Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1227: Hit internal injuries!

In the end, the empress left by herself.

It just doesn't feel right.

Is Xia Shi and Zhai En a boyfriend?

Why is it so mysterious.

Zhai En has immigrated abroad since he was a child. It seems that he has never been to China, right?

Xia Shi was just a martial artist before, shouldn't he have left China?

Two people who are unrelated to each other can't be linked together.

However, Xia Shi's worried eyes are not fake, she should love Zhai En deeply.

And Zhai En was about to be killed. Such a big hatred, because Xia Shi did not pursue it, he should also love Xia Shi very much.

Since the two really love each other, they should not be faked.

Xia Weibao wanted to find out about Xia Shi and Zhai En, but felt that this was not good.

Everyone has their own private space, and no one wants to show themselves in front of others like a transparent person, even good friends.

After struggling for a while, Xia Weibao put the phone away and didn't let Daji check it.

Going home and loving my husband, I defended myself again tonight, refreshed!

In the presidential suite, Xia Shi helped Zhai En onto the sofa and pursed her lips, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhai En wanted to say, no, the big man can't die after being beaten a few times, so he doesn't need to go to the hospital.

However, Xia Weibao is not a woman, so it is too cruel!

He felt that he was about to bleed internally and his internal organs would be broken!

If you don't go to the hospital to check it, I guess it won't work.

Can only give up the two-person world and go to the hospital.

Underwent a full-body examination, moderate internal injury, three broken ribs, and slight internal bleeding.

Xia Shi took a breath. She felt that she didn't know enough about Xia Weibao.

At the same time, she felt a little timid, Xia Weibao was really venting her anger.

Knowing that she was bullied, even going to beat people even if she broke the law!

Zhai En was so angry that he wanted to pinch Xia Weibao to death!

Damn, it's still not a woman, what a cruel move!

The injury was too serious and I was going to be hospitalized.

Zhai En held Xia Shi's hand and said, "Stay with me tonight."

Xia Shi's face was cold and did not respond.

"Shishi, I am injured and have no relatives in China. Do you have the heart to leave me in the hospital alone? What if I have an accident tonight."

Xia Shi's expression changed, but she returned to normal soon, she didn't want to involve him too much.

The two had done something like that last night, and if they stayed with him tonight, they would really be inseparable.

So she chilled, "Let Qiao Yuchu come to accompany you."

"Why should I let her accompany you?" Zhai En's eyes fell cold, and he was instantly unhappy.

Amidst the unhappiness, there are also hidden worries.

He stared at Xia Shi's face nervously, there was something, hesitated to tell her in advance.

It's just that she hasn't forgiven him yet, if she said it, she might be over.

Forget it, don't talk about it, she probably won't know those things.

He will handle it.

"Shishi, can you just stay here? You see that I have been hurt so badly, and I can't do anything to you."

Xia Shi remained cold, did not agree, but did not refuse either.

Zhai Enquan regarded her as acquiescence.

"Shishi, can you help me get some hot water? I want to drink water."

Xia Shi went to open the water blankly.

As she was leaving, Zhai En called a nurse and joined the two beds in the room.

When Xia Shi came back, she almost died of anger!

Originally there were two beds in the room, and she could sleep another one at night, but now he has two beds together. How would she sleep!

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