Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1231: Coax his wife to kill 3

Xia Shi burst into tears.

She just talked casually.

At that time, he accompanied her to watch the dog-blood idol drama, and saw the male protagonist holding a bunch of roses waiting downstairs in a snowy night all night, begging the female protagonist to forgive him.

She felt very romantic, so she said casually, if one day he irritated her, he would give her such a show, maybe she would calm down.

Who knew he would be so stupid.

Why, she has already made up her mind to leave him, why should she appear in front of her.

Why entangled.

Why don't you let her go...

People have fainted, and now it is night again. There are already few people in winter nights, and rainy nights are even more empty.

In such a cold day, everyone hides at home to keep warm and watch TV.

There was no way to ask for help, Xia Shi could only carry him on his back and walked home with difficulty.

She is very thin, and it is very difficult to carry a big man of more than 100 kilograms.

Both of them were soaked.

Xia Shi threw him on the sofa, and she shivered with cold, let alone Zhai En, who had been standing outside for a long time.

Fortunately, the heating was just turned on and the room was warm.

First, I changed into a clean set of clothes, my hair was wrapped up at random, and I didn't care about drying it.

She called hot water to help him wipe his body, but found that his hands and feet were cold, but his face was astonishingly hot!

After measuring the temperature, it has a fever of forty degrees!

Xia Shi was shocked, with a fever of forty degrees!

Wouldn't it be a fool?

She could not take him to the hospital alone, and it is probably too late to take him to the hospital.

After thinking about it, I called Xia Weibao.

She knew about Xia Weibao's medical skills.

Although Xia Weibao said that this matter should be kept secret, shouldn't he be afraid if he comes to help Zhai En take a look?

She has no outsiders here.

When the Queen Empress received the call, she was playing games.

It was uncomfortable to be interrupted to play the game, but when she heard the panic in Xia Shi's voice, she thought that something was going on, and instantly threw the game out of the sky.

Xia Shi didn't say anything on the phone, only that there was something to ask her for help, so that she could come over.

After all, she had just had a fight last night, and she was afraid that if she said that she was seeing a doctor for Zhai En, Xia Weibao would sneer and tell him to die soon.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Weibao hurriedly changed clothes and ran to the bathroom door.

Shouted to Lu Hualiang who was still taking a bath, "Husband, I have to go out beforehand and come back soon."

The sound of water inside stopped, "Where to go."

"It's my agent, she has something to ask me, soon."

After speaking, he ran away.

Lu Hualiang frowned, agent?

To work overtime so late?

His face sank, it seems that he wants to discuss with Leng Yan, and prevent his wife from working overtime in the future!

Xia Shi quickly wiped Zhai En's body with hot water. She didn't have a man's clothes here, so she could only put a bathrobe on him.

Her bathrobe, he was still very small, a bit funny, but he couldn't control that much.

Just wrap it up.

After changing clothes, put the person back on the bed and lie down, and put the quilt on.

Put another ice pack on his forehead to physically cool down.

Throw their wet clothes into the washing machine in twos or twos, and wash their underwear by hand.

Looking at the man's underpants, she realized it later, God!

She actually stripped him naked just now!

I was too anxious and didn't have so much thought, now my face was flushed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, which shocked Xia Shi even more.

She quickly threw her clothes aside, and then went to open the door.

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