Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1224: Niang Niang angry scumbag 3

After get off work in the evening, Xia Weibao called Daji on the way back.

Check where Xia Shi was last night.

The news of Daji came in before he returned to Lu Yuan.

Xia Shi didn't go home last night, I don't know where she went.

Xia Weibao's complexion changed.

Is it true that you made a boyfriend and spent the night at your boyfriend's house last night?


A phone call came over, "Daji, you can check which hotel Director Zhai En is staying in, and then check the hotel's surveillance last night to see if anyone has entered his room."

She did not go home either, and parked the car on the side of the road, waiting for news.

After half an hour, Daji called.

"Stayed at the Imperial City Hotel. At around 8 o'clock last night, a woman in a camel coat and a mask came into his room and didn't come out until morning."

Xia Weibao's complexion changed drastically!

Camel coat, Xia Shi wore a camel coat yesterday and today!

"Cut me a picture of that woman."


After speaking, there was a message reminder with a ding of the phone, Xia Weibao clicked on it, and instantly became furious!

"Damn! Dare to move the woman in this palace!"

As soon as Zhai En returned to the hotel, he was hesitating to find Xia Shi when the doorbell rang.

He frowned, then beamed with joy.

Except for the assistant and Xia Shi, no one knew that he lived here.

Assistants don’t usually come to him at this time, so there is only...

Zhai En couldn't wait to die... Ah no, he couldn't wait to open the door.

When the door opened, I saw a gentle and charming oriental woman standing at the door, looking at him with a smile.

Zhai En was first amazed by the woman in front of him, and then startled, a little familiar.

"Xia Weibao?"

He has watched Xia Weibao's movies. Isn't the woman in front of him the same Xia Weibao, but she in reality is more beautiful than in the movies.

At the moment when he saw Xia Weibao, Zhai En found that she was completely in line with Mu Shi's appearance!

The empress smiled, charming and dangerous, "Knowing who I am, it seems that you are Director Zhai En."

"Yes, I am Zhai En, if you want to come and talk to me about movies... Damn! What are you doing!"

Before Zhai Enfang finished speaking, he saw a fist hit him.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, this punch would be enough to beat him into a cyclops!

Looking at Xia Weibao, whose face suddenly changed in front of him, Zhai En sank his face, "Xia Weibao, what do you mean!"

Don't think that he wants her to be the heroine for Xia Shi's face, and she can do whatever she wants!

"What did you do to Xia Shi last night!" Xia Weibao said, kicking his foot toward his crotch.

However, it was blocked again.

Zhai En's face became more ugly.

Xia Weibao pressed Liu Mei, "You can martial arts?"

Zhai En smiled coldly, "I forgot to tell you, my family has a gangster background...Ah!"

The empress's fist struck out like a tiger, punched the person into the room, and slammed the door.

Martial arts is better, she hasn't defended herself for a long time!

Xia Shi felt uneasy since she got off work, and her right eyelid kept beating.

When I returned home, my heart became more and more chaotic, and I always felt something big happened.

She had this kind of emotional irritability, five years ago.

That time, Zhai En lost half of his life.

This time I felt more uneasy than five years ago. Could it be that something happened to him again?

Keep telling yourself not to worry about him, they have nothing to do.

However, my heart became more and more disturbed, fidgeting.

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