will send the contract in a few days."

Does he dare to regret it?

If this role is really given to Qiao Yuchu, then he and Zhong Shixia are really over.

And he never thought about giving Qiao Yuchu to him, but it was just an expedient measure to force Zhong Shixia to come to him.

"Thanks, I owe you a favor." Xu Jiayang said.

"It's okay, it's okay to hang up, I'm very busy." Zhai En said impatiently, picking up the tie and tying it himself.

I really miss the days when Zhong Shixia helped her tie her tie.

When the matter was settled, Xu Jiayang relaxed and talked about everyday life in a leisurely manner.

"You just arrived in the imperial city last night, so don't take a good rest. What you rushed to do early in the morning, by the way, have you met Xia Shi."

"Xia Shi?" Zhai En reacted in two seconds. Xia Shi is Zhong Shixia.

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